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Book Title
De l'espèce et des races dans les êtres organisés et spécialement de l'unité de l'espèce humaine
Publication Details
Paris, J.B. Baillière et Fils, 1859
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

line 1 underline "De l'espèce"
line 6 underline "Godron"
line 14 underline "second"
show subjects concepts

lines 29—30 score
lines 29—30 annotation in brown ink read

lines 3—6 score
lines 1—10 annotation this is his argument everywhere
show subjects subjects

lines 12—13 double score
lines 13—15 annotation Turnip & Rape ??

lines 8—5 score
lines 7—5 score in dark pencil

lines 3—6 score in dark pencil
lines 4—3 score
lines 4—8 annotation (A. D.
     B. campestris oleifera —

line 9 underline "Colza"
line 10 underline "Chou-Rutabaga"
lines 10—14 score
lines 10—12 annotation Swedish Turnip

lines 11—7 score
from End Note 2 annotation 56 Pea

lines 12—13 score in reddish-brown crayon
lines 12—13 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
from End Note 1 annotation in dark pencil Melon    p. 62

lines 10—7 double score
line 10bottom-margin annotation differs in selected part → so in cabbage it is only selected part. which differs
show subjects subjects

lines 11—12 score
show subjects subjects

line 9 score
line 9 annotation selection
show subjects subjects

lines 11—12 score
lines 9—17 annotation How are Bulbs of Hyacinth in contrast. I think they can be recognised.
show subjects subjects

lines 6—8 score
line 6 underline in reddish-brown crayon "exactement parallèles"
line 15 underline in reddish-brown crayon "présente ... races"
lines 5—19 score
lines 7—16 annotation if these all real specis, still odder that not known wild

line 22 underline in reddish-brown crayon "elles ... espèces"
line 22 annotation 5 [corrected from `4.'] Triticums

line 2 underline "Nous ... patrie"
line 2 annotation Rye
show subjects subjects

lines 15—16 annotation Horde 3

lines 19—20 annotation 2 Oats

bottom-margin annotation 5 Triticum [+] 1 Rye [+] 3 Hordeum [+] 2 Oats } all in «N.» temperate parts of old world.—!
     [=] 11 species, & one Hordeum & commn wheat apparnly knw in wild state

top-margin annotation in dark pencil In «single» flowers selector only try for size brilliant colour & regularity of shape

top-margin annotation In Thyme I have noticd grt differn in shape of corolla & in ‹pointed› stigma

lines 8—11 score
lines 7—9 annotation in dark pencil [?]character run regular
show subjects subjects

lines 19—20 underline "reproduisent ... stérile"
lines 21—25 score in reddish-brown crayon
lines 22—2 score

lines 4—3 unmarked
from End Note 1 annotation 95    Apricots
show subjects subjects

lines 1—4 score

lines 15—18 double score
lines 16—18 score
lines 13—17 annotation good selection
from End Slip 2 annotation in brown ink 98    good case of bitter almonds «(Q)»t01 not being eaten by Mulots & therfor «sown in Preference for wood»
t01 - `(Q)' in pencil

lines 3—5 score in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 14—11 score
lines 19—20 annotation what a proof of powers of variabilityt01
     but so it wd be in France & England.
t01 - `what a ... variability' in brown ink

lines 10—14 annotation Form of shin & heel of Negro
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 18—7 score in pale pencil
lines 16—1 annotation in pale pencil Could not be prduced by Selection ----→

line 9bottom-margin annotation Different amnt of Beards before mntiond —
     Kinds of Hair

lines 16—18 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 5—8 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 12—15 score
lines 10—11 annotation Migration
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 9—11 score
lines 12—14 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 18—19 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 8—3 double score
lines 9—7 score
lines 7—3 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 7—6 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.
from End Slip 1 annotation in dark pencilvertically crossed Book
     p.251 Casteln
     Augst G St Hilare

lines 11—14 score
lines 12—13 annotation like sexual selection
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 12—10 score
lines 12—9 annotation Migration good to show race
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 3—6 score
lines 3—6 annotation this looks like sexual selection
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 3—8 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

line 13 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 2—6 score cancelled
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.
show subjects subjects

lines 3—8 score in pale pencil
top-margin annotation This agrees with poorness of colour of productions of Galapagos & Patagon    —    But then how in Chiloe? & Tierra del Fuego
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 3—10 score
lines 3—10 annotation Compare tropical Africa & America — Tasmania
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 3—6 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 3—11 score
line 5 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation my notion of correlation & darkness of skin not applicable to Tasmanians for healthy climate, migration—
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

lines 7—4 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.

[continuation] 1—2 score
from End Slip 1 annotation in pencil 246 to 337 About Man good.
show subjects concepts