
Recent Additions (Last 250)   Published In: ALL   For: Naval Postgraduate School

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  1. The viability of acoustic tomography in monitoring the circulation of Monterey Bay   (added: 02/10/2013 )
  2. Predicting sound phase and amplitude fluctuations due to microstructure in the upper ocean   (added: 02/10/2013 )
  3. The development of a homogeneous numerical ocean model for the Arctic Ocean   (added: 02/10/2013 )
  4. Hydrographic data from the OPTOMA Program : OPTOMA11, 5-June-5 August, 1984   (added: 02/03/2013 )
  5. Hydrographic data from the OPTOMA Program : OPTOMA1, March 8-l3, 1982   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  6. Hydrographic data from the OPTOMA Program : OPTOMA2, legs I and II, 31 July-14 August, 1982   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  7. Current meter data from the slope waters off central California, 25 July 1978 - 1 June 1980   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  8. Mass, salt, and heat transportation across four latitude circles in the south Atlantic Ocean   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  9. Oceanographic measurements near the Arctic ice margins   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  10. Temperature fine structure near the sea-ice margin of the Chukchi Sea   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  11. Bibliography update on the California current system and related mesoscale ocean modeling   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  12. Hydrographic data from the OPTOMA Program : OPTOMA9, 20-25 February 1984, OPTOMA SF, 3-4 March 1984, OPTOMA10, 23-24 April 1984   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  13. Hydrographic data from the OPTOMA Program : OPTOMA12, 8-18 October 1984, OPTOMA13, 22 October-3 November 1984, OPTOMA13P, 27 October 1984, OPTOMA14, 3-14 November 1984   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  14. Meteorological data from the OPTOMA Program : OPTOMA11, leg DII, 30 June-10 July, 1984   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  15. The oceanographic cruise of the USCGC GLACIER to the marginal sea-ice zone of the Chukchi Sea : MIZPAC 78   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  16. The Oceanographic cruise of the USCGC Burton Island to the marginal sea-ice zone of the Chukchi Sea--MIZPAC 77   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  17. Oceanographic investigation of the marginal sea ice zone of the Chukchi Sea -- MIZPAC 1974   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  18. Hydrographic data from the OPTOMA Program : OPTOMA15, 24 January-23 February, 1985   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  19. Hydrographic data from the OPTOMA Program : OPTOMA17, 21 July-5 September, 1985   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  20. Hydrographic data from the slope waters off central California : 26 November 1978 - 26 June 1980   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  21. A pilot data analysis of sea surface temperatures and wind speeds measured on Oceanic Weather Ship PAPA : a summary   (added: 12/23/2012 )
  22. Relationships between sea surface temperature and nutrients in satellite detected oceanic fronts   (added: 12/23/2012 )
  23. A numerical study of eddy steering by background flows   (added: 12/17/2012 )
  24. Biology and ecology of encrusting bryozoans in Monterey Harbor   (added: 12/09/2012 )
  25. Changes in the California current system observed off northern California during July-August 1986   (added: 11/04/2012 )
  26. The physical oceanography of the northern Baffin Bay-Nares Strait region   (added: 11/04/2012 )
  27. A numerical study of eddy interactions with a barotropic oceanic jet   (added: 11/04/2012 )
  28. Evaluation of GEOSAT data and application to variability of the northeast Pacific Ocean   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  29. Mesoscale variability in the west Spitsbergen Current and adjacent waters in Fram Strait : by Alan M. Weigel   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  30. Optimized observation periods required to achieve geodetic acuracies using the Global Positioning System   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  31. Environmental influences on the production of Arctic halocline and deep water   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  32. Numerical ocean prediction in the California coastal region using a high-resolution primitive equation model   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  33. Estimations of diabatic heating for an explosively-developing maritime cyclone   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  34. A comparison of methods of least squares adjustment of traverses   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  35. A critical analysis of ocean thermal analysis models in operation at FNOC   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  36. Spatial structures of optical parameters in the California current, as measured with the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  37. Development of a microcomputer coupled Atmospheric and Oceanic Boundary Layer prediction model   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  38. An error analysis of range-azimuth positioning   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  39. Diagnostic verification of the GLAS general circulation model as applied to a case of extratropical maritime explosive cyclogenesis   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  40. The effect of stochastic surface heat fluxes on the climatology of the seasonal thermocline   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  41. The climatological seasonal response of the ocean mixed layer in the equatorial and tropical Pacific Ocean   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  42. An analysis of results of a high-resolution world ocean circulation model   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  43. Real-time position determinations using the GPS TI4100/GEOSTAR receiver   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  44. Response of an atmospheric prediction model to time-dependent sea-surface temperatures   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  45. Forecasting atmospheric visibility over the summer North Atlantic using the Principal Discriminant Method   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  46. An investigation of the waters of the East Greenland current   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  47. Sensitivity analysis of a coupled atmospheric-oceanic boundary layer model   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  48. Criteria for the classification of hydrographic positioning data   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  49. Comparison of wave celerity theories with field data   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  50. Utilization of the SEASAT Scatterometer winds for ocean mixed layer modeling   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  51. A comparison of two acoustic parabolic equation transmission loss models for compatibility with the Wavenumber Technique in the determination of source depth   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  52. Standardized guidance for the establishment of a national hydrographic office in developing nations   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  53. One dimensional model hindcasts of warm anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  54. A study of Antarctic remote site Automatic Weather Station data (1980-81) from the Ross ice shelf area   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  55. The implicit finite-difference (IFD) acoustic model in a shallow water environment   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  56. Experiments in forecasting atmospheric marine horizontal visibility using model output statistics with conditional probabilities of discretized parameters   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  57. Real-time enhancement of a climatology or forecast of ocean thermal structure using observed ocean temperatures   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  58. Establishment of hydrographic shore control by Doppler Satellite techniques   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  59. An evaluation of the SPADS automated cloud analysis program   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  60. Observations of the California Countercurrent   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  61. An evaluation of discretized conditional probability and linear regression threshold techniques in model output statistics forecasting of visibility over the North Atlantic Ocean   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  62. Biometrics theory, methods, and applications   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  63. A numerical study of baroclinic circulation in Monterey Bay   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  64. An assessment of the potential role of multispectral imagery in bathymetric charting   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  65. Ocean mixing and circulation response in the marginal ice zone   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  66. The effect of interior motion on seasonal thermocline evolution   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  67. On the unsteady response of an oceanic front to local atmospheric forcing   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  68. A study of precipitation occurrence using visual and infrared satellite data   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  69. An evaluation of 700 mb aircraft reconnaissance data for selected northwest Pacific tropical cyclones   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  70. Underwater acoustic propagation in the Korea strait   (added: 10/28/2012 )
  71. Observations of inertio-gravity waves in the wake of hurricane Frederic   (added: 09/30/2012 )
  72. Density structure associated with salt fingers   (added: 09/30/2012 )
  73. A statistical approach for determining subsurface thermal structure from sea surface temperature in the northeast Pacific Ocean   (added: 09/30/2012 )
  74. The use of computer intensive statistical modeling in estimating the variability of marine fouling communities   (added: 09/30/2012 )
  75. An model for tidal circulation adapted to Monterey Bay, California   (added: 09/30/2012 )
  76. Analysis of observed and modeled mixed layers : NOCAL region   (added: 09/30/2012 )
  77. Fine structure, fronts and currents in the Pacific Marginal Sea-Ice Zone - MIZPAC 77   (added: 09/30/2012 )
  78. Measuring shallow water waves with pressure sensors   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  79. Longshore sand transport distribution across the surf zone due to random waves   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  80. The space-time scales of variability in oceanic thermal structure off the Central California coast   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  81. Thermal calibration of satellite infrared images and correlation with sea-surface nutrient distribution   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  82. Oceanographic investigation of the east Greenland polar front in autumn   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  83. Calculation of hydrographic position data by least squares adjustment   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  84. Application of Loran-C positioning to hydrographic surveying   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  85. Application of additional secondary factors to LORAN-C positions for hydrographic operations   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  86. Finestructure, fronts and currents in the Pacific marginal sea-ice zone : MIZPAC 78   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  87. The evaluation of dual beam echo sounders in hydrographic surveying   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  88. Ocean thermal analysis and related naval operational considerations in the Ionian Sea - June 1980   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  89. Oceanic mixed layer response to tidal period internal wave motion   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  90. The one-dimensionality of the upper ocean mixing and the role of advection during the POLE experiment   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  91. The impact of tectonic activity in the development of Monterey Submarine Canyon   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  92. 20KHz acoustic fluctuations due to thermal finestructure in the upper ocean   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  93. A sensitivity study of the parabolic equation model to bottom type and geometry   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  94. Application of the global positioning system to nearshore hydrographic surveys   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  95. Analysis and simulation of wind-driven currents during the Mixed Layer Experiment (MILE)   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  96. Rapid oceanographic data gathering : some problems in using remote sensing to determine the horizontal and vertical thermal distributions in the Northeast Pacific Ocean   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  97. Estimating the distribution and production of microplankton in a coastal upwelling front from the cellular content of guanosine-5' triphosphate and adenosine-5' triphosphate   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  98. Mass, salt, and heat transport by ocean currents across 35 deg north latitude in the Pacific ocean   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  99. The transparency of selected U.S. coastal waters with applications to laser bathymetry   (added: 09/16/2012 )
  100. The transparency of Southeast Asian and Indonesian waters   (added: 09/10/2012 )
  101. Heat budgets of the Southeast Beaufort Sea for the years 1974 and 1975   (added: 09/10/2012 )
  102. Scanning electron microscope observations of marine microorganisms on surfaces coated with antifouling paints   (added: 09/10/2012 )
  103. One-dimensional model hindcasts of cold anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean   (added: 09/10/2012 )
  104. Subsurface dynamical properties of variable features seen in satellite IR imagery off Point Sur and their acoustic significance   (added: 09/10/2012 )
  105. The simulation of gas turbines by a state of the art analog device   (added: 09/10/2012 )
  106. Interpretation of a SAR image of the Bay of Biscay   (added: 09/09/2012 )
  107. Methods of hydrographic surveying used by different countries   (added: 09/09/2012 )
  108. The use of DMSP and SMS-2 digital satellite data for identifying marine fog in the eastern North Pacific Ocean area   (added: 09/09/2012 )
  109. The ecology of the benthic and endolithic communities of a rocky reef in the kelp beds off Del Monte Beach, Monterey, California   (added: 09/09/2012 )
  110. Analysis of random errors in horizontal sextant angles   (added: 09/09/2012 )
  111. Test of the application of the TYWAVES model to prediction of swell in the east China Sea from three tropical cyclones in the western north Pacific   (added: 09/09/2012 )
  112. Statistical properties of ocean wave groups   (added: 09/09/2012 )
  113. Error analysis of hydrographic positioning and the application of least squares   (added: 09/09/2012 )
  114. Ecology and distribution of the Benthic community on the Monterey breakwater, Monterey, California   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  115. Sea level variations in Gulf of Thailand   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  116. Mass, salt, and heat transport in the South Pacific   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  117. A study of horizontal sea surface temperature variability   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  118. Laboratory study of sound propagation into a fast bottom medium   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  119. A drift bottle study of the southern Monterey Bay   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  120. The Navy Industrial Fund and its applicability to the Naval Data Automation Command   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  121. Organization of an oceanographic data bank for the Peruvian Navy   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  122. Overwintering strategies of the calanoid copepod Calanus plumchrus in a periodically anoxic British Columbia fjord   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  123. Transformation of waves across the surf zone   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  124. Ocean wave group analysis   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  125. An open-ocean marine fog development and forecast model for Ocean Weather Station Papa   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  126. Evaluation of calibration methods for hydrographic electronic positioning systems   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  127. Biological patchiness in relation to satellite thermal imagery and associated chamical mesoscale features   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  128. Probability density functions of breaking waves   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  129. Response of the upper ocean to hurricane Eloise   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  130. Breaking wave criterion on a sloping beach   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  131. Representation of hydrographic surveys and ocean bottom topography by analytical models   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  132. On the question of accumulation of ice-melt water south of the ice in the Chukchi Sea   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  133. Acoustical oceanography of the Levantine Sea   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  134. Mass, salt, and heat transport across seven latitude circles in the North Atlantic Ocean : a description of the general circulation based on geostrophic calculations from international geophysical year and adjacent data   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  135. Marine microfouling in Monterey harbor : observations using the scanning electron microscope   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  136. Oceanography, mesostructure, and currents of the pacific marginal sea-ice zone : MIZPAC 75   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  137. Santa Ana associated offshore fog : forecasting with a sequential model   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  138. A description of the general circulation in the North Atlantic ocean based on mass transport values derived from IGy (1957-1958) temperature and salinity data   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  139. Spectral irradiance measurements in Monterey Bay New York   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  140. Bed shear stress coefficient within the surf zone   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  141. Characteristics of atmospheric forcing functions   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  142. Biofouling organisms and their salinity tolerance on navigational buoys in upper San Francisco Bay   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  143. The kinematics of breaking waves in the surf zone   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  144. Suspended sediments measured in the surf zone   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  145. Experiments in wave record analysis   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  146. Wave set up and set down due to a narrow frequency wave spectrum   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  147. Resonator measurements of acoustic characteristics of some marine crustaceans : a laboratory experiment   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  148. A drift bottle study of the southern Monterey Bay   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  149. Rock boring bivalves and associated fauna and flora of the intertidal terrace at Santa Cruz, California   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  150. Winter and spring oceanographic conditions in and under the ice of the Bering Sea   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  151. Acoustic propagation in the Somali basin   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  152. 1973 variations of hurricane heat potential in the Philippine Sea and the Gulf of Mexico   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  153. Measurement of the California counter-current   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  154. Climatological wave statistics derived from FNWC synoptic spectral wave analyses   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  155. Coastal controls on vertical sound speed determination and corrections to echo soundings   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  156. Hydrographic applications of the global positioning system   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  157. An investigation of the propagation of non-linear acoustic waves in a viscous fluid   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  158. Production of ultra low frequency magnetic noise by ocean surface gravity waves and its real time removal from airborne magnetometer measurements   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  159. Use of historical salinity data in the computation of depth correction due to variations in sound speed   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  160. Determination of land elevation changes using tidal data   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  161. The operational determination of wind stress on the Arctic ice pack   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  162. Precision of tidal datums in the Sacramento River, California   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  163. The effects of heat exchange and thermal advection on the rate of change of temperature at Ocean Weather Station November   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  164. Sea levels and metered currents off central California   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  165. Sea level variations at Monterey, California   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  166. Transient ship synoptic reports : an evaluation of their contributions to a fog study of 19 August - 5 September 1974, and 1-5 December 1975   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  167. Nutrient study of mesoscale thermal features off Point Sur, California   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  168. Numerical investigation of the dynamics of Sea of Marmara   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  169. Ocean thermal structure response to a moving hurricane model   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  170. Ocean swell wave groups from wave record analysis   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  171. Time-series study of sanding in Ventura Harbor, California   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  172. Tidal and river datums in the Sacramento river   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  173. A study of the relationship between oceanic chemical mesoscale and sea surface thermal structure as detected by satellite infrared imagery   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  174. Microstructure profiles   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  175. Microplanktonic ATP-biomass and GTP-productivity associated with upwelling off Pt. Sur, California   (added: 08/19/2012 )
  176. Correlation coefficients calculated on a world wide basis between observed Secchi depths and other simultaneously measured standard oceanographic parameters   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  177. Subtidal concrete piling fauna in Monterey Harbor, California   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  178. Currents in Monterey Submarine Canyon   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  179. Analysis of a high resolution deep ocean acoustic navigation system   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  180. A bottom gravity survey of the shallow water regions of southern Monterey Bay and its geological interpretation   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  181. A bottom gravity survey of the continental shelf between Point Lobos and Point Sur, California   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  182. The spatial and temporal variation of sound speed in the California current system off Monterey, California   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  183. Kinematics of surf zone breaking waves : measurement and analysis   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  184. Tidal and current prediction for the Amazon's North Channel using a hydrodynamical-numerical model   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  185. Small scale temperature fluctuations near the sea surface   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  186. A normal mode model for estimating low-frequency acoustic transmission loss in the deep ocean   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  187. Mesoscale spatial and temporal variations of water mass characteristics in the California current region off Monterey Bay in 1973-1974   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  188. Mesoscale components of the geostrophic flow and its temporal and spatial variability in the California current off Monterey Bay in 1973-74   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  189. Ocean hydroclimate : its influence on climate   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  190. A statistical verification of a ten year series of computed surface wind conditions over the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  191. Spatial and temporal behavior of the West Point sewage effluent in Puget Sound   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  192. The descriptive and dynamic oceanography of the mesostructure near Arctic ice margins   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  193. Distribution of suspended particulate matter off the California coast from San Francisco Bay to Cape San Martín   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  194. The effect of a plane boundary on wave induced forces acting on a submerges cylinder   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  195. Analysis of the Lindquist ocean wave follower   (added: 08/07/2012 )
  196. Upwelling at Cabo Frio (Brazil)   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  197. Spectral analysis of the energy exchange at OWS NOVEMBER   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  198. Gradient analysis of phytoplankton productivity and chemical parameters in polluted and other nearshore habitats   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  199. The kinematics of water particle velocities of breaking waves within the surf zone   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  200. A comparison of satellite images capable of detecting ocean surface features   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  201. Numerical investigation of Bering Sea dynamics   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  202. Fog sequences on the central California coast with examples   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  203. A computer simulation model of seasonal variations in ocean production for a region of upwelling   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  204. Comparison of predicted and observed tides at Monterey, California   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  205. A photographic reconnaissance of the micro-relief in the Monterey and Carmel submarine canyons, California   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  206. Characterization of Gelbstoffe in Monterey Bay by nylon adsorption, UV, and paper chromatography   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  207. The role of strong atmospheric forcing events in the modification of the upper ocean thermal structure during the cooling season   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  208. Evidence of subarctic water mass intrusions at Ocean Weather Station NOVEMBER   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  209. Apparent surface currents over the Monterey Submarine Canyon measured by the method of towed electrodes   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  210. An analysis of data obtained from vane shear tests of recent marine sediment   (added: 07/15/2012 )
  211. A hydrographic and acoustic survey of the Persian Gulf. Part I   (added: 07/15/2012 )
  212. Surf zone wave kinematics   (added: 07/15/2012 )
  213. Comparison of numerical and hydraulic oceanographic prediction models   (added: 07/15/2012 )
  214. Comparison of momentum, sensible and latent heat fluxes over the open ocean determined by the direct covariance, inertial and direct dissipation techniques   (added: 07/15/2012 )
  215. Temperature variations throughout Monterey Bay, September 1971-October 1972   (added: 07/15/2012 )
  216. A study of the effect of internal wave induced turublence on small scale temperature structure in shallow water 2   (added: 07/15/2012 )
  217. The probable distribution of whales as false sonar targets in the North Pacific Ocean by analysis of whaling data   (added: 07/15/2012 )
  218. Wave-induced water particle motion measurements   (added: 07/15/2012 )
  219. Gradient analysis of carbon monoxide and methane in polluted and other nearshore habitats   (added: 07/15/2012 )
  220. An investigation of surface and internal wave-induced turbulence in shallow water thermal microstructure   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  221. Shallow water acoustic amplitude fluctuations at 35 and 65 kHz   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  222. Small scale interactions in the near surface ocean   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  223. A study of the benthic algae in the kelp bed off Del Monte Beach, Monterey, California   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  224. A statistical model of atmospheric temperature signals   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  225. Statistical studies of world-wide Secchi data   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  226. An oceanographic investigation of thermal changes in Monterey Bay, California, September 1971 - January 1972   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  227. Origin and development of beach cusps at Monterey Bay, California   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  228. Implications of the emerging Law of the Sea to the U.S. Navy   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  229. Hydrostatic pressure effects on 1/4 inch polypropylene line   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  230. Hurricane heat potential of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  231. A bottom gravity survey of Carmel Bay, California   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  232. Measurement of zooplankton biomass by carbon analysis for application in sound scattering models   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  233. Minearalogy of selected world soil samples, with implications regarding the abrasion/corrosion potential of environmental dust on military ordnance and a hypothesis for the Southeast Asia problem   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  234. Sediment transport on the northern Oregon continental shelf   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  235. A gravimetric survey of the Santa Cruz-Año Nuevo Point continental shelf and adjacent coastline   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  236. An analysis of environmental data for use in updating low frequency propagation loss forecasts   (added: 07/08/2012 )
  237. High frequency temperature fluctuations in the atmospheric boundary layer   (added: 07/01/2012 )
  238. Analysis of wave-induced errors in turbulent flux measurements   (added: 07/01/2012 )
  239. Investigation of the 1kHz sound absorption in sea water   (added: 07/01/2012 )
  240. Fog on the central California coast for 1973 : analysis of trends   (added: 07/01/2012 )
  241. In-situ detection and monitoring of marine sediment pollution through electrical conductivity methods   (added: 07/01/2012 )
  242. Measurement and analysis of temporal variations of salinity in shallow water   (added: 07/01/2012 )
  243. Fog occurrence and forecasting at two North Pacific ocean stations, May and June, 1953   (added: 07/01/2012 )
  244. A study of time variability of surface currents at a point in Monterey Bay   (added: 07/01/2012 )
  245. Comparison of Fleet Numerical Weather Central acoustic forecast system and the Integrated Carrier Acoustic Prediction System (ICAPS)   (added: 06/24/2012 )
  246. Wind stress and wind stress curl over the California current   (added: 06/24/2012 )
  247. Shallow water experiment utilizing the STD Model 9006 at a fixed point   (added: 06/24/2012 )
  248. Mass, salt, and heat transport across 40?N latitude in the Atlantic Ocean based in IGY data and dynamic height calculations   (added: 06/24/2012 )
  249. Formation and development of beach cusps on Del Monte Beach, Monterey, California   (added: 06/24/2012 )
  250. Design and wind tunnel testing of a size sampling in-situ net system (SSISNET)   (added: 06/24/2012 )