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Book Title
Cattle: Their breeds, management, and diseases
Publication Details
London, Baldwin & Cradock, 1834
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation C. Darwin
show subjects concepts

annotation Dr Pritchard by showig that th different races of man when transported to different countries obtain certain peculiarities do[damaged: ripped] not disprove there are constitutional differnces — it is begging the question if it be assumed they cannot be acquired.

annotation I presume the udder of the Chillingham cattle is not the least like tht of a good milker

annotation Many subjects must be selected from this book A history of the varieties of each district & fossil oxen How obscure their genealogical descent: Ill effects of inter-breeding — Minutiae heredetary Length of time to form true race
show subjects subjects

annotation 48 Old Welsh cattle white red-ears (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in dark brown ink
show subjects subjects

annotation «Even in our Parks selection is required to prvnt accidental variation of color arising»
show subjects subjects

annotation 51 St01 Curious case of quick deterioration by neglect in Glamorgan cattle showng some «(Selection always goig on»
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 62    Welch Cattle cannot be improved «(Qt01 by crossing 69 Scotch do.—
     78 do, lines 88—163t02
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
t02 - `78 do, 88—163 $' cancelled

annotation 75 Great improvement by crossing in 10 years in Arran
show subjects subjects

annotation 116 St01 English Cattle have strongly altered since Heny VII time ,& doubled their size (insensbl selctn)
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon

annotation «116 St01 Selection governed by soil — Each District has prejudice for own Breed.»
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon

annotation 128 Ayrshire Breed has originated within century ; how not known — probably crosses
     Azara states appeared in old age

annotation Rt01 155 Galloways with rudimentary Horns 174 at early age
t01 - `R' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 116 Fifeshire same case Shows origin not known till well formed Breed.—
show subjects subjects

annotation 190 The great progenitor of Long-Horn when yearling vry unpromising.
show subjects subjects

annotation 193 Shakspeare Bull, a sport in shape
show subjects subjects

annotation 197 In Long-Horns, when castrated Bulls get shape of cow's horns
show subjects subjects

annotation 199 St01 Capital sentence about one improved Breed expelling others good for Ch 6. (Q)
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon

annotation 202 Cross between Long & short-Horned 1/3 fail of being in calf (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in dark brown ink

annotation 230 St01 On crossing with Selection in Short-Horn Breeds.
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation 242 In Short-horns whenever White appears always red about ears Q.t01
t01 - `Q.' in dark brown ink
show subjects subjects

annotation 248 On replacement of Breeds in same district (Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation 283 Frontal Bones narrower in polled Cattle. & 174 Rudimentst01
t01 - `& 174 Rudiments' in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation 310 Calfs eating poisonous Herbs, when turned out without their mothers Ch. 10

annotation 524 Explains how in well-bred animals, th influence of Male may be greatest, from having been truer bred.

annotation 527    On gestation of cattle .t01 (Q)
t01 - `527    ... .' in dark brown ink
show subjects subjects

annotation 17 Devonshire Ox larger than Bull & much larger than (Q)

annotation 9
     33 to 270 /
     p. 283
     p 522 to 525
show subjects concepts

annotation (p 174 important
     p 283

annotation Colling
show subjects concepts

annotation p 191 grain of th meat