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Vorläufige Nachricht von einigen das Geschlecht der Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen
Publication Details
Leipzig, in der Gleditschischen Handlung, 1761-1766
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

line 11 underline "4863"
line 11 annotation pollen grn in flower
line 8 underline "dreyssig"
lines 6—5 underline "fünfzig ... sechzig"
lines 8—3 annotation 30 seeds from 50 or 60 pollen grains
show subjects subjects

lines 12—6 score
lines 12—6 annotation less than 10 pollen grains did not fructify
show subjects subjects

line 5 crossing-out "6" annotation 5
show subjects concepts

line 11 underline "noch ... geschlossener"
line 13 underline "Gräser"
show subjects subjects

lines 1—22 annotation Know nothing dichogamous plants.—

lines 7—1 score
line 4 underline "Lobelia"
line 1 underline "flores papilionacei"
line 7bottom-margin annotation Grasses & these are all flowers, which are ---- impregnated, without aid, by contact, & even in the yet unopened flowers !! ?

line 11 at "Gartenraute" annotation rue

lines 19—23 score
lines 19—23 annotation In rue stamens move over stigma
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] 7 underline "Malvaceae"
line 5 underline "allein"
lines 7—3 annotation Malvaceae impregnatn only by insects
lines 5—1 score
bottom-margin annotation I was astonished
     good sentence to translate

bottom-margin annotation seems to think, pollen of foreign & own can together act & produce a tinge of Bastardism ---- [continues on page 45] this Seems possible as 20 grains of pollen are in some cases requisite for any fructification, but not proven.—

line 23 at "Nachricht" annotation p. 43
show subjects concepts

lines 4—1 score

lines 2—3 score in pale pencil
line 3 underline in pale pencil "vier"
line 4 underline in pale pencil "acht"
line 4 annotation St Ptersb
top-margin annotation produced another year 24 ‹plants› capsules (p. 23)t01
t01 - `(p. 23)' in pale pencil

lines 9—13 score
lines 8—12 annotation absolutely undistinguish from reverse experimnt.

lines 4—7 score
lines 4—7 annotation infertile on male side, but fertile on female
from End Note 3 annotation cancelled p. 12    Male & Female organs in Hybrid unequally affected.

lines 4—1 score
lines 2—1 underline "einige ... weniger"

lines 10—11 score
lines 9—12 annotation in some parts «more than» in others rather like to Rust.

lines 16—17 score
lines 16—19 annotation some plants more good seeds than others

lines 18—22 score

lines 7—5 score
lines 8—4 annotation plants from same capsule differed in fertility

lines 1—6 score
lines 1—6 annotation most of them are more infertile than the hybrid parent

lines 7—9 score
lines 7—9 annotation as if tendency to miscarry was given

lines 11—13 score
lines 11—13 underline "Vershiedenheit ... vorhergehenden"
lines 11—13 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation X    All these results are confirmed by «| p. 20» other, different experiments → [continues on page 19] & by an analogous experiment (p 87) of next Fort—; «(& by same p.91)» but one of them quite sterile.

lines 16—21 score
lines 15—20 annotation some seeds, however, produced plants.

lines 1—4 score
lines 1—4 annotation fertility much increased

lines 14—21 score
lines 14—21 annotation Concludes probably that hybrids with some pollen change into maternal form.

lines 9—6 annotation p 55 of 3d Fort.
     one plant came much nearer to Rust.

line 5 crossing-out "e"
show subjects concepts

line 1 at "einen" annotation geringen

line 20 underline "Missgeburten"
lines 19—23 annotation = Miscarry? or monster?

lines 22—23 annotation (another instance p 54 of 3d Fort in another cross)

top-margin annotation «(A)» In Hybrids frm Rust ♀ & Panic, ♂ or reverse, the hybrids have no good pollen, but female principle yet acts on both
bottom-margin annotation A. How unintelligible is this, as this hybrid fructified itself p.21 prop. pulv. consperso

line 12 underline "gänzlich"
lines 11—13 score
lines 11—13 annotation ganzlich means very & tolerably

line 4 underline "von ... angenommen"
line 4 annotation X
top-margin annotation X odd this not taking at all after perennet01
t01 - `odd this ... perenne' horizontally crossed

lines 5—12 score
line 9 annotation two pollens

lines 8—22 score
line 21 underline "der ... angenommen"

lines 11—13 score
line 12 underline "den ... der"
lines 7—13 annotation absolutely sterile

line 3 at "transylv" annotation —or seven-hill tobaccot01
     —var of Maj. ‹Glut.› vulg.
t01 - `—or seven-hill tobacco' in dark pencil

lines 12—6 double score in pale pencil
line 1 underline in pale pencil "höchsten Grade"
lines 25—6 annotation in pale pencil Difference frm last hybrid ‹seems to› correspond to differn of th varieties

lines 11—8 score
lines 11—8 annotation (A)
top-margin annotation (A) gave smaller capsules & fewer seeds, that [he means `than'?] when this hybrid was impreg. with pure N. Rust. or Pan

lines 3—5 annotation }⧟ [to page 33]
show subjects concepts

line 5 at "perenne" annotation
lines 15—18 annotation (var of N. maj vulg.)

lines 9—10 score
lines 8—15 annotation / These two hybrids differed greatly. /

lines 16—19 annotation [from page 32] { & this is a second cross

lines 6—24 score
line 23 underline "gehörige ... konnten"
line 2bottom-margin annotation Pollen quite worthless
     Capsule began to swell, with other pollen.—
     { I suspect, pollen fails in hybrids, easier than female principle /

lines 2—3 underline "ursprünglichen Mutter"
line 4 underline "peren. ist" /@line 4 at "ist" annotation father
lines 1—6 annotation (quote this)
     as different as cat & Lion

lines 9—7 annotation V. same experm p. 119. next Fortset:

line 7 crossing-out "carthus"
line 7 annotation barbatus X
bottom-margin annotation Sweet-William

lines 5—7 score
lines 3—6 annotation / seed affected /
top-marginline 3 annotation Does Gaertner mention this?
top-margin annotation Yes
lines 2—1 score

lines 5—3 score
line 4 annotation A
bottom-margin annotation I shd think female principle more defective than male.— ?? V. p. 117.t01
t01 - `?? V ... 117.' in pale pencil

lines 4—5 score
line 9 underline "Hibiscus"
top-margin annotation I see in Loudon this is Hibiscus vesicarius t01 = African
     ―t02 Irionum t03 = Bladder Ketmia
     (these are all right)→t04
t01 - underlined in dark grey ink
t02 - `―' in dark grey ink over pencil
t03 - underlined in dark grey ink
t04 - `(these are ... right)→' in dark grey ink
show subjects concepts

lines 3—4 annotation Cavanilles & Decandolle make these 2 species, but thy are evidently vry close both frm Africa..t01
     Kippist thoght it vry doubtful whethr real species
t01 - `Cavanilles & ... Africa..' in dark grey ink

line 4 annotation reverse    mongrels

line 10 underline "blosse Varietäten"
lines 8—10 annotation { Probably 2d. Edition of Linnaeus

lines 14—15 underline "beyden ... Seiten"
lines 19—21 score
lines 17—21 annotation Like each other in reverse crss, differed from each other

lines 7—4 annotation / Repeated with same results p. 128 next Fort /
     Cheiranthus p 51

line 1 underline "Levcojen"
bottom-margin annotation stock-gilliflower
line 1 underline "Lack"
bottom-margin annotation Wallflower

lines 7—9 score
lines 5—11 annotation difference in period of flowering in the reverse experimnt /

line 16 underline "einfach"
line 16 underline "gefüllt"
lines 12—16 annotation The mongrels were single, th pure-bred were double ?

line 17 annotation XX
bottom-margin annotation / XX p. 128 ‹Last› «second» Fort. raised intermediate & quite fertile hybrids; hence considers only varieties

lines 13—12 annotation X
lines 11—8 score
line 9 underline "andere ... ganz"
lines 15—7 annotation X cannot make out in Loudon what species thy are

lines 8—9 score
lines 5—11 annotation quite sterile
     p. 124 3d. Fort quite fertile.
show subjects subjects

lines 1—16 annotation refers to individual plants

line 6 at "NB" annotation X ⧟
line 3 annotation X

lines 3—7 score
lines 7—14 score
lines 1—13 annotation reiterates greater infertility of male side . —

lines 9—7 score
line 8 underline "wenigstens ... davon"
lines 11—1 annotation Generally, speaks of ‹var› mongrels havng possibly lost some fertility, sometimes.

top-margin2 score
line 20 underline "als ... Bastarten"
lines 1—18 annotation vertically crossed only «some» exceptions to characters of hybrids ‹not› being intermediate & chiefly in X

line 5 underline "Ketmia"
bottom-margin annotation see p. 45 to see what species

lines 11—12 double score
line 11 underline "310"
lines 13—15 score
line 13 underline "10886"
line 14 underline "11237"
line 15 underline "351"
whole-margin annotation / Impregnationt01 Hibiscus impregnated by pencil & by insects, durig many days, was done almost as well by the insects, though they lost some days during rain
t01 - `☞' in reddish-brown crayon