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  1. By: Labillardière, Jacques Julien Houton de,
    Edition: 2d ed.
    Publication info: London, Printed for B. Uphill, 1802
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: 1737-1793  1741-1788  chevalier d',  comte de,  Description and travel  Entrecasteaux, Antoine Raymond Joseph de Bruni,  La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup,  Natural history  Oceania  Voyages and travels  
  2. By: Wild, John James
    Publication info: London ; Belfast, M. Ward and Co, 1878
    Holding Institution: Museums Victoria
    Subjects: Challenger (Ship)  Challenger Expedition (1872-1876)  Voyages and travels
    BHL Collections: BHL Australia | Museums Victoria
  3. By: Mackinnon, Lauchlan Bellingham,
    Publication info: New York, Harper & Brothers, 1852
    Holding Institution: University of Pittsburgh Library System
    Subjects: Description and travel  Falkland Islands  Hunting  Plank roads  United States  Voyages and travels  West Indies  
  4. By: Kaltbrunner, David, - Kollbrunner, Emil,
    Publication info: Zürich, J. Wurster, 1883
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Handbooks, manuals, etc  Scientific Expeditions  Voyages and travels
  5. By: Haberlandt, Gottlieb,
    Publication info: Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1893
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: India  Indonesia  Java  Plants  Voyages and travels
  6. By: Senior, William,
    Publication info: London, Chatto and Windus, 1877
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Fishing  Natural history  Outdoor books  Voyages and travels  
  7. By: Teyler's Stichting, Haarlem. Bibliotheek - Teyler's Stichting, Haarlem. Museum. Bibliotheek - Bohnensieg, G. C. W. (Georg Carl Wilhelm), - Ekama, Cornelis, - Verwijnen, J. J.
    Publication info: Harlem, Héritiers Loosjes, 1885-
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Bibliography  Catalogs  Classical literature  Science  Voyages and travels  
  8. By: Willemoes-Suhm, Rudolf von,
    Publication info: Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1877
    Holding Institution: MBLWHOI Library
    Subjects: Challenger (Ship)  Voyages and travels  
  9. By: Tissot, Victor, - Améro, Constant.
    Publication info: Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1884
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Voyages and travels
  10. By: Lemmon, Sara Allen Plummer,
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    Subjects: (Charles Christopher),  (John Gill),  (Sara Allen),  1809-1884  1823-1890  1832-1908  1836-1923  1843-1915  Botanical specimens  Collection and preservation  Correspondence  Engelmann, George,  Greene, Edward Lee,  Lemmon, J. G  Letters  Parry, C. C  Plummer, Sara A  Voyages and travels
    BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
  11. By: Osbeck, Pehr,
    Publication info: Stockholm, Tryckt hos Lor. Ludv. Grefing, 1757
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    Subjects: Botany  China  Plants  Voyages and travels  
  12. By: Jordan, David Starr,
    Publication info: Yonkers-on-Hudson, N. Y, World Book Co, 1922
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: 1851-1931  Autobiography  Biography  Educators  History  Ichthyologists  Jordan, David Starr,  Naturalists  Presidents  Stanford University  Travel  United States  Voyages and travels  
  13. By: Ellis, Frederick Startridge, - Huth, Henry,
    Publication info: [London?, s.n.], 1880
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: 1561-1623?  1815-1878  Bibliography  Bry, Johann Theodor de,  Huth, Henry,  Library  Voyages and travels
  14. By: Hakluyt, Richard, - Jones, John Winter, - Fahyan, Robert, - Thorne, Robert, - Verrazzano, Giovanni da, - Ribaut, Jean, - Hacket, Thomas, - Great Britain.
    Publication info: London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1850
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: 1474 (ca.)-1557  America  Cabot, Sebastian,  d. ca. 1395  d. ca. 1405  Discovery and exploration  Natural history  North America  Northwest Passage  Ontdekkingsreizen  Voyages and travels  Zeno, Antonio,  Zeno, Niccolò,  
  15. By: Dampier, William, - Wafer, Lionel,
    Publication info: Franckfurt und Leipzig, Bey Michael Rohrlachs seel. Wittib und Erben, Anno 1707
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Australia  Buccaneers  Canary Islands  Cape Verde  Description and travel  Discovery and exploration  Imprint 1707  Natural history  Salvador (Brazil)  Shark Bay (W.A.)  Voyages and travels  
  16. By: Whitecar, William B.
    Publication info: Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co.; [etc., etc.], 1860
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Sailors  Voyages and travels  Whaling  
  17. By: Colvocoresses, George M. (George Musalas), - Dill, Vincent,
    Publication info: New York, Cornish, Lamport & Co., Publishers, No. 8, Park Place, 1852
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: (1838-1842)  (George Musalas),  1816-1872  Antarctica  Colvocoresses, George M  Description and travel  Discovery and exploration  Hawaii  Northwest Coast of North America  Oceania  Pacific Coast (North America)  Scientific Expeditions  South America  Travel  United States Exploring Expedition  Voyages and travels  
  18. By: Colvocoresses, George M. (George Musalas),
    Edition: 2d ed.
    Publication info: New York, R.T. Young, 1853
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: (1838-1842)  United States Exploring Expedition  Voyages and travels  
  19. By: Colvocoresses, George Musalas,
    Edition: 5th ed.
    Publication info: New York, J. M. Fairchild & co, 1855
    Holding Institution: Columbia University Libraries
    Subjects: (1838-1842)  United States Exploring Expedition  Voyages and travels  
  20. Publication info: Kjøbenhavn, Fr. Wøldikes Forlag, 1865-1883
    Holding Institution: Harold B. Lee Library
    Subjects: Geography  Natural history  Periodicals  Voyages and travels  
  21. By: Humboldt, Alexander von, - Hauff, Hermann,
    Publication info: Stuttgart, J.G. Cotta, 1889]
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Cuba  Mexico  Science  Voyages and travels  
  22. Histoire générale des voyages, ou, Nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont été publiées jusqu'à present dans les différentes langues de toutes les nations connues : contenant ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable, de plus utile et de mieux averé dans les pays ou les voyageurs ont penetré : touchant leur situation, leur étendue, leurs limites, leurs divisions, leur climat, leur terroir, leurs productions, leurs lacs, leurs rivieres, leurs montagnes, leurs mines, leurs cités & leurs principales villes, leurs ports, leurs rades, leurs edifices, &c. : avec les moeurs et les usages des habitans, leur religion, leur gouvernement, leurs arts et leurs sciences, leur commerce et leurs manufactures : pour former un systéme complet d'histoire et de géographie moderne, qui representera l'état actuel de toutes les nations : enrichi de cartes géographiques nouvellement composées sur les observations les plus autentiques : de plans et de perspectives, de figures d'animaux, de végétaux, habits, antiquités, &c
    By: Prévost, abbé, - Deleyre, Alexandre, - Green, John, - Meusnier de Querlon, A.-G. (Anne-Gabriel), - Rousselot de Surgy, Jacques Philibert, - Chompré, Étienne Maurice,
    Publication info: A Paris, Chez Didot, libraire, 1746-1789
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Voyages and travels  
  23. By: Prévost, abbé,
    Edition: Nouvelle édition, revue sur les originaux des voyageurs, & où l'on a non-seulement fait des additions & des corrections très-considé rables, mais même ajouté plusieurs nouvelles cartes & figures, grav
    Publication info: A Amsterdam, Chez E. van Harrevelt & D.J. Changuion, 1777
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Arctic regions  Description and travel  Discovery and exploration  Lapland  Natural history  North America  Northeast Passage  Northwest Passage  Voyages and travels  
  24. By: Goodrich, Frank B. (Frank Boott), - Howland, Edward,
    Publication info: Guelph, Ontario, J.W. Lyon & Company, publishers, 1880
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Discoveries in geography  Voyages and travels
  25. By: Dampier, William, - Hacke, William. - Dampier, William, - Wood, John, Captain. - Sharpe, Bartholomew, - Cowley, William Ambrosia. - Robert, A.,
    Publication info: Franckfurth und Leipzig, Bey Michael Rohrlachs seel. Wittib und Erben, 1714
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Buccaneers  Description and travel  Discovery and exploration  Imprint 1714  Indonesia  Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina)  Middle East  Natural history  Pacific Ocean  Papua New Guinea  Voyages and travels  
  26. By: Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, - Phillip, William.
    Publication info: Printed at London, By Iohn Wolfe, [1598]
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: America  Brazil  Discovery and exploration  Early works to 1800  Voyages and travels  
  27. By: Howell, H. Spencer (Henry Spencer),
    Publication info: Toronto, Hart & Riddell, 1892
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
    Subjects: 1892  canimp  Description and travel  Hawaii  Voyages and travels  
  28. By: Porter, David, - Inskeep, A. H. (Abraham Hulings), - Greenleaf, Oliver Cromwell, - Maxwell, James, - Palmer, George, - Wood, Joseph, - Porter, David, - Adams, D. P. (David Phineas), - Edwin, David, - Kneass, William, - Strickland, William, - Bradford, Samuel F. (Samuel Fisher), - Bradford and Inskeep - William Essex and Son,
    Publication info: Philadelphia, published by Bradford and Inskeep; and Abraham H. Inskeep, New-York; and for sale by O.C. Greenleaf, Boston; and William Essex and Son, Lexington, Ken. G. Palmer, printer, 1815
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: 1780-1843  Brazil  Cabo Verde  Description and travel  Essex (Frigate)  Galapagos Islands  History  Intaglio prints  Maps  Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)  Naval operations  Nuka Hiva (French Polynesia)  Pacific Coast (Latin America)  Porter, David,  Portraits  Travel  United States  Voyages and travels  War of 1812  
  29. By: Porter, David,
    Edition: Second edition.
    Publication info: New-York, Wiley & Halsted, 1822
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Essex (Frigate)  Voyages and travels
  30. By: White, John, - Stone, Sarah
    Publication info: London, Printed for J. Debrett, 1790
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    Subjects: Australia  Description and travel  Discovery and exploration  Early works  Early works to 1800  Natural history  New South Wales  Travel  Voyages and travels
    BHL Collections: Women in Natural History
  31. By: Merriman, C C
    Publication info: Rochester, N.Y, J. J. Withall, 1885
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Literature  Science  Voyages and travels  
  32. By: Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of,
    Publication info: London, John Murray, 1857
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Arctic regions  Description and travel  Foam (Schooner)  Iceland  Jan Mayen Island  Svalbard (Norway)  Voyages and travels  
  33. By: Iselin, Columbus O'Donnell,
    Publication info: New York, Privately printed at the Gilliss Press, 1927
    Holding Institution: MBLWHOI Library
    Subjects: Chance (Schooner)  Voyages and travels  
  34. By: Sommer, Johann Gottfried,
    Publication info: Amsterdam, Ten Brink & De Fries, 1825
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  35. By: Sommer, Johann Gottfried,
    Publication info: Amsterdam, Ten Brink & De Fries, 1825
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  36. By: Abel, Clarke, - Brown, Robert,
    Publication info: London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1818
    Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, London
    Subjects: Cape of Good Hope, South Africa  China  Flora  Geology  Java, Indonesia  Natural history  new species  St. Helena  Voyages and travels  
  37. By: King, Philip Parker, - Brown, Robert, - Cunningham, Allan, - Fitton, William Henry, - Gray, John Edward - Macleay, William Sharp, - Vigors, N. A.‏ ‎ (Nicholas Aylward),‏ ‎
    Publication info: London, John Murray, 1827
    Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, London
    Subjects: Australia  Discovery and exploration  Early 19th century  Natural history  Voyages and travels
  38. By: Paterson, William,
    Publication info: London, J. Johnson, 1789
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: 1755-1810  Cape of Good Hope  Cape of Good Hope (South Africa)  Description and travel  Early works to 1800  Paterson, William,  South Africa  Travel  Voyages and travels
  39. By: Morrell, Benjamin,
    Publication info: New-York, Harper & Brothers, 1841
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: 1795-1839  Discoveries in geography  Morrell, Benjamin,  Voyages and travels
  40. By: Wörishöffer, S. (Sophie), - Hammonia (Ship)
    Edition: 4. Aufl.
    Publication info: Bielefeld, Velhagen & Klasing, 1888
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Africa  Description and travel  East Indies  Geography  Inscriptions (Provenance)  Natural history  Oceania  Pictorial works  Voyages and travels  
  41. Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca, or, A complete collection of voyages and travels : consisting of above six hundred of the most authentic writers, beginning with Hackluit, Purchass, &c. in English; Ramusio, Alamandini, Carreri, &c. in Italian; Thevenot, Renaudot, Labat, &c. in French; De Brye, Grynaeus, Maffeus, &c. in Latin; Herrera, Oviedo, Coreal, &c. in Spanish; and the voyages under the direction of the East-India Company in Holland, in Dutch : together with such other histories, voyages, travels, or discoveries, as are in general esteem; whether published in English, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, High and Low Dutch, or in any other European language : containing whatever has been observed worthy of notice in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America : in respect to the extent and situation of empires, kingdoms, provinces, &c. : the climate, soil, and produce, whether animal, vegetable, or mineral, of each country : likewise the religion, manners, and customs of the several inhabitants, their government, arts and sciences, publick buildings, mountains, rivers, harbours, &c. : illustrated by proper charts, maps, and cuts : to which is prefixed a copious introduction, comprehending the rise and progress of the art of navigation, and its successive improvements : together with the invention and use of the loadstone, and its variation : originally published in two volumes in folio
    By: Harris, John, - Campbell, John, - Kitchin, Thomas, - Bowen, Emanuel, - Gucht, Michael van der,
    Edition: Now carefully revised, with large additions, and continued down to the present time; including particular accounts of the manufactures and commerce of each country
    Publication info: London, Printed for T. Woodward, A. Ward, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, H. Whitridge, S. Austen, J. Hodges, J. Robinson, B. Dod, T. Harris, J. Hinton, and J. Rivington, M.DCC.XLIV-M.DCC.XLVIII [1744-1748]
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Africa  America  Asia  Discoveries in geography  Discovery and exploration  Early works to 1800  Navigation  Voyages and travels  
  42. By: Pallas, Peter Simon,
    Publication info: St. Petersburg [Leningrad] und Leipzig, Bey Johann Zacharias Logan, 1793
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  43. By: Pallas, Peter Simon,
    Publication info: St. Petersburg [Leningrad] und Leipzig, Bey Johann Zacharias Logan, 1793
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  44. By: Pallas, Peter Simon,
    Publication info: St. Petersburg [Leningrad] und Leipzig, Bey Johann Zacharias Logan, 1796
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  45. By: Pallas, Peter Simon,
    Publication info: St. Petersburg [Leningrad] und Leipzig, Bey Johann Zacharias Logan, 1781
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  46. By: Pallas, Peter Simon,
    Publication info: St. Petersburg [Leningrad] und Leipzig, Bey Johann Zacharias Logan, 1782
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  47. By: Pallas, Peter Simon,
    Publication info: St. Petersburg [Leningrad] und Leipzig, Bey Johann Zacharias Logan, 1781
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  48. By: Pallas, Peter Simon,
    Publication info: St. Petersburg [Leningrad] und Leipzig, Bey Johann Zacharias Logan, 1783
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  49. By: Dampier, William,
    Publication info: Leipzig, Verlegts Michael Rohrlachs seel. Wittib und Erben, 1708
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Buccaneers  Description and travel  Imprint 1708  Latin America  Natural history  Tides  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  Winds  
  50. By: Wafer, Lionel, - Davis, Edward, - Savage, John,
    Edition: The second edition. To which are added, the natural history of those parts, by a Fellow of the Royal Society, and Davis's expedition to the gold mines, in 1702. Illustrated with several copper-plates.
    Publication info: London, Printed for James Knapton, 1704
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Cuna language  Description and travel  Early works to 1800  Glossaries, vocabularies, etc  Indians of Central America  Natural history  Panama  Voyages and travels
  51. By: Dampier, William,
    Edition: The fourth edition corrected.
    Publication info: London, printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St Pauls Church-Yard, M DC XCIX. [1699]
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: 1699  Buccaneers  Catalogues, Booksellers  Description and travel  Great Britain  Imprint 1699  Latin America  Natural history  Tides  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  Winds  
  52. By: Moseley, H. N. (Henry Nottidge),
    Publication info: London, Macmillan and co, 1879
    Holding Institution: MBLWHOI Library
    Subjects: Challenger (Ship)  Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  53. By: Kingsley, G. H. (George Henry), - Kingsley, Mary Henrietta,
    Publication info: London, Macmillan, 1900
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: Hunting  Voyages and travels
  54. By: Dampier, William, - Halley, Edmond, - Hacke, William. - Dampier, William, - Dampier, William, - Wafer, Lionel, - Wood, John, Captain. - Sharpe, Bartholomew, - Cowley, William Ambrosia. - Robert, A., - Robert, A., zoologist.
    Publication info: A Rouen, Chez Jean-Baptiste Machuel, ruë Etoupée, M. DCC. XXIII. [1723]
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Australia  Buccaneers  Cabo Verde  Campeche, Bay of (Mexico)  Canary Islands  Description and travel  Discovery and exploration  East Indies  Imprint 1723  Indonesia  Latin America  Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina)  Mexico  Middle East  Natural history  Ocean currents  Pacific Ocean  Papua New Guinea  Salvador (Brazil)  Shark Bay (W.A.)  Tides  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  West Indies  Winds  
  55. By: Labat, Jean Baptiste, - Delespine, Ch. Jean-Bapt., - Sornique, J.,
    Edition: Nouvelle edition augmentée considérablement, & enrichie de figures en tailles-douces.
    Publication info: A Paris, au palais, Chez Theodore le Gras, 1742
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Description and travel  Early works to 1800  Natural history  Pre-Linnean works  Voyages and travels  West Indies, French
  56. By: Kotzebue, Otto von, - Chamisso, Adelbert von, - Eschscholtz, Johann Friedrich, - Engelhardt, Maurits van.
    Publication info: Amsterdam, J. van der Hey, 1822
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Diseases and hygiene  Natural history  Rurick (Ship)  Seamen  Voyages and travels  
  57. By: Creech, J. L. (John Lewis), - United States. Agricultural Research Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in cooperation with Longwood Gardens of the Longwood Foundation, Inc, 1966
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Botany  Japan  Plant introduction  Plants, Ornamental  Voyages and travels
  58. By: Humboldt, Alexander von, - Bonpland, Aimé, - Williams, Helen Maria,
    Edition: Third edition.
    Publication info: London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1822
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Description and travel  Natural history  Scientific Expeditions  South America  Voyages and travels
  59. By: Humboldt, Alexander von, - Bonpland, Aimé, - Williams, Helen Maria,
    Publication info: London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1814-1826
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Description and travel  Scientific Expeditions  South America  Voyages and travels
  60. By: Humboldt, Alexander von, - Bonpland, Aimé, - Williams, Helen Maria,
    Publication info: London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1814-1829
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Description and travel  Elevations (Orthographic projections)  Maps  Natural history  Scientific Expeditions  South America  Tables (Data)  Voyages and travels
    BHL Collections: Earth Optimism
  61. By: Humboldt, Alexander von, - Williams, Helen Maria,
    Publication info: London, G. Bell, 1877
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: 1773-1858  Bonpland, Aimé,  Description and travel  Natural history  Scientific Expeditions  South America  Voyages and travels  
  62. By: Humboldt, Alexander von, - Bonpland, Aimé, - Ross, Thomasina, Miss,
    Publication info: London, Bohn, 1852-53
    Holding Institution: Boston College Libraries
    Subjects: Description and travel  Natural history  Scientific Expeditions  South America  Voyages and travels  
  63. By: Humboldt, Alexander von, - Bonpland, Aimé, - Williams, Helen Maria,
    Edition: Second edition.
    Publication info: London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1822
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Description and travel  Natural history  Scientific Expeditions  South America  Voyages and travels
  64. By: Oliveira Martins, J. P. (Joaquim Pedro), - Martins, Francisco De Assis De Oliveira.
    Publication info: Lisboa, Parceria A. M. Pereira, 1924
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Subjects: Armada  Commerce  Discoveries in geography  Fisheries  History  Portugal  Portuguese  Voyages and travels  
  65. By: Hakluyt, Richard,
    Publication info: Glasgow, J. MacLehose and sons, 1903-05
    Holding Institution: MBLWHOI Library
    Subjects: Voyages and travels  
  66. By: North, Marianne, - Symonds, Janet Catherine North,
    Publication info: London, Macmillan, 1893
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
    Subjects: 1830-1890  Autobiographies  Botany  Electronic books  History  North, Marianne,  Plants  Voyages and travels  Women  
    BHL Collections: Women in Natural History
  67. By: Ellis, Henry, - Haller, Albrecht von,
    Publication info: Goettingen, verlegts Abram Vandenhoeck, 1750
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Arctic regions  Description and travel  Hudson Bay  Natural history  Northwest Passage  Voyages and travels  
  68. By: La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, - Académie des sciences (France)
    Publication info: A Paris, chez la veuve Pissot, quay de Conti, a la Croix d'Or, M. DCC. XLV. [1745]
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Amazon River  Brazil  Description and travel  Ecuador  Imprint 1745  Peru  Scientific Expeditions  Voyages and travels  
  69. By: Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, - Phélypeaux, Louis, compte de Pontchartrain, - Fontenelle, (Bernard Le Bovier), M. de
    Publication info: Lyon, Chez Anisson et Posuel, 1717
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    Subjects: 1656-1708  Description and travel  Middle East  Natural history  Plants  Pre-Linnean works  Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de,  Travel literature  Voyages and travels  
  70. By: Thévenot, Melchisédec, - Moette, Thomas,
    Edition: Novvelle edition / augmentée de plusieurs relations curieuses.
    Publication info: A Paris, Chez Thomas Moette Libraire, ruë de la vieille Bouclerie, à saint Alexis, M. DC. XCVI. [1696]
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Early works to 1800  Imprint 1672  Natural history  Voyages and travels
  71. By: Mcclean, N. B.
    Publication info: Ottawa, King's Printer, 1928
    Holding Institution: University of British Columbia Library
    Subjects: Canada  Scientific Expeditions  Voyages and travels  
  72. By: Schley, Winfield S. - Greely, A. W. (Adolphus Washington),
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, Government Printer, 1887
    Holding Institution: Cornell University Library
    Subjects: Arctic regions  Canada  Scientific Expeditions  Voyages and travels  
  73. By: Gosselman, Karl August,
    Publication info: Stockholm, 1833
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Description and travel  Voyages and travels  West Indies  
  74. By: Thunberg, Carl Peter, - Ahl, Jonas Niclas,
    Publication info: Upsala, Tryckt hos directeur. Joh. Edman, 1788-1793
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: 1743-1828  Description and travel  Early works to 1800  Europe  Japan  Java (Indonesia)  South Africa  Sri Lanka  Thunberg, Carl Peter,  Travel  Voyages and travels  
  75. By: Whymper, Frederick
    Publication info: London, Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [1877-80]
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Adventure and adventurers  Arctic regions  Ocean  Voyages and travels  
  76. By: Whymper, Frederick
    Publication info: London, Cassel, Petter, Galpin, [1880?]
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Adventure and adventurers  Ocean  Voyages and travels  
  77. By: Buxton, Edward North,
    Publication info: London, E. Stanford, 1892
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Hunting  Voyages and travels  
  78. By: Brooke, Victor Alexander, - Stephen, Oscar Leslie,
    Publication info: London, Murray, 1894
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Hunting  Voyages and travels  
  79. By: Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. - Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse.
    Publication info: Wien, K.-K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei in Kommission bei A. Hölder,
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Botany  Geology  Periodicals  Physical geography  Voyages and travels
  80. By: Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, - Phillips, John, - Astracan (Pseudonym)
    Publication info: London, Printed for R.L. and M.P, 1678
    Holding Institution: United States Geological Survey Libraries Program
    Subjects: Description and travel  India  Iran  Turkey  Voyages and travels
    BHL Collections: Blog Features | Top BHL Partner Content
  81. By: Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, - Phillips, John,
    Publication info: London, Printed for R.L. and M.P, 1678
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Description and travel  India  Iran  Turkey  Voyages and travels
  82. By: Arago, Jacques, - Arago, F. (François),
    Edition: Nouv. éd. rev. et augm.
    Publication info: Paris, H. Lebrun, [1840?]
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Hunting  Voyages and travels
  83. By: Lewis, A. G.
    Publication info: London, T. F. Unwin, Ltd, [1915]
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Adventure and adventurers  Hunting  Voyages and travels  
  84. By: Seton-Karr, H. W. (Heywood Walter),
    Publication info: London, Chapman and Hall, 1889
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Fishing  Hunting  Voyages and travels  
  85. By: Nicoll, M. J. (Michael John), - Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of,
    Publication info: London, Witherby & Co, 1908
    Holding Institution: Cornell University Library
    Subjects: Birds  Scientific Expeditions  Valhalla (Yacht)  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  
  86. By: Nicoll, M. J. (Michael John), - Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of,
    Publication info: London, Witherby & Co, 1908
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Birds  Discovery and exploration  Scientific Expeditions  Valhalla (Yacht)  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  West Indies  
  87. By: Nicoll, M. J. (Michael John), - Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of,
    Publication info: London, Witherby & Co, 1908
    Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: 59.19  Birds  Scientific Expeditions  Valhalla (Yacht)  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  
  88. By: Nicoll, M. J. (Michael John), - Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of,
    Publication info: London, Witherby & co, 1908
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Birds  Scientific Expeditions  Valhalla (Yacht)  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  
  89. By: Nicoll, M. J. (Michael John), - Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of,
    Publication info: London, Witherby & Co, 1908
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Birds  Scientific Expeditions  Valhalla (Yacht)  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  
  90. By: Watson, Henry C. (Henry Clay),
    Publication info: Boston, Kelley & Brother, 1853
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Hunting  Voyages and travels  
  91. Publication info: Edinburgh, W. Blackwood and sons, [19--?]
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Adventure and adventurers  Hunting  Voyages and travels  
  92. By: Thâevenot, Jean de, - Lovell, Archibald
    Publication info: London, Printed by H. Clark, for H. Faithorne, J. Adamson, C. Skegnes, and T. Newborough, 1687
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Description and travel  India  Iran  Middle East  Voyages and travels
  93. By: King, William,
    Publication info: London, Printed for Bernard Lintott, 1709
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
    Subjects: 1660-1753  18th century  Electronic journals  Natural history  Periodicals  Philosophical transactions (Royal Society) x Satir  Satire  Satires  Science  Sir,  Sloane, Hans,  Voyages and travels  
  94. By: Galton, Francis, Sir, - Galton, Francis, Sir,
    Publication info: Cambridge, Macmillan, 1862 Macmillan; 1862
    Holding Institution: Museums Victoria
    Subjects: Voyages and travels
    BHL Collections: BHL Australia | Museums Victoria
  95. By: Humboldt, Alexander von, - Bonpland, Aimé, - Patterson, Jefferson, Mrs.
    Publication info: Paris, En Casa de Rosa, 1826
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Description and travel  Natural history  Scientific Expeditions  South America  Voyages and travels  
    BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
  96. By: Schouten, Wooter,
    Publication info: A Amsterdam, Aux dépens d'Estienne Roger Marchard, 1707
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Description and travel  Early works to 1800  East Indies  Indonesia  Malay Archipelago  Voyages and travels  
  97. By: White, John, - Pougens, Charles de,
    Publication info: A Paris, Chez Pougin, imprimeur-libraire, rue des Pères, no. 9, An 3 de la République, (1795, vieux style.)
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Australia  Description and travel  Imprint 1795  Natural history  New South Wales  Voyages and travels  
  98. By: Laval, Antoine Francois,
    Publication info: Paris, J. Mariette, 1728
    Holding Institution: University of Pittsburgh Library System
    Subjects: 1642-1727  Cuba  Description and travel  Louisiana  Newton, Isaac,  Provence  Refraction  Sir  Voyages and travels  West Indies, French
  99. By: Tachard, Guy, - Sevin, Pierre Paul, - Vermeulen, Cornelis, - Seneuse, Arnault, - Horthemels, Daniel,
    Publication info: A Paris, Chez [brace] Arnould Seneuze, ruë de la Harpe, à la Sphere et Daniel Horthemels, ruë de la Harpe, au Mécenas, M. DC. LXXXVI [1686]
    Holding Institution: Boston College Libraries
    Subjects: 1651-1712  Bookplates (Provenance)  Description and travel  Early works to 1800  Eastern Cape (South Africa)  Ink stamps (Provenance)  Java (Indonesia)  Jesuits  Journeys  Missions  Natural history  Tachard, Guy,  Thailand  Voyages and travels  
  100. By: Labillardière, Jacques Julien Houton de,
    Publication info: London, Printed for John Stockdale, 1800
    Holding Institution: University of Pittsburgh Library System
    Subjects: 1737-1793  1741-1788  chevalier d',  comte de,  Description and travel  Entrecasteaux, Antoine Raymond Joseph de Bruni,  La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup,  Natural history  Oceania  Voyages and travels  
  101. By: Porter, David,
    Publication info: London, Published by Sir Richard Phillips & Co, 1823
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Description and travel  Galapagos Islands  Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)  Pacific Ocean  Voyages and travels
  102. By: Le Guat, François, - Oliver, Samuel Pasfield,
    Publication info: London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1891
    Holding Institution: University of Pittsburgh Library System
    Subjects: Early works to 1800  Mascarene Islands  Natural history  Paleontology  Voyages and travels
  103. By: Le Guat, François, - Oliver, Samuel Pasfield,
    Publication info: London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1891
    Holding Institution: Duke University Libraries
    Subjects: Exploration literature  Mascarene Islands  Natural history  Paleontology  Travel literature  Utopias  Voyages and travels
  104. By: Eyries, J. B. B. (Jean Baptiste Benoît), - Boilly, Julien-Léopold,
    Publication info: Paris, Furne, 1839
    Holding Institution: Field Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: Africa  Asia  Description and travel  Discoveries in geography  Discovery and exploration  Voyages and travels
  105. A voyage round the world. : Containing an account of Captain Dampier's expedition into the south-seas in the ship St. George, in the years 1703 and 1704. With his various engagements, &c. And a particular and exact description of several islands in the Atlantick Ocean, the Brazilian coast, the passage round Cape Horn, and the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico. Together with the author's voyage from Amapalla on the west coast of Mexico, to East India. His passing by three unknown islands, and thro' a new-discover'd streight near the coast of New-Guinea; his arrival at Amboyna: with a large description of that and other spice islands; as also of Batavia, the Cape of Good Hope, &c. Their rivers, harbours, plants, animals, inhabitants, &c. With divers maps, draughts, figures of plants and animals
    By: Funnell, William.
    Publication info: London, Printed by W. Botham, for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1707
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: 1651-1715  1707  Brazil  Catalogs, Booksellers'  Dampier, William,  Description and travel  Great Britain  Imprint 1707  Latin America  Natural history  Pacific Area  Pacific Coast (Chile)  Pacific Coast (Mexico)  Pacific Coast (Peru)  Papua New Guinea  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  
  106. By: Osbeck, Pehr, - Ekeberg, Carl Gustav, - Forster, Johann Reinhold, - Torén, Olof,
    Publication info: London, B. White, 1771
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: China  Description and travel  Natural history  Voyages and travels  
  107. By: Dampier, William, - Knapton, James,
    Publication info: London, Printed for James Knapton at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1703
    Holding Institution: Boston College Libraries
    Subjects: Brazil  Buccaneers  Canary Islands  Description and travel  Discoveries in geography  Discovery and exploration  Early works  Early works to 1800  Indian Ocean  Natural history  Pre-Linnean works  Salvador  Salvador (Brazil)  Shark Bay  Shark Bay (W.A.)  Travel  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  
  108. By: Flinders, Matthew,
    Publication info: London, Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. , Cleveland-Row, 1814
    Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library
    Subjects: 1774-1814  Australia  British  Cumberland (Ship)  Discovery and exploration  Flinders, Matthew,  Investigator (Ship)  Porpoise (Ship)  Voyages and travels
    BHL Collections: Carnivorous Plants
  109. By: Frézier, Amédée François, - Halley, Edmond,
    Publication info: London, Printed for Jonah Bowyer, 1717
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: 1682-1773  Description and travel  Early works to 1800  Frézier, Amédée François,  Indians of South America  Jesuits  Peru  South America  Travel  Voyages and travels
  110. By: Dampier, William,
    Publication info: Liverpool, Printed by W. Nevett and Co. in Prince's-Street; and sold by Messrs. Gore, Ansdell, and Sibbald, booksellers, 1769
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Australia  Buccaneers  Cabo Verde  Campeche, Bay of (Mexico)  Canary Islands  Description and travel  Discovery and exploration  East Indies  Imprint 1769  Indonesia  Latin America  Mexico  Natural history  Ocean currents  Pacific Ocean  Papua New Guinea  Salvador (Brazil)  Shark Bay (W.A.)  Tides  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  West Indies  Winds  
  111. By: Dampier, William,
    Publication info: London, [s.n.], Printed in year M,DCC,LXXVI. [1776]
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Australia  Buccaneers  Cabo Verde  Campeche, Bay of (Mexico)  Canary Islands  Description and travel  Discovery and exploration  East Indies  Imprint 1776  Indonesia  Latin America  Mexico  Natural history  Ocean currents  Pacific Ocean  Papua New Guinea  Salvador (Brazil)  Shark Bay (W.A.)  Tides  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  West Indies  Winds  
  112. By: Dampier, William, - Sewel, William, - Dampier, William, - Wafer, Lionel,
    Publication info: Tot Amsteldam, By Johannes Ratelband, en Andries van Damme, M. DCC. XVII. [1717]
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Australia  Buccaneers  Campeche, Bay of (Mexico)  Canary Islands  Cape Verde  Description and travel  Discovery and exploration  East Indies  Imprint 1717  Latin America  Mexico  Natural history  Ocean currents  Salvador (Brazil)  Shark Bay (W.A.)  Tides  Voyages and travels  Voyages around the world  West Indies  Winds  
  113. By: Waterton, Charles,
    Edition: 6th ed.
    Publication info: London, T. Fellowes, 1866
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: South America  Voyages and travels  Zoology  
  114. By: Waterton, Charles,
    Edition: 5th ed.
    Publication info: London, T. Fellowes, 1852
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
    Subjects: 1852  canimp  South America  Voyages and travels  Zoology
  115. By: Pearson, Henry C. (Henry Clemens),
    Publication info: New York, India Rubber Pub, 1906
    Holding Institution: National Library Board, Singapore
    Subjects: Rubber  Tropics  Voyages and travels
    BHL Collections: BHL Singapore
  116. By: Pearson, Henry C. (Henry Clemens),
    Publication info: New York, The India Rubber Publishing Co, 1906
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Rubber  Tropics  Voyages and travels  
  117. By: Pearson, Henry C. (Henry Clemens),
    Publication info: New York, The Indian rubber publishing co, 1906
    Holding Institution: Library of Congress
    Subjects: Rubber  Tropics  Voyages and travels
  118. By: Cole, B. (Benjamin), - Carnan and Newbery
    Edition: The second edition.
    Publication info: London Printed for Newbery and Carnan, sons and successors to the late Mr. John Newberry MDCCLXVIII [1768]
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Architecture  Autographs (Provenance)  Early works to 1800  Inscriptions (Provenance)  Natural history  Vellum bindings (Binding)  Voyages and travels  
  119. By: Buel, James W. (James William),
    Publication info: St. Louis, Historical Pub. Co, [c1884]
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Ethnology  Explorers  Natural history  Polar regions  Reptiles  Trees  Tropics  Voyages and travels  Zoology