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Book Title
The poultry book
Publication Details
London, Orr & Co, 1856-1857
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation O/

annotation O/

lines 16—14 score
from End Note annotation 53 Cuckoo Cochint01    56
t01 - `Cuckoo Cochin' in dark brown ink

lines 5—1 score
from End Note annotation 53 Cuckoo Cochint01    56
t01 - `Cuckoo Cochin' in dark brown ink

annotation 53 Cuckoo Cochint01    56
t01 - `Cuckoo Cochin' in dark brown ink
show subjects subjects

annotation 65
show subjects concepts

annotation in brown ink 72 Correlation of Eggs and plumage

annotation medium1 76
show subjects concepts

annotation 86
show subjects concepts

lines 17—21 score
lines 18—20 annotation Reverse Qt01
lines 20—21 score
line 21 underline "sits ... steadiness"
from End Note annotation 2 non ‹layers› sitters producing sitters not so with me }t02 —95 good Reverses
t01 - `Q' in dark brown ink
t02 - `2 non ... }' in black ink

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—2 annotation in dark brown ink Q
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] 1 score
line 1 underline "is ... sharp"
from End Note annotation 99. 100 .— spurs often on Hens)t01
t01 - `.— spurs ... Hens)' in black ink
show subjects subjects

annotation 89
show subjects concepts

annotation 2 non ‹layers› sitters producing sitters not so with me }t01 —95 good Reverses
t01 - `2 non ... }' in black ink

annotation 97
show subjects concepts

annotation 99. 100 .— spurs often on Hens)t01
t01 - `.— spurs ... Hens)' in black ink
show subjects subjects

annotation in black ink 93. «Selected» Characters of Spanish not shown early
show subjects subjects

annotation (It would be good to cross 2 distinct hen-tailed breeds & see if tails wd not come.)
show subjects subjects

annotation (Cross 2 breeds of which chicks are not barred & see if not come barred.)
show subjects subjects

annotation Plates of Ptarmigan
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 9—8 score
lines 9—8 underline "hens ... straw"
lines 9—8 annotation in same sub-breed
lines 4—3 score
show subjects subjects

lines 16—10 score
lines 15—13 annotation Boldness
show subjects subjects

lines 16—15 score
from End Note annotation 111 Comb if not clipped fearful vantage gaind in fightngt01
t01 - `Comb if ... fightng' in black ink
show subjects subjects

annotation 102
show subjects concepts

annotation 111 Comb if not clipped fearful vantage gaind in fightngt01
t01 - `Comb if ... fightng' in black ink

lines 2—5 annotation It is «an» analogous variation
lines 21—22 score
lines 12—11 score
line 11 underline "some ... favourite"
line 11 annotation — Selectng Bird
line 3 annotation in brown ink (Q)
from End Note annotation in black ink 123. Sexual selection.
from End Slip annotation in black ink p. 123    Pheasant attached to single Hen.

lines 3—6 score
lines 7—9 score
lines 10—11 score
from End Slip annotation in black ink    124    Hybrid Pheasant & Fowls

line 14 underline "extraordinary wildness"
line 14 annotation in brown ink Q
line 15 underline "tails very"
line 16 underline "and ... was"
lines 17—20 score
lines 19—20 underline "whilst ... pheasant"
lines 19—21 score
lines 19—21 annotation Prepotency (Q)t01
line 21 underline "entirely black"
from End Slip annotation in black ink    124    Hybrid Pheasant & Fowls
t01 - `(Q)' in brown ink

line 14 underline "colour ... dark"
lines 14—4 annotation Different vars of Fowls [?]unduly affct hybrid with Phesan. shows Pheasnt not preponder in color (Q)t01
from End Slip annotation in black ink    124    Hybrid Pheasant & Fowls
t01 - `(Q)' in brown ink

line 7 underline "irregularly ... shelled"
from End Slip annotation in black ink    124    Hybrid Pheasant & Fowls

lines 3—1 score
line 3 underline "Golden-spangled"
line 3u "black ... ground"
line 2 underline "laced ... brown"
from End Slip annotation in black ink    124    Hybrid Pheasant & Fowls

lines 8—5 score in dark pencil
lines 8—5 score
lines 7—6 underline "that ... nest"
lines 4—3 score
lines 7—4 annotation (Q)t01 [?]again death of embryo.
t01 - `(Q)' in brown ink

lines 8—12 score
lines 9—13 score

lines 13—14 score

lines 7—4 score

lines 5—7 score

lines 12—10 score
line 6 underline "three ... varieties"

lines 7—4 score
lines 6—5 annotation in brown ink Q
from End Slip annotation in black ink — 133    crossed Hamburgh good motherings.

lines 5—6 score
lines 6—7 annotation in brown ink (Q)

annotation 115 to end
show subjects concepts

annotation in black ink 123. Sexual selection.
show subjects concepts

line 9 underline "assume ... tinge"
lines 11—12 score

line 18 underline "two ... here"
lines 19—22 score
lines 23—26 score in brown ink
line 24 underline "for ... years" in brown ink
line 24 annotation in brown ink Q

annotation several pages marked
show subjects concepts

annotation in black ink 154. relation of sterility & Hen-tailed Sebright Bantams.
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin annotation Lemon Beak

lines 18—20 score
line 19 underline "Spangled Bantams"

lines 11—14 score
from End Note annotation in dark brown ink Q—t01 163 Silkiness not transmitted to offspring
t01 - `Q—' in dark pencil