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über Raçen der landwirthschaftlichen Hausthiere. : [Supplementary material in Charles Darwin's copy]
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 1—9 score
lines 1—9 annotation does not always quote his authorities

lines 14—17 score
lines 23—24 score
lines 13—26 annotation Father gives heads, & mother hinder parts is general rule / Some exceptions do not destroy the rule ! /
from End Slip annotation 16 . Rule of ant. part taking after father (N.Q)

line 5 underline "Daubenton"
line 1 at "Landschaf" annotation ⧟ Sheep crossed with Merino ram ,head & fine wool on anterior part of body take after father.    — [continued on page 17] cases given in p. 18. & in p. 19 in Birds — anything can be proved !

whole-margin annotation His laws hold to hybrids as well as mongrels —
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation Hofacker gives many instance of change in colour in foals, as thy grw
show subjects subjects

line 2 underline "türkischen"
lines 7—8 underline "Junge ... ähnlich"
lines 10—14 score
lines 11—12 underline "Folge ... aus"
lines 15—16 underline "Kopfes ... von"
whole-margin annotation Muscovy ? ‹duck› drake crossed with common duck . follow sam laws— & crossed geese
     & crossed pheasant

lines 1—7 annotation foals from old stallions have oldv looking heads!! / Bosh. not in men \u— /
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] 11—19 score in pale pencil
line 10 underline "Im ... Bande"
line 11 underline "Maulthier"
line 13 underline "Maulesel"
lines 5—4 score in pale pencil
line 5 underline in pale pencil "Alle ... haben"
line 4 underline in pale pencil "Mutter ... dem"

lines 1—2 annotation ‹Can› X
top-margin annotation X Can convert one race into another most preferably by crossing by the male

top-margin annotation N B . These enumerations of differencs merey show that all parts differ —

lines 1—2 )

top-margin annotation Fig. wrong

lines 2—13 score
line 8 underline "Blumenkohl"
line 8 annotation Cauliflower
top-margin annotation «White» Cabbage seed planted in Naples gave Black-khol but generally cauliflower ? ?

[continues overleaf] 15—22 score
line 16 underline "mir"
line 20 annotation in pale pencil X a
lines 8—1 score
bottom-margin annotation X (a) Says from own observation clearly made out that th naked huskless «barley» especially in wet year of 1823, always degenerate into common .—

line 4 score [`bookmark']

lines 5—1 score
line 5 underline "brasilianischen"
lines 6—2 annotation Brazilian (Rio Plata proverbially best

line 15 score [`bookmark']

lines 16—22 annotation candle manufacturers prefer Russian tallow
show subjects subjects

line 13 score [`bookmark' ]

lines 3—2 underline "dass ... hat"
line 3bottom-margin annotation of Men, what wd. Malthus say ?

bottom-margin annotation Remarks that true sheep have drawn back neck like all Alpine animals, wh is quite lost in lowland sheep .— Mem Leicester Sheep —
from End Slip annotation in pale pencil 67 draw back neck in alpin sheep like Alpin hinds

line 3 score [`bookmark']

lines 14—15 underline "Consuetudo ... natura"
lines 14—15 annotation X

lines 15—6 score
lines 7—4 score
line 15bottom-margin annotation says cows frm long generations-habit, do not care for their calves being taken away directly
     here. have lost maternal instinct /

from End Slip annotation 82    On weakening ■of cows maternal instincts (Q)
show subjects subjects

lines 1—7 score
lines 1—7 annotation says he has observed great differs in cows himself /
show subjects concepts

lines 19—20 underline "während ... duldet"
lines 9—27 annotation The merinos will let about any strange lamb suck them, because Spaniards kill weak lambs & put strong one to them; hence individual maternal instinct is destroyed. /

lines 13—27 annotation says the acquired instincts of dogs are easily lost, so are natural ones, as burrowing & wildness in rabbits
show subjects subjects

lines 13—10 )
lines 11—7 annotation (Q)
line 4 underline "warum ... ruhmt"
line 4 at "ruhmt" annotation famed
lines 14—4 annotation it is well known, in districts where oxen are used for draft, thy are easier broken in —
bottom-margin annotation good case of compulsory instinct. —
from End Slip annotation 85    in districts where cattle worked , it is well known young are more easily broken in — ( so in Pampas Horses) Compulsory instinct.

line 1 underline "Kartoffeln"
bottom-margin annotation many races of fruit & Potatoes have risen from crossing !

lines 11—16 score
lines 11—18 annotation Merinos originally a crossed breed.

lines 10—13 score
line 13 underline "nur ... beiträgt"
lines 10—18 annotation Father chief, especially in mind /

line 8 underline "neue Mittelraçe"
line 7 underline "Typus ... Vaters"

lines 5—13 annotation curly hair frm alpine bulls transmitted to first cross

lines 15—4 score
line 1 score
line 15bottom-margin annotation so with Merino rams, even in parts of body which have no hair in the mother: in one case length of tail not increased, but covered with wool
from End Slip annotation 104 — Horns always after Merino Ram; one cross from Horned Bull gave horns to Hornless Herds ,(because a part previously lost, so tendng to return.—

lines 5—10 score
lines 5—10 annotation always has horn of Merino Ram /
show subjects subjects

lines 11—18 score
lines 14—21 annotation A — ( I think this is because lost part; or rudmntry
bottom-margin annotation (A) In herd of «invariably» hornless cattle for many generations , one year of war the hornless bulls were lost & horned ones were used, & first year 9 out of 10 calves had horns.

lines 10—2 score
lines 10—2 annotation Hoof takes after father in Oxen & Horse

lines 3—7 score
line 6 underline in brown ink "friessischen Ochsen"
lines 12—16 score
lines 3—16 annotation alterations slower according as sexes of differnt breeds are crossed (Q)t01
from End Slip annotation 107. Alteration quicker or slower according as we take male or femle of A & crss it with B. (Q)
t01 - `(Q)' in brown ink

lines 2—7 score
line 4 underline "Kunstfertigkeiten"
line 5 underline "Gedächtnis"
top-margin annotation Memory
lines 5—6 underline "Raphael's ... Dante's"

line 11 double score [`bookmark']

lines 3—1 underline "In ... Vollblutpferd"
line 11bottom-margin annotation as many years as teeth require, so many generations for new race! !
show subjects subjects

line 14 underline "dem 6ten"
line 13 underline "oft"
line 13 annotation variation
show subjects subjects

lines 1—20 score in pale pencil
lines 9—10 annotation A
top-marginline 8 annotation A    says to produce new race , (viz to make a Merino breed come out of country sheep) it is vry disadvantageous to commence crossing vry unlike breeds, better begin with a half-bred & so go on step by step.

line 5 underline "gemeine Veredlung"
lines 5—2 annotation selection with crossing /
line 1 underline ""individuelle Veredlung"
bottom-margin annotation what we call selection without crossing

lines 6—10 score
lines 6—13 annotation good milking tendency goes by father: curious,—
lines 18—21 score
line 19 annotation ⧟ instance
show subjects subjects

lines 16—5 score
line 4 underline "Ductilität"
lines 17—2 annotation Quote English Selection best means, but requires great knowledge & a fixed forelook on stock of cattle
from End Slip annotation in pale pencil 120 Selection
show subjects subjects