
Recent Additions (Last 250)   Published In: ALL   For: Internet Archive

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  1. Tropical Africa   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  2. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 22   (added: 09/22/2024 )
  3. Descriptions of twenty-five new species of North American Hymenoptera   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  4. Elements of botany   (added: 08/06/2024 )
  5. List of North American recent mammals 1923   (added: 08/06/2024 )
  6. The natural history of Selborne   (added: 08/06/2024 )
  7. The naturalisation of animals & plants in New Zealand   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  8. The flora of the Liverpool district   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  9. The microanalysis of powdered vegetable drugs   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  10. Protozoa   (added: 08/04/2024 )
  11. Ecological survey of aquatic & terrestrial resources for City of Newport Beach, Calif   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  12. Atlas of insects beneficial to forest trees   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  13. Report to accompany geologic and slope stability maps of the Tennessee Valley, Lucas Valley, and North Coastal areas, Marin County, California   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  14. Report on the forests of British East Africa   (added: 07/21/2024 )
  15. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex   (added: 07/14/2024 )
  16. The tree book   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  17. Manual of the botany of the northern United States : including the district east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  18. Birds in their relations to man; a manual of economic ornithology for the United States and Canada   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  19. A textbook of general embryology   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  20. A guide to the wild flowers east of the Mississippi and north of Virginia   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  21. The soybean   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  22. The ant people   (added: 07/07/2024 )
  23. Productive sheep husbandry   (added: 06/30/2024 )
  24. Vertebrates of Ontario   (added: 06/30/2024 )
  25. Happy hunting-grounds; a tribute to the woods and fields   (added: 06/30/2024 )
  26. Senescence and rejuvenescence   (added: 06/23/2024 )
  27. More aristocrats of the garden   (added: 06/23/2024 )
  28. Irritability; a physiological analysis of the general effect of stimuli in living substance   (added: 06/16/2024 )
  29. A. Engler's Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nutzpflanzen nebst einer Übersicht über die Florenreiche und Florengebiete der Erde   (added: 06/16/2024 )
  30. Some features in the development of the central nervous system of Desmognathus fusca ...   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  31. Artificial parthenogenesis and fertilization   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  32. Life histories of American insects   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  33. Gardens in the making   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  34. Trees : their use and abuse   (added: 05/19/2024 )
  35. Farm wind-breaks and shelter-belts   (added: 05/19/2024 )
  36. Elements of forestry   (added: 05/19/2024 )
  37. Sketches in geology; a group of twenty-two separate papers on American geology   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  38. ICRF handbook of genome analysis 2   (added: 04/14/2024 )
  39. Dry farming in relation to rainfall and evaporation   (added: 04/07/2024 )
  40. Plant diseases of international importance   (added: 04/07/2024 )
  41. Paukoobraznye   (added: 04/07/2024 )
  42. Who's who among the ferns   (added: 04/07/2024 )
  43. In African forest and jungle   (added: 03/10/2024 )
  44. Stratospheric ozone reduction, solar ultraviolet radiation and plant life 546   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  45. The cell in development and heredity   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  46. Recent progress in the study of variation, heredity, and evolution   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  47. Concerning man's origin : being the presidential address given at the meeting of the British association held in Leeds on August 31, 1927, together with recent essays on Darwinian subjects   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  48. The chimpanzee; a series of volumes on the chimpanzee 2   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  49. Die Binnengewässer; Einzeldarstellungen aus der Limnologie und ihren Nachbargebieten 29   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  50. Catalogue of birds of the Americas and the adjacent islands in Field Museum of Natural History and including all species and subspecies known to occur in North America, Mexico, Central America, South America, the West Indies, and islands of the Caribbean Sea, the Galapagos Archipelago, and other islands which may properly be included on account of their faunal affinities 13, pt.5-6   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  51. An illustrated flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and California   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  52. Index herbariorum   (added: 12/10/2023 )
  53. Introduction to the EC regulation on plant variety protection   (added: 09/24/2023 )
  54. Index kewensis plantarum phanerogamarum nomina et synonyma omnium generum et specierum a Linnaeo usque ad annum 1885 complectens nomine recepto auctore patria unicuique plantae subjectis. Supplementum, nomina et synonyma omnium generum et specierum   (added: 07/16/2023 )
  55. Antelopes : global survey and regional action plans   (added: 06/04/2023 )
  56. Genera orchidacearum   (added: 04/23/2023 )
  57. Flora of China 10   (added: 04/09/2023 )
  58. The Victoria history of the county of Middlesex 6   (added: 03/19/2023 )
  59. Airedale breeders' hand book   (added: 03/12/2023 )
  60. Contributions from the Department of pathology and bacteriology   (added: 03/07/2023 )
  61. The natural history of the farm; a guide to the practical study of the sources of our living in wild nature   (added: 02/26/2023 )
  62. Advances in parasitology   (added: 02/05/2023 )
  63. The evolutionary problem as it is today   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  64. Catalogue of the Hutton collection of fossil plants   (added: 12/11/2022 )
  65. Krider's sporting anecdotes   (added: 12/04/2022 )
  66. The Na⁺, K⁺-pump : proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Na⁺, K⁺-ATPase held at Fuglso Conference Center, Denmark, June 14-19, 1987 268B   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  67. Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the desert: being the result of a second expedition undertaken for the Trustees of the British museum   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  68. The Na, K-pump : proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Na, K⁺-ATPase held at Fuglso Conference Center, Denmark, June 14-19, 1987 268A   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  69. Report on forestry in Uganda   (added: 11/06/2022 )
  70. Common Florida angiosperm families   (added: 11/06/2022 )
  71. Early British botanists and their gardens, based on unpublished writings of Goodyer, Tradescant, and others   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  72. Notice historique sur Bory de Saint-Vincent (Geneviève-Jean-Baptiste-Marcellin) ... lue dans la séance publique annuelle du 18 décembre 1916   (added: 10/16/2022 )
  73. What comes from what; or, The relationships of animals and plants   (added: 10/10/2022 )
  74. The daemon of Darwin   (added: 10/06/2022 )
  75. The mountain trail and its message   (added: 10/02/2022 )
  76. Handbook of British Fungi, with full descriptions of all the species   (added: 10/02/2022 )
  77. Lord Lilford on birds   (added: 10/02/2022 )
  78. Datos para la fauna filipina   (added: 10/02/2022 )
  79. Ein getrenntgeschlechtiger Cestode   (added: 10/02/2022 )
  80. The principal species of wood: their characteristic properties   (added: 09/25/2022 )
  81. Selections from the Natural history of the quadrupeds of Paraguay and the river La Plata; comprising the most remarkable species of South America   (added: 09/25/2022 )
  82. The Victoria history of the county of Stafford 14   (added: 07/24/2022 )
  83. A History of Shropshire 3   (added: 07/24/2022 )
  84. A History of Shropshire   (added: 07/24/2022 )
  85. Código penal para el Distrito y territorios federales sobre delitos del fuero común y para toda la república sobre delitos contra la federación, seguido de las leyes que le han reformado en muchos de sus artículos   (added: 07/17/2022 )
  86. The Victoria history of the county of Somerset   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  87. The Victoria history of the county of Oxford 10   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  88. The Victoria history of the county of Essex 6   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  89. The Victoria history of the county of Gloucester 5   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  90. The Victoria history of the county of Essex 8   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  91. The Victoria history of the county of Stafford 20   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  92. The Victoria history of the county of Oxford 13   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  93. The Victoria history of the county of Gloucester   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  94. The Victoria history of the county of Oxford 12   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  95. The Victoria history of the county of Gloucester 10   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  96. The Victoria history of the county of Somerset 6   (added: 06/28/2022 )
  97. Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) draft recovery plan   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  98. In situ toxicity testing with locally collected daphnia   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  99. Draft recovery plan for the bull trout and proposed critical habitat   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  100. Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) draft recovery plan   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  101. Invertebrate zoology 2   (added: 05/29/2022 )
  102. The fairy-land of science   (added: 05/15/2022 )
  103. ICRF handbook of genome analysis   (added: 05/08/2022 )
  104. A history of British birds 1   (added: 04/10/2022 )
  105. Snakes and lizards in your pocket : a guide to reptiles of the upper Midwest   (added: 04/10/2022 )
  106. Esoteric anthropology (The mysteries of man) : a comprehensive and confidential treatise on the structure, functions, passional attractions, and perversions, true and false physical and social conditions, and the most intimate relations of men and women   (added: 02/13/2022 )
  107. The Victoria history of the county of Essex 4   (added: 02/06/2022 )
  108. Avian medicine : principles and application   (added: 02/06/2022 )
  109. Catalogue of the Edward E. Ayer Ornithological Library 1   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  110. Catalogue of the Edward E. Ayer Ornithological Library   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  111. Scientific survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands v.8:pt.1 (1926)   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  112. A manual for the study of insects   (added: 10/11/2021 )
  113. On the origin of species by the means of natural selection, or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  114. Darwin and after Darwin : an exposition of the Darwinian theory and a discussion of post-Darwinian questions 1   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  115. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the command of Captain Fitz Roy, R.N   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  116. Walden   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  117. The sacred tree, or, The tree in religion and myth   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  118. Darwin and after Darwin : an exposition of the Darwinian theory and a discussion of post-Darwinian questions 2   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  119. The doctrine of descent and Darwinism   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  120. Natural theology, or, Evidences of the existence and attributes of the Diety   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  121. Natural theology, or Evidences of the existence and attributes of the deity   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  122. Les fourmis   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  123. Revisio synoptica apum borealium, comparatis speciebus Europae mediae   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  124. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences 4   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  125. The genuine epistles of the Apostolic fathers, St. Clement, St. Polycarp, St. Ignatius, St. Barnabas; the Shepherd of Hermas, and the martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp, written by those who were present at their sufferings, being together with the holy scriptures of the New Testament, a complete collection of the most primitive antiquity for about one hundred and fifty years after Christ   (added: 09/12/2021 )
  126. Notes sur la truffe   (added: 09/09/2021 )
  127. The bird watcher in the Shetlands, with some notes on seals--and digressions   (added: 08/01/2021 )
  128. Natural history 103   (added: 07/11/2021 )
  129. Birds in Kansas   (added: 07/06/2021 )
  130. Our mountain garden   (added: 06/13/2021 )
  131. Natural history 103   (added: 06/13/2021 )
  132. A journey from Prince of Wales's fort in Hudson's Bay to the northern ocean, in the years 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772   (added: 06/13/2021 )
  133. Natural history 103   (added: 06/06/2021 )
  134. Natural history 103   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  135. Practical hints for the field lepidopterist. I   (added: 05/23/2021 )
  136. Friends in feathers : character studies of native American birds which, through friendly advances, I induced to pose for me, or succeeded in photographing by good fortune with the story of my experiences in obtaining their pictures   (added: 05/23/2021 )
  137. At the deathbed of Darwinism, a series of papers   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  138. The method of evolution; a review of the present attitude of science toward the question of the laws and forces which have brought about the origin of species   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  139. Concerning evolution   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  140. Man and his ancestor; a study in evolution   (added: 04/18/2021 )
  141. Syllabus of a course of illustrated lectures on Darwinism and evolution   (added: 04/18/2021 )
  142. Elements of plant biology   (added: 04/18/2021 )
  143. Mosses and lichens; a popular guide to the identification and study of our commoner mosses and lichens, their uses, and methods of preserving   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  144. Catalogue of birds of the Americas and the adjacent islands in Field Museum of Natural History and including all species and subspecies known to occur in North America, Mexico, Central America, South America, the West Indies, and islands of the Caribbean Sea, the Galapagos Archipelago, and other islands which may properly be included on account of their faunal affinities v.13:pt.4 (1925)   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  145. Publication. Zoological series v.13:pt.4 (1925)   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  146. Two new birds from Peru   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  147. The theory of evolution : with special reference to the evidence upon which it is founded   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  148. A manual of the flowering plants of California   (added: 04/04/2021 )
  149. Greek biology and medicine   (added: 04/04/2021 )
  150. British wild flowers   (added: 03/21/2021 )
  151. Island life : or, the phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates   (added: 03/21/2021 )
  152. British insects and how to know them   (added: 03/21/2021 )
  153. Killer whales : the mysterious and beautiful of the orca   (added: 03/21/2021 )
  154. British wild flowers 2   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  155. The descent of man : and selection in relation to sex   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  156. Natural history 52   (added: 03/03/2021 )
  157. Natural history 94   (added: 03/03/2021 )
  158. Natural history 80   (added: 03/03/2021 )
  159. Roses and rose growing   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  160. The British bird book; an account of all the birds, nests and eggs found in the British Isles   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  161. The butterflies of the British Isles   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  162. Life histories of North American wild fowl : order Anseres (part) 4   (added: 02/14/2021 )
  163. Adventures among birds   (added: 02/07/2021 )
  164. Natural history 59   (added: 01/31/2021 )
  165. Natural history 102   (added: 01/31/2021 )
  166. Natural history : journal of the American Museum of Natural History 76   (added: 01/31/2021 )
  167. Manual of the trees of North America (exclusive of Mexico)   (added: 01/31/2021 )
  168. Natural history 1989   (added: 01/31/2021 )
  169. Natural history 95   (added: 01/31/2021 )
  170. Life histories of North American diving birds : order Pygopodes 1   (added: 01/31/2021 )
  171. Bass, pike, perch, and others   (added: 01/24/2021 )
  172. Timbers of the world   (added: 01/24/2021 )
  173. The frog book : North American toads and frogs with a study of the habits and life histories of those of the Northeastern states   (added: 01/24/2021 )
  174. Publications   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  175. The book of a naturalist   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  176. How to know Western Australian wildflowers : a key to the flora of the extratropical regions of Western Australia   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  177. Natural history   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  178. Sharp eyes; a rambler's calendar of fifty-two weeks among insects, birds and flowers   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  179. Mutations, variations, and relationships of the oenotheras   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  180. The life of Jean Henri Fabre, the entomologist, 1823-1910   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  181. The Monthly American journal of geology and natural science   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  182. Eye spy; afield with nature among flowers and animate things   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  183. The study of animal life   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  184. Tree ancestors; a glimpse into the past   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  185. The book of grasses; an illustrated guide to the common grasses, and the most common of the rushes and sedges   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  186. Life, letters, and works of Louis Agassiz 1   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  187. Memoirs of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History v.5   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  188. Natural history   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  189. Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thomas Edward, associate of the Linnean Society   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  190. Lectures on plant physiology   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  191. The chemistry of plant life   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  192. Ornamental shrubs of the United States (hardy, cultivated)   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  193. Through the fields with Linnæus; a chapter in Swedish history 2   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  194. Michigan flora : a list of the fern and seed plants growing without cultivation   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  195. Natural history   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  196. The plants of Michigan; simple keys for the identification of the native seed plants of the state   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  197. The wild flowers of California : their names, haunts, and habits   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  198. Biology in America   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  199. Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley 1   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  200. Natural history 116   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  201. Evolution and social progress   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  202. Natural history   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  203. Essays of a biologist   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  204. My study windows   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  205. A book-lover's holidays in the open   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  206. Plant physiology; authorized English translation by R. J. HarveyGibson; supplement incorporating the alterations of the 2d ed. of the German original   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  207. The Wilson bulletin 2 no. 13   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  208. Louis Agassiz : his life and correspondence   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  209. The vitreous body, its origin, development, and structure as observed in the eye of the pig   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  210. The Wilson bulletin 2 no. 23   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  211. My studio neighbors   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  212. Natural history 101   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  213. Letters and recollections of Alexander Agassiz   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  214. Natural history   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  215. Birds that hunt and are hunted : life histories of one hundred and seventy birds of prey, game birds and water-fowls   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  216. The Wilson bulletin 2 no. 8   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  217. The game birds of Manitoba   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  218. American food and game fishes : a popular account of all the species found in America north of the equator, with keys for ready identification, life histories and methods of capture   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  219. Natural history 112   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  220. The Wilson bulletin 2 no. 20   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  221. Louis Agassiz : his life and work   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  222. Natural history   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  223. Natural history 110   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  224. Modes of research in genetics   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  225. Natural history   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  226. Field, forest, and garden botany; a simple introduction to the common plants of the United States east of the 100th meridian, both wild and cultivated   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  227. The humanizing of the brute : or, The essential difference between the human and animal soul proved from their specific activities   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  228. The Wilson bulletin 2 no. 14   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  229. Natural history and antiquities of Selborne   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  230. Transpiration and the ascent of sap in plants   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  231. Trees of the northern United States: their study, description and determination, for the use of schools and private students   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  232. Die Vögel Madagascars und der benachbarten Inselgruppen. Ein Beitrag zur Zoologie der äthiopischen Region   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  233. First book of grasses; the structure of grasses explained for beginners   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  234. The wild and cultivated cotton plants of the world; a revision of the genus Gossypium, framed primarily with the object of aiding planters and investigators who may contemplate the systematic improvement of the cotton staple   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  235. Our northern shrubs and how to identify them; a handbook for the nature-lover   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  236. Natural history   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  237. Michigan weeds   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  238. Memoirs of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History v.4   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  239. The shrubs of northeastern America   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  240. Through the fields with Linnæus; a chapter in Swedish history   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  241. A laboratory guide in elementary bacteriology   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  242. The breath of life   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  243. Comparative studies in the psychology of ants and of higher animals   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  244. The Wilson bulletin 2 no. 7   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  245. The bryophytes of Connecticut   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  246. The psychic life of micro-organisms. A study in experimental psychology   (added: 11/22/2020 )
  247. Handbook of the birds of Golden Gate Park, San Francisco   (added: 05/26/2020 )
  248. The glow-worm and other beetles   (added: 04/05/2020 )
  249. Forest culture and eucalyptus trees   (added: 03/30/2020 )
  250. The Cambridge natural history v.6 (1899) [1901 reprint]   (added: 03/29/2020 )