
Recent Additions (Last 100)   Published In: ALL   For: University of Maryland, College Park

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  1. The Patuxent River, Maryland's asset, Maryland's responsibility : report on a re-examination of the water and related land resource problems of the Patuxent River Basin No. 149   (added: 07/30/2017 )
  2. Probable economic effects of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge on the Eastern Shore Counties of Maryland No. 62   (added: 07/30/2017 )
  3. Maryland water supply and demand study No. 133A   (added: 07/30/2017 )
  4. Integrity of the Chesapeake Bay No. 184   (added: 07/30/2017 )
  5. Future administration of state of Maryland water resources activities : appendices No. 112A   (added: 07/30/2017 )
  6. Essai sur la topographie médicale d'Aix-en-Savoie (Dt. du Mt.-Blanc) et sur ses eaux minérales. Présenté à l'Ecole de médecine de Montpellier, 12-26. nivôse an X   (added: 03/10/2013 )
  7. Compendium of natural features information No. 231 Vol.II   (added: 01/11/2012 )
  8. The florist's manual; or, Hints for the construction of a gay flower garden. With observations on the best methods of preventing the depredations of insects. To which is added, a Catalogue of common herbaceous plants, with their colours, as they appear in each season   (added: 12/25/2011 )
  9. Walk book : Sheldrake river trails : a conservation area of the town of Mamaroneck, New York   (added: 12/25/2011 )
  10. Victorian gardens: The art of beautifying suburban home grounds   (added: 12/25/2011 )
  11. The manner of raising, ordering, and improving forest trees: with directions how to plant, make and keep woods, walks, avenues, lawns, hedges, &c. Also rules and tables, shewing how the ingenious planter may measure superficial figures, divide woods or land, and measure timber and other solid bodies, either by arithmetick or geometry; with the uses of that excellent line, the line of numbers, by several new examples; and many other rules, useful for most   (added: 12/19/2011 )
  12. Frederick Law Olmsted, landscape architect, 1822-1903   (added: 12/11/2011 )
  13. Foley better built and heated greenhouses   (added: 09/11/2011 )
  14. Compendium of natural features information No. 231 Vol.I   (added: 01/09/2011 )
  15. Forest vegetation in Maryland No. 224   (added: 01/09/2011 )
  16. Catalog of natural areas in Maryland No. 148   (added: 12/28/2010 )
  17. Wetlands in Maryland No. 157   (added: 12/28/2010 )
  18. Maryland's wetlands, marshes and submerged lands in the context of common and statutory law No. 148D   (added: 12/28/2010 )
  19. Wetlands, the legal context No. 148C   (added: 12/26/2010 )
  20. Areas of critical state concern : designation report : tidal wetlands, non-tidal wetlands, protection and enhancement of rail services, special areas No. 81-9   (added: 12/19/2010 )
  21. Report of James Higgins , M. D., State Agricultural Chemist, to the House of Delegates of Maryland 1852   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  22. Report of James Higgins , M. D., State Agricultural Chemist, to the House of Delegates of Maryland 1849   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  23. Conservation problems in Maryland No. 9   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  24. Report of the Committee on Agriculture, relative to the Bommer method of making manure : in obedience to an order of the House of the 26th January   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  25. Report of the Committee on Agriculture, relative to the application of lime to the different qualities of soil, and the use of calcareous matter for agricultural purposes : in obedience to an order of the House of the 27th January   (added: 11/14/2009 )