
Recent Additions (Last 250)   Published In: ALL   For: University of British Columbia Library

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  1. Western Australia   (added: 01/15/2024 )
  2. Mangrove forests of the Malay Peninsula   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  3. Grapefruit culture in the British West Indies and British Honduras   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  4. Bush fruit production   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  5. Forestry handbook for New South Wales   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  6. Goat-grazing and forestry in Cyprus   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  7. The book of bulbs : a guide to the selection, planting and cultivating of bulbs for spring, summer, and autumn flowering and to winter-long beauty from bulbs indoors   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  8. Report of the Hudson Strait expedition to December 31, 1927   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  9. Principles of plant pathology   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  10. Destructive and useful insects; their habits and control   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  11. Livestock husbandry on range and pasture   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  12. The book of a naturalist   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  13. On rous, leucotic & allied tumours in the fowl; a study in malignancy   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  14. Silvicultural systems   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  15. The storage of apples in air-cooled warehouses in Nova Scotia. Report of an investigation carried out under the direction of the Associate committee on fruit storage   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  16. Feeds and feeding : a handbook for the student and stockman   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  17. Deforested America   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  18. Lectures on plant pathology and physiology in relation to man; a series of lectures given at the Mayo Foundation and the universities of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, the Des Moines Academy of Medicine, Iowa, and the Iowa State College, 1926-1927   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  19. Trapping moles   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  20. A-rafting on the Mississip'   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  21. State recreation; parks, forests and game preserves   (added: 01/14/2024 )
  22. Breeding crop plants   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  23. Manual of forest engineering & extraction, by J.F. Stewart...with an introduction by Professor E.P. Stebbing   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  24. Root development of vegetable crops   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  25. Sanders' orchid guide, rev. (1927) ed. containing all the best known species, varieties, and natural hybrids of orchids in cultivation. Their native countries, descriptions, seasons of flowering, best methods of cultivation, temperatures, &c. ...   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  26. Consider the lilies   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  27. Notes on forest protection in Burma   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  28. Forest products, their manufacture and use; embracing the principal commercial features in the production, manufacture, and utilization of the most important forest products other than lumber in the United States   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  29. Trees from other lands for shelter and timber in New Zealand: eucalypts   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  30. Pour comprendre l'arbre et la forêt   (added: 01/15/2023 )
  31. Catalogue of alpine and herbaceous plants, 1926   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  32. Fur and game resources of Manitoba   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  33. Le commerce et l'exploitation des bois du Gabon : guide pratique à l'usage des colons, des commerçants et des industriels   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  34. Forest finance   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  35. Modern gardens, British & foreign   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  36. Root development of field crops   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  37. History of the dairy industry   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  38. A handbook of flowering trees and shrubs for gardeners   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  39. Diseases of the dog and their treatment   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  40. Geology of Beaver County, Oklahoma   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  41. Gu sheng wu xue tong lun   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  42. History, 1900-1925   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  43. The trees of extra-tropical Australia   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  44. The palms of British India and Ceylon   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  45. The Land's End; a naturalist's impressions in west Cornwall   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  46. The new book of trees   (added: 01/16/2022 )
  47. Afforestation in southern lands, dealing specially with location as to market, system and methods of planting : sylvicultural treatment and species most suitable for southern lands   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  48. Borna disease and enzootic encephalo-myelitis of sheep and cattle   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  49. The behaviour and diseases of the banana in storage and transport   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  50. Biological processes in tropical soils, with special reference to Malaysia   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  51. Animal and human conduct   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  52. Analysis of logging costs and operating methods in the Douglas fir region   (added: 02/05/2019 )
  53. Notes on the forests of Quebec   (added: 01/11/2019 )
  54. Tree pamphlet 1-13   (added: 01/11/2019 )
  55. Jin hua yu ren sheng   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  56. Zhi wu ming shi tu kao chang bian   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  57. Annual reports of the dairymen's associations of the Province of Ontario 1921-22   (added: 10/07/2013 )
  58. El libro de las aves de caça   (added: 07/26/2010 )
  59. A preliminary report on the geology of the Monarch mining district, Chaffee County, Colorado no.1 (1910)   (added: 07/26/2010 )
  60. Bulletin - Colorado Geological Survey no.1 (1910)   (added: 07/26/2010 )
  61. Insecticides, fungicides and weedkillers: a practical manual on the diseases of plants and their remedies, for the use of manufacturing chemists, agriculturists, arboriculturists and horticulturists   (added: 07/25/2010 )
  62. Revision of the Pelycosauria of North America   (added: 07/25/2010 )
  63. Modern nature study : a first book for use in Canadian schools   (added: 07/12/2010 )
  64. Wright's book of poultry   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  65. On the culture and commerce of cotton in India and elsewhere; with an account of the experiments made by the Hon. East India Company up to the present time   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  66. A Manual of the coniferae : containing a general review of the order; a synopsis of the hardy kinds cultivated in Great Britain; their place and use in horticulture, etc., etc   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  67. A history of agriculture in Wisconsin   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  68. The chemistry of plant and animal life   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  69. First and second reports of the Bureau of agriculture for the state of Tennessee. Introduction to the resources of Tennessee   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  70. Cotton from seed to loom. A handbook of facts for the daily use of producer, merchant and consumer   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  71. The cherries of New York   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  72. The horse book; a practical treatise on the American horse breeding industry as allied to the farm   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  73. Alfalfa farming in America   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  74. Finland: its forests and forest management   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  75. Report on the necessity of preserving and replanting forests   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  76. Arboriculture; or A practical treatise on raising and managing forest trees and on the profitable extension of the woods and forests of Great Britain   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  77. Economics of forestry; a reference book for students of political economy and professional and lay students of forestry   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  78. A familiar talk about trees : delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives, Concord, at a meeting of the New Hampshire Board of Agriculture, on the evening of June 13, 1883   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  79. Ensilage: its influence upon British agriculture   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  80. English gardener   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  81. The development of forest law in America; a historical presentation of the successive enactments by the legislatures of the forty-eight states of the American union and by the Federal congress directed to the conservation and administration of forest resources   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  82. Nouveau manuel complet d'industrie laitière pour la province de Québec   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  83. Traité raisonné des arbres fruitiers : et la synonymie des noms les plus connus, avec ceux des départemens méridionaux, leur description et celle des fruits, le temps le plus ordinaire de leur maturité ...   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  84. Forest policy   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  85. Hand-book of tree-planting; or, Why to plant, where to plant, what to plant, how to plant   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  86. Revised edition of McCall's rule's of the cock pit   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  87. The Mount Rainier forest reserve, Washington   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  88. Illustrations of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, from photographs taken by permission, by E.J. Wallis   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  89. The illustrated book of poultry. With practical schedules for judging. Constructed from actual analysis of the best modern decisions [Text]   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  90. The ABC of bee culture : a cyclopaedia of everything pertaining to the care of the honey-bee ...   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  91. Instruction pour les bergers et pour les propriétaires de troupeaux ; avec d'autres ouvrages sur les moutons et sur les laines   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  92. The old forest ranger, or, Wild sports of India on the Neilgherry Hills, in the jungles and on the plains   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  93. Miscellaneous papers on the zoology of Michigan   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  94. A manual of bee-keeping   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  95. The great cultures of the isle of Java. 30 photos   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  96. The A B C of bee culture: a cyclopaedia of every thing pertaining to the care of the honey-bee   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  97. The genus Pinus   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  98. Indian corn culture   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  99. Handy book on pruning, grafting and budding   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  100. Mykologische studien besonders über die entwicklung der Sphaeria typhina, Pers   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  101. Pamphlets   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  102. A gardener's year   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  103. The Oregon farmer; what he has accomplished in every part of the state   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  104. Forest policies and forest management in Germany and British India   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  105. Forestry in Minnesota   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  106. Manual of procedure for the Forest service in Washington and in district offices   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  107. More pot-pourri from a Surrey garden   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  108. Rural essays   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  109. Disease in plants   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  110. Intrduction to the study of modern forest economy   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  111. Introduction to the systematy of Indian trees   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  112. Control of life   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  113. School of forest engineers in Spain, indicative of a type for a British national school of forestry   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  114. Forestry in New Zealand   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  115. French forest ordinance of 1669; with historical sketch of previous treatment of forests in France   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  116. Forestry in the mining districts of the Ural mountains in eastern Russia   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  117. North American forests and forestry; their relations to the national life of the American people   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  118. Practical directory for the improvement of landed property ... and the economic cultivation of its farms   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  119. The white pine   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  120. Western grazing grounds and forest ranges; a history of the live-stock industry as conducted on the open ranges of the arid West, with particular reference to the use now being made of the ranges in the national forests   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  121. Practical forestry. A treatise on the propagation, planting, and cultivation, with a description, and the botanical and popular names of all the indigenous trees of the United States   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  122. Profitable pigeon breeding; a practical manual explaining how to breed pigeons successfully,--whether as a hobby or as an exclusive business   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  123. The book of old-fashioned flowers and other plants which thrive in the open-air of England   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  124. Silvical characteristics of Canadian trees   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  125. The apiary; or, Bees, bee-hives, and bee culture: being a familiar account of the habits of bees, and the most improved methods of management, with full directions, adapted for the cottager, farmer, or scientific apiarian   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  126. Forest officers' handbook of the Gold Coast, Ashanti and the Northern Territories   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  127. Le Bon jardinier : almanach pour l'année... : contenant des principes généraux de culture; l'indication, mois par mois, des travaux à faire dans les jardins 1809   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  128. Forestry of Japan   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  129. Cabinet timbers of Australia   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  130. Orchids   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  131. Agricultural and industrial progress in Canada 2, no.7, 1920   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  132. Hortivculture. Orchard cleansing. Remedies for insect pests and diseases   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  133. Om barrtradskulturer i Norrland   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  134. Pamphlet No.1-2, 11-12   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  135. The horse book; a practical treatise on the American horse breeding industry as allied to the farm supplement   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  136. The Malay archipelago : the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise : a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  137. Kulturvaxter pa aker och ang   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  138. A manual of veterinary physiology   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  139. Timber and some of its diseases   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  140. Report on the forests of North America (exclusive of Mexico)   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  141. The plums of New York   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  142. The shepherd's manual. A practical treatise on the sheep. Designed especially for American shepherds   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  143. Select list of roses and instructions for pruning   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  144. Problem solved: a guide - for both the experienced and the inexperienced poultry-breeder - to the hatching of every fertile egg with the most economical outlay, and with least incidental trouble and expense   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  145. Report on the forest resources of Western Australia   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  146. The phosphates of America. Where and how they occur; how they are mined; and what they cost. With practical treatises on the manufacture of sulphuric acid, acid phosphate, phosphoric acid, and concentrated super-phosphates, and selected methods of chemical analysis   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  147. Manual of flax culture, comprising full information on the cultivation, management, and marketing of the crop   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  148. The geographical distribution of the forest trees of Canada   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  149. Gardens of celebrities and celebrated gardens in and around London   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  150. Note-book of agricultural facts and figures for farmers and farm students   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  151. In wildest Africa, by C.G. Schillings, Tr. by Frederic Whyte. With over 300 photographic studies direct from the author's negatives, taken by day and night; and other illustrations   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  152. Insects injurious to fruits   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  153. 300 per annum from 30 acres : or, A modern bee farm and its economic management   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  154. The grapes of New York   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  155. Insect pests of farm, garden and orchard   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  156. Plants poisonous to live stock   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  157. The peaches of New York   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  158. The planting, cultivation, and expression of coconuts, kernels, cacao and edible vegetable oils and seeds of commerce. A practical handbook for planters, financiers, scientists, and others   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  159. Pear culture. A manual for the propagation, planting, cultivation, and management of the pear tree. With descriptions and illustrations of the most productive of the finer varieties and selections of kinds most profitably grown for market   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  160. The seasons in a flower garden; a handbook of information and instruction for the amateur   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  161. Scottish gardens; being a representative selection of different types, old and new   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  162. Report on agricultural colleges and experimental farm stations with suggestions relating to expeimental agriculture in Canada   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  163. Technical papers on miscellaneous forest insects. I. Contributions toward a monograph of the bark-weevils of the genus Pissodes   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  164. The story of the Herefords; an account of the origin and development of the breed in Herefordshire, a sketch of its early introduction into the United States and Canada, and subsequent rise to popularity in the western cattle trade, with sundry notes on the management of breeding herds   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  165. Report of proceedings   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  166. The history and present state of the sheep-breeding industry in the Argentine Republic   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  167. Mysteries of beekeeping explained   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  168. Les cyprès (genre Cupressus) Monographie, systématique, anatomie, culture, principaux usages   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  169. The fern garden : how to make, keep, and enjoy it ; or, Fern culture made easy   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  170. Farmer's handbook; a convenient reference book for all persons interested in general farming, fruit culture, truck farming, market gardening, livestock production, bee keeping, dairying, etc   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  171. Field manual of trees; including southern Canada and the northern United States to the southern boundary of Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri, westward to the limits of the prairie   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  172. Farming industries of Cape Colony   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  173. Farm power   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  174. British Columbia and its agricultural capabilities   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  175. Bulbous irises   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  176. Report on the forests of Canada : in which is shewn the pressing necessity which exists for their more careful preservation and extension by planting, as a sure and valuable source of national wealth, with an appendix   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  177. Observations suggested by the cattle plague, about witchcraft, credulity, superstition, parliamentary reform, and other matters   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  178. Partridges and partridge manors   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  179. An index to the geology of the northern states, with transverse sections, extending from Susquehanna River to the Atlantic, crossing Catskill Mountains. To which is prefixed a geological grammar   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  180. Outlines of forestry : or, The elementary principles underlying the science of forestry : being a series of primers of forestry   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  181. Forestry in South Australia   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  182. The utilization of minute life; being practical studies on insects, Crustacea, Moll sca, worms, polypes, Infusoria, and sponges   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  183. The principles of animal nutrition. With special reference to the nutrition of farm animals   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  184. Report on forests and forestry   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  185. Popular rock and alpine plants   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  186. The Rothamsted experiments and their practical lessons for farmers; Part I.--Stock. Part II.--Crops   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  187. Descriptive catalogue of the collection of Buddhist art in the United States National museum   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  188. Agricultural and industrial progress in Canada 3-4, 1921-22   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  189. The crawfishes of Michigan   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  190. Cutworms and grasshoppers, methods of prevention and destruction   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  191. Cost of producing apples in the Okanagan and average yields and prices for leading varieties   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  192. American agricultural implements; a review of invention and development in the agricultural implement industry of the United States ...   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  193. Dairy chemistry; a practical handbook for dairy chemists and others having control of dairies   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  194. Farm dairying   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  195. The poultryman's handbook; a convenient reference book for all persons interested in the production of eggs and poultry for market and the breeding of standardbred poultry for exhibition   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  196. The practical poultry keeper   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  197. Spraying crops   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  198. The book of evergreens. A practical treatise on the Coniferæ, or cone-bearing plants   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  199. Sport in Norway, and where to find it. Together with a short account of the vegetable productions of the country. To which is added, a list of the Alpine flora of the Dovre fjeld and of the Norwegian ferns, &c   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  200. The scientific and profitable culture of fruit trees : including choice of trees, planting, grafting, training, restoration of unfruitful trees, gathering and preservation of fruit, etc   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  201. A text-book of mycology and plant pathology   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  202. A treatise on pruning forest and ornamental trees   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  203. Chemistry in its applications to agriculture and physiology   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  204. Reboisement in France: or, Records of the replanting of the Alps, the Cevennes, and the Pyrenees with trees, herbage, and bush, with a view to arresting and preventing the destructive consequences and effects of torrents   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  205. Forestry in Europe. Reports from the consuls of the United States   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  206. A practical treatise on the hive and honey-bee   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  207. The book of climbing plants and wall shrubs   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  208. A practical handbook of trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous perennials   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  209. Successful poultry raising   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  210. Production and thrift. Agricultural war book   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  211. Proceedings, resolutions, and summary of statements   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  212. Squabs for profit; a practical treatise on the raising of squabs from the egg to market, being a handbook for the beginner and a guide for the experienced breeder   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  213. What the national forests mean to the water user   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  214. A practical guide to garden plants, containing descriptions of the hardiest and most beautiful annuals and biennials, hardy herbaceous and bulbous perennials, hardy water and bog plants, flowering and ornamental trees and shrubs, conifers; hardy ferns; hardy bamboos and other ornamental grasses. Also the best kinds of fruits and vegetables that may be grown in the open air in the British Isles with full and practical instruction as to culture and propagation   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  215. Textbook of pastoral and agricultural botany, for the study of the injurious and useful plants of country and farm   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  216. Forests and forestry of northern Russia and lands beyond   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  217. Forestry in Norway: with notices of the physical geography of the country   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  218. How to cruise timber, adapted for experienced cruisers, loggers, foresters, claimants, or for any one desiring to learn to estimate timber ...   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  219. Studies in forestry; being a short course of lectures on the principles of sylviculture delivered at the Botanic garden, Oxford ...   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  220. Fire protection in District 1 : for the use of forest officers   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  221. The timber trees of New South Wales   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  222. Flore forestière du globe   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  223. Compte rendu du Congres international d'essais de semences   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  224. The young gardener's assistant, in three parts, containing catalogues of garden and flower seeds, with practical directions under each head for the cultivation of culinary vegetables and flowers; also, direction for cultivating fruit trees, the grape vine, &c., to which is added a calendar to each part: showing the work necessary to be done in the various departments each month of the year. The whole adapted to the climate of the United States   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  225. Preparation of forest working-plans in India   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  226. Lectures on the general relations of science to agriculture, delivered before N. Y. State Agricultural Society, January, 1850 / by James F.W. Johnston, reported by Sherman Croswell   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  227. A general index of the agricultural reports of the Patent Office, for twenty-five years, from 1837 to 1861 ; and of the Department of Agriculture, for fifteen years, from 1862 to 1876   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  228. Notes on the plan of Franklin Park and related matters   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  229. Tasmanian forestry : timber products and sawmilling industry, a description of timber trees indigenous to Tasmania, their commercial value and process of manufacture, with methods adopted by the government to foster the industry   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  230. Geology of a portion of northeastern Oklahoma. Paleontology of the Chester Group in Oklahoma   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  231. The forests of Maryland   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  232. A forest flora of Chota Nagpur including Gangpur and the Santal-Parganahs   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  233. Forests and moisture; or, Effects of forests on humidity of climate   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  234. The forests of England and the management of them in bye-gone times   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  235. Von der Hacke zum Pflug   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  236. Silos, ensilage and silage : A practical treatise on the ensilage of fodder corn   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  237. The pinetum: being a synopsis of all the coniferous plants at present known, with descriptions, history and synonyms, and a comprehensive systematic index   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  238. Ustav o kazennykh obrochnykh stat'iakh   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  239. The home of the wolverene and beaver; or, Fur-hunting in the wilds of Canada   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  240. Trees, forestry and lumbering : a list of books and of references to periodicals in the Brooklyn public library   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  241. The longleaf pine in virgin forest ; a silvical study   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  242. Makers of modern agriculture   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  243. A treatise on the art of breeding and managing tame, domesticated, and fancy pigeons, carefully compiled from the best authors, with observations, containing all that is necessary to be known of tame, domesticated, and fancy pigeons   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  244. On farm lands   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  245. American diplomatic questions   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  246. Dry farming in western Canada   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  247. The American farmer's encyclopedia and dictionary of rural affairs : embracing all the most recent discoveries in agricultural chemistry   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  248. The use of the national forests. 1907   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  249. The Canadian farmer's manual of agriculture : the principles and practice of mixed husbandry, as adapted to Canadian soils and climate   (added: 07/04/2010 )
  250. Timber ownership and lumber production in the inland empire   (added: 07/04/2010 )