top-margin annotation 374t01 ( A separate Bookt02
t01 - `374' in pale brown ink, cancelled
t02 - `( A ... Book' in pale pencil

top-margin annotation [signature of Darwin F]
⇑lines 16—11 score
⇑line 11 underline "Une famille"
⇑lines 15—13 annotation sport
from End Note annotation Sports 4 . 5 Sports
from End Slip 1 annotation not in Darwin's handin brown ink p. 4 & 5 Bud-variationt01 —goodt02
t01 - `p. 4 ... Bud-variation' horizontally crossed in Darwin's hand
t02 - `—good' in Darwin's hand, in pencil


lines 15—22 score
lines 17—18 annotation sport
from End Note annotation Sports 4 . 5 Sports
from End Slip 1 annotation not in Darwin's handin brown ink p. 4 & 5 Bud-variationt01 —goodt02
t01 - `p. 4 ... Bud-variation' horizontally crossed in Darwin's hand
t02 - `—good' in Darwin's hand, in pencil


lines 19—25 score
lines 19—25 annotation crossed naturally
from End Slip 1 annotation not in Darwin's handin brown ink 20 ✔t01 Leptosiphon «Polemoniaceae» t02 case of crossing naturally
t01 - `✔' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `« Polemoniaceae» ' in Darwin's hand, in pencil


⇑lines 14—10 multiple score in pale pencil
⇑line 13 underline "moins récemment"
⇑line 12 underline "recueillies sur"
⇑line 10 underline "plus ... tardives"
from End Slip 1 annotation not in Darwin's hand, in brown ink, cancelled in Darwin's hand in blue crayon 30 causes of variation — age of seed age of seed & time when gathered

lines 12—18 score

line 7 underline "repiquages"
lines 5—7 annotation ?

⇑lines 14—10 score

⇑lines 4—2 score
⇑lines 3—2 annotation Q
from End Slip 3 annotation not in Darwin's hand, in brown ink, horizontally crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 92 Var. horrida oft01 «(Used)»t02 common hawthorn
t01 - `Var. horrida of' cancelled in Darwin's hand in pale pencil
t02 - `(Used)' in Darwin's hand, in pale pencil

