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Book Title
Die Schutzeinrichtungen in der Entwickelung der Keimpflanze
Publication Details
Wien, Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1877
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
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Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation vertically crossed Can Nutation help the seedling rise thrgh earth

bottom-margin annotation [notes by Darwin F]

line 2 score [`bookmark']

lines 32—37 score
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink p. 23    The hypocoty «of Phaseolus » first geotropic & then apogeotrop. do not allude to, as may be differnt in differnt plants

lines 14—23 score
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 25 The coats of seeds by rubbig roots causes bendng which increses geotropic bending — compares with what Sachs says about Earth . p. 26 shows by drawing what takes place. (mem self — with Peas.

figure 1 unmarked
lines 11—20 unmarked
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 25 The coats of seeds by rubbig roots causes bendng which increses geotropic bending — compares with what Sachs says about Earth . p. 26 shows by drawing what takes place. (mem self — with Peas.

lines 10—7 score

line 1 score [`bookmark']

lines 6—8 score not in Darwin's hand
line 7 annotation not in Darwin's hand FD

line 4 score [`bookmark']

lines 21—18 score
lines 18—15 score
line 16 underline "Je älter"
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 48    seedlings resist frost wonderfully

lines 11—9 score
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 48    seedlings resist frost wonderfully

line 20 score [`bookmark']

line 7 score [`bookmark']

line 13 underline "bergenden ... an"
lines 1—14 annotation may not sensitivity to light of Phalaris serve to find way thrugh cracks
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 66. must brak thrugh Earth, or at least find cracks to pass-thrgh
show subjects subjects

line 4 underline "vorgeschoben"
bottom-margin annotation pushed forward

line 1 underline "genannte Keimblattscheide"
lines 10—1 annotation ‹shoot› «stem» bowed to protect bud at end
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink — Braks thrgh bowed to protect growing point p.69 do.

lines 9—7 score
lines 9—3 annotation This explains grasses getting out of ground
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink — explains grasses brakng thrgh th grund by turgescence & stiffness of cotyledon.
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation Put ∗ He attributes most importance to older part & partition of yng plnt— We have learned much frm ths intrstg essay, thog our obsrvtns lead us to differ on som points

lines 1—10 score in dark pencil
lines 6—8 underline "rückwärts ... nachfolgt"
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink — Braks thrgh bowed to protect growing point p.69 do.

line 11 score [`bookmark']

lines 12—24 score
lines 17—18 annotation do not understand
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink 69    Plants with hypogean cotyledons break thrgh grund bowed

lines 17—18 score
lines 13—23 annotation This is utterly different frm my view
from Slip Attached, Side 1 annotation in mid-grey ink — The convex side of archd hypocotyl turn up thrgh apogeotropism.

line 11 underline "Raumverhältnisse ... wird"

line 12 score [`bookmark']

line 14 score [`bookmark']

line 11 apparently unintentional mark

line 4 score in pale pencil [`bookmark']

line 15 underline "grünen, vergrösserten"
lines 17—18 underline "einen ... wird"
lines 14—19 score
lines 14—19 annotation Lupine cotyledons anatomically
from Slip Attached, Side 2 annotation p. 94.    Cots of Lupinus    anatomiclly intrmdiat betwen sub-[?]anvil & hypogean Cots
     In Leguminosae all gradation betwen th 2 states
show subjects subjects

line 23 underline "Rückbildung"
show subjects concepts

line 12 score
line 12 underline "ausser ... bau"

lines 6—5 score

lines 11—7 score
line 11 underline "unterhalb"
lines 10—8 score
line 10 underline "Aussenseite"

line 25 score [`bookmark']

lines 2—18 score
line 18 underline "der Transpiration"
top-marginline 16 annotation Differnt function of upper & lower surface — The Upper much mor active
from Slip Attached, Side 2 annotation 98    Th 2 sides of Cots . not usully so much diffrntiated ‹as leave› as in true Leaves.

lines 8—6 double score
lines 9—7 annotation in Cotyledons
show subjects concepts

lines 6—3 score in pale pencil