By: Knight, T. A. (Thomas Andrew), - Matthews, Elizabeth - Stackhouse Acton, Frances, - Bulmer, William, - Hooker, W. - Harding, J. - Agricultural Society of Herefordshire. - White and Cochrane.
Publication info: London, Printed for the Agricultural Society of Herefordshire, by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland Row, St. James's, and sold by W. Hooker, 75 John Street, Fitzroy Square; White and Cochrane, Fleet St, and J. Harding, St. James's St, 1811
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
BHL Collections: Pomology: Apples and Cider
The Silurian system, founded on geological researches in the counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester, and Stafford : with descriptions of the coalfields and overlying formations
By: Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, - Murray, John, - Clive, Harriet Windsor, - Ince, Joseph Murray, - Murchison, Charlotte, - Phillips, Mrs., - Salter, John William, - Stackhouse Acton, Frances, - Traherne, Charlotte Louisa, - Webster, Thomas, - Whymper, Josiah Wood, - Picken, Andrew, - Scharf, George, - Taylor, Richard, - Taylor, John Edward, - Hullmandel, Charles Joseph, - Gardner, James, publisher and engraver, - Day & Haghe,
Publication info: London, John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1839
Volume: v.1 (1839)
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
BHL Collections: Women in Natural History