Dritter Theil der Reisen Herrn Wilhelm Dampier, : englischen Capitains zur See nach der südlichen Ländern, Neu-Holland so er im Jahr 1699, gethan, worinen eine Beschreibung der Canarischen Insuln, ingleichen der Insuln Mayo u. S. Jago; wie auch der Bucht aller Heiligen, der Festungen und Stadt Bahia in Brasilien, nebst andern merckwürdigen Dingen mehr, zu finden. Welchem beygefüget worden: Herrn Leonel Wafers, eines englischen Chirurgi, Reise und Beschreibung des Isthmi oder Erd-Enge Darien in Americâ
By: Dampier, William, - Wafer, Lionel,
Publication info: Franckfurt und Leipzig, Bey Michael Rohrlachs seel. Wittib und Erben, Anno 1707
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
BHL Collections:
By: La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, - S., J. C. - La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, - La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, - Wafer, Lionel,
Publication info: Erfurt, gedruckt bey Johann Friedrich Hartung, 1763
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
BHL Collections:
By: La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, - La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, - La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, - S., J. C. - Wafer, Lionel,
Publication info: Erfurt, gedruckt bey Johann Friedrich Hartung, 1763
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
BHL Collections:
By: Wafer, Lionel, - Winship, George Parker,
Publication info: Cleveland, The Burrows Brothers Company, 1903
Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
BHL Collections:
By: Wafer, Lionel, - Davis, Edward,
Edition: The third edition / to which are added The natural history of those parts by a fellow of the Royal Society, and Davis's Expedition to the gold mines in 1702.
Publication info: London, Printed for James and John Knapton, 1729
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
BHL Collections:
A new voyage and description of the isthmus of America : giving an account of the author's abode there, the form and make of the country, the coasts, hills, rivers, &c., woods, soil, weather, &c., trees, fruit, beasts, birds, fish, &c., : the Indian inhabitants, their features, complexion, &c., their manners, customs, employments, marriages, feasts, hunting, computation, language, &c. : with remarkable occurrences in the South-Sea and elsewhere
By: Wafer, Lionel, - Davis, Edward, - Savage, John,
Edition: The second edition. To which are added, the natural history of those parts, by a Fellow of the Royal Society, and Davis's expedition to the gold mines, in 1702. Illustrated with several copper-plates.
Publication info: London, Printed for James Knapton, 1704
Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
BHL Collections:
A new voyage and description of the Isthmus of America : giving an account of the author's abode there, the form and make of the country, the coasts, hills, rivers, &c. woods, soil, weather, &c. trees, fruit, beasts, birds, fish, &c : the Indian inhabitants, their features, complexion, &c. their manners, customs, employments, marriages, feasts, hunting, computation, language, etc. : with remarkable occurrences in the South-Sea and elsewhere
By: Wafer, Lionel, - Davis, Edward, - Dampier, William, - Knapton, James, - Knapton, John,
Edition: The third edition.
Publication info: London, Printed for James and John Knapton, 1729
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
BHL Collections:
Nouveau voyage autour du monde. : Où l'on décrit en particulier l'Istme de l'Amerique, plusieurs côtes & isles des Indes occidentales, les isles du Cap Verd, le passage par la Terre del Fuego, les côtes meridiolales [sic] de Chili, du Perou, & du Mexique; l'Isle de Guam, Mindanao, & des autres Philippines; les isles orientales qui sont prés [sic] de Cambodie, de la Chine, Formosa, Luc̦on, Celebes, &c. La Nouvelle Hollande, les Isles de Sumatra, de Nicobar, de Sainte Helene & le Cap de Bonne Esperance. Où l'on traite des differens terroirs de tous ces païs, de leurs ports, des plantes, des fruits, & des animaux qu'on y trouve: de leurs habitans, de leurs coûtumes, de leur religion, de leur gouvernement, de leur negoce &c
By: Dampier, William, - Halley, Edmond, - Hacke, William. - Dampier, William, - Dampier, William, - Wafer, Lionel, - Wood, John, Captain. - Sharpe, Bartholomew, - Cowley, William Ambrosia. - Robert, A., - Robert, A., zoologist.
Publication info: A Rouen, Chez Jean-Baptiste Machuel, ruë Etoupée, M. DCC. XXIII. [1723]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
BHL Collections:
By: Wafer, Lionel, - Montirat, Monsieur de.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Claude Cellier, 1706
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
BHL Collections:
W: Dampier en L: Wafers Reystogten rondom de waereldt; : begrypende, in vier beknopte boekdeelen, een naauwkeurige beschryving van verscheyde nieuwe ontdekte zeën, kusten, en landen, zo in Amerika, Asia, als Afrika; benevens veele nuttelyke aanmerkingen ontrent de stroomen, winden, havens, dieptens, engtens en andere fraye waarnemingen en bysonderheden, zo van bereisde als voor dese, onbereisde gewesten: alom doormengt, met de beschrijving der inwoonders, aardt, zeden en plegtigheden dezer vreemde volkeren. Midsgaders derselver landsdouwen, vrugten, gewassen, dieren, en andere seldsaamheden. Voorzien met een groot getal kaarten, kust ontdekkingen en andere fraye verbeeldingen
By: Dampier, William, - Sewel, William, - Dampier, William, - Wafer, Lionel,
Publication info: Tot Amsteldam, By Johannes Ratelband, en Andries van Damme, M. DCC. XVII. [1717]
Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
BHL Collections: