
Recent Additions (Last 250)   Published In: ALL   For: University of California, Davis Libraries

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  1. Preservative fluids for fresh fruits ; The sulphuring of dried fruits   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  2. A handbook on beekeeping in California M15   (added: 10/21/2018 )
  3. A handbook on beekeeping in California M15 rev 1960   (added: 10/21/2018 )
  4. Fundamentals of California beekeeping M42   (added: 10/21/2018 )
  5. The use of hydrocyanic acid against scale insects   (added: 07/17/2016 )
  6. The use of gases against scale insects   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  7. Examinations of miscellaneous vegetable substances   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  8. Commercial production of sturgeon : the economic dimensions of size and product mix No. 335   (added: 08/24/2014 )
  9. Economic evaluation of mosquito control and narrow spectrum mosquitocide development in California No. 330   (added: 08/24/2014 )
  10. The demand for selected deciduous tree fruits with implications for alternative 1980 production levels No. 309   (added: 08/24/2014 )
  11. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1941 No. 76   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  12. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1943 No. 83   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  13. Forage procurement and use by the California dairy industry and selected dairy farms No. 262   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  14. Bulk containers for deciduous fruits : costs and efficiency in local assembly operations No. 237   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  15. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1942 No. 79   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  16. Deciduous tree fruit and pineapple statistics basic to analysis of United States fruit supply and demand, 1924-1954 No. 186   (added: 08/10/2014 )
  17. Cost of producing queen and package bees in California No. 30   (added: 08/10/2014 )
  18. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1939 No. 66   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  19. Economy and accuracy in accounting to growers for fruit received at the packing house No. 149   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  20. Consolidation of citrus packing houses in the Ontario-Cucamonga area No. 154   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  21. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1940 No. 69   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  22. Cost of producing deciduous fruit trees in selected California nurseries : (a progress report) No. 58   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  23. Prices and marketing margins for fruits and vegetables. 2, weekly prices and retail margins-- small, medium, and large stores oranges, lemons, and grapefruit : Denver, August 1948-July 1949 No. 170   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  24. The where and when of California fruit and nut crops M20   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  25. Further studies on the distribution and activities of certain groups of bacteria in California soil columns P4(4)   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  26. The fermentation organisms of California grapes P4(1)   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  27. Chromosomes and phylogeny in Crepis P6(1)   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  28. Chromosome numbers and morphology in Trifolium P2(13)   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  29. The chromosomes and relationship of Crepis syriaca (Bornm.) P6(10)   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  30. Chromatin mass and cell volume in related species P6(8)   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  31. Microsporogenesis of Ginkgo biloba L. with especial reference to the distribution of the plastids and to cell wall formation P2(8)   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  32. Influence of the composition and concentration of the nutrient solution on plants grown in sand cultures P1(11)   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  33. Influence of reaction on inter-relations between the plant and its culture medium P4(14)   (added: 09/02/2012 )
  34. New grasses from California. I: Phalaris stenoptera Hack P3(1)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  35. Spontaneous chromosome alterations in Crepis tectorum L P6(7)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  36. On the existence of a growth-inhibiting substance in the Chinese lemon P4(3)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  37. Interspecific hybrids Crepis P2(5)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  38. A cytological study of haploid Crepis capillaris plants P6(4)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  39. Cytological studies of five interspecific hybrids of Crepis leontodontoides P6(5)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  40. Some abnormal water relations in citrus trees of the arid Southwest and their possible significance P3(3)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  41. Unbalanced somatic chromosomal variation in Crepis P6(3)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  42. Meiosis in two species and three hybrids of Crepis and its bearing on taxonomic relationship P2(15)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  43. Certain effects under irrigation of copper compounds upon crops P1(12)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  44. The effects of calcium and magnesium carbonates on some biological transformations of nitrogen in soils P1(3)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  45. The effect of reaction on the fixation of nitrogen by Azotobacter P4(12)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  46. The alinement chart method of preparing tree volume tables P4(9)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  47. Growth and differentiation in apricot trees P5(1)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  48. Studies on ammonification in soils by pure cultures P1(7)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  49. Studies of sulfur in relation to the soil solution P5(4)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  50. Experiments on the effects of constituents of solid smelter wastes on barley growth in pot cultures P1(13)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  51. Equilibrium studies with certain acids and minerals and their probable relation to the decomposition of minerals by bacteria P4(10)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  52. The chemical composition of the plant as further proof of the close relation between antagonism and cell permeability P3(8)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  53. The distribution and activities of bacteria in soils of the arid regions P1(1)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  54. Chromosomes and phylogeny in Crepis. II. The relationships of one hundred eight species P6(11)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  55. Chromosome number and individuality in the genus Crepis. I-II P2(10)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  56. Chromosomal chimeras in Crepis P2(12)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  57. Studies concerning the essential nature of aluminum and silicon for plant growth P5(2)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  58. Mutation in Matthiola P2(4)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  59. Tests of chemical means for the control of weeds. Report of progress P4(2)   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  60. Control of scale insect pests of olives in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys L56   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  61. Control of the shot-hole borer L53   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  62. California range brushlands and browse plants M33   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  63. Commercial cooling of fruits and vegetables M43   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  64. The influence of modern man on the vegetation of Yosemite Valley M36   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  65. Turfgrass pests M41   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  66. Turfgrass pests M41 Guide   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  67. Principles of commercial poultry breeding; a semi-technical account of recent developments in genetics applied to breeding for the improvement of economic traits in poultry. For the breeder, the hatcheryman, and the commercial poultryman M1   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  68. Economic aspects of the bee industry B555   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  69. Orchids for the California amateur M18   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  70. Oil spray for weed control in noncultivated citrus orchards L48   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  71. A drying-yard tray lifter L16   (added: 08/13/2012 )
  72. The rapid pack method of packing fruit C521   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  73. Principles of selective weed control C505   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  74. Selective chemical weed control C558   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  75. Sulfur-house operation C382   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  76. Tight-fill fruit packing C548   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  77. Virus diseases of orchids C552   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  78. Weed control by soil sterilization C446   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  79. Pruning deciduous fruit trees C444   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  80. Sun-drying fruits C392   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  81. Commercial apple growing in California C538   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  82. Poisonous hemlocks : their identification and control C530   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  83. Pollination requirements of fruits and nuts C424   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  84. Ornamentals for low-elevation desert areas of southern California C496   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  85. Chemical weed-control equipment C389   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  86. California apples situation and outlook, 1949 C395   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  87. California apricot industry : trends and outlook C495   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  88. Insect and mite pests of apple in California C502   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  89. Controlling field rodents in California C434   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  90. Controlling field rodents in California C434 rev 1958   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  91. Control of household insects and related pests C498   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  92. Control of field rodents on California farms C535   (added: 07/29/2012 )
  93. Designs for bulk fruit bins C490   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  94. Fertilizers, soil analysis and plant nutrition C367 rev 1949   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  95. Fertilizers, soil analysis and plant nutrition C367   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  96. Fertilizers and covercrops for California orchards C466   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  97. Essentials of irrigation and cultivation of orchards C486   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  98. Improving California brush ranges C371   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  99. Improving Klamath weed ranges C437   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  100. Mosquito control on the farm C439   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  101. Propagation of temperate-zone fruit plants C471   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  102. Propagation of temperate-zone fruit plants C471 rev 1966   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  103. Production of grass seed in California C487   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  104. Production of range clovers C458   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  105. The principles of orchard heating C400   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  106. Controlling rats and mice C410   (added: 07/22/2012 )
  107. A study of the shipment of fresh fruits and vegetables to the far east B497   (added: 07/01/2012 )
  108. Bibliography of marine geology and oceanography, California coast No.44   (added: 04/15/2012 )
  109. Plants as a guide to mineralization No.50   (added: 04/15/2012 )
  110. Pacific Coast Entomological Conference and special short course in horticulture C42   (added: 04/08/2012 )
  111. Fumigation scheduling C50   (added: 04/08/2012 )
  112. The pear leaf blister mite as a cause of fruit-bud injury C324   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  113. Methods and equipment for the sun-drying of fruits C350   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  114. The common hawks and owls of California from the standpoint of the rancher C236   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  115. Oil sprays for deciduous fruit trees by the tank-mixture method C345   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  116. An orchard brush burner C269   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  117. Fertilizing citrus trees in California C283   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  118. Fertilizers and covercrops for California deciduous orchards C354   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  119. Fruits in ice cream and ices C331   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  120. American foulbrood and its control C307   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  121. Vetches and related crops for forage C336   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  122. The Tangier pea : Lathyrus tingitanus C290   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  123. An infectious brain disease of horses and mules (Encephalomyelitis) C322   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  124. Thrips of economic importance in California C346   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  125. Utilization of California fruits C349   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  126. Propagation of deciduous fruits C294   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  127. Nematode-resistant rootstocks for deciduous fruit trees C359   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  128. Ants and their control in California C342 rev 1941   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  129. Ants and their control in California C342   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  130. The control of citrus insects C129   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  131. Insects affecting ornamental conifers in southern California B0834   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  132. Luther Burbank's plant contributions B691   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  133. Young-growth timber taxation in Mendocino County : an economic survey B0780   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  134. Practical suggestions for codling-moth control in the Pajaro Valley C14   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  135. Mushrooms and toadstools C84   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  136. Winter forage crops C189   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  137. Digestion experiments with range forages and flax hulls B684   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  138. Apple pollination studies in California B426   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  139. Apple growing in California B425   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  140. The citricola scale B255   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  141. Spraying for scale insects B166   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  142. Stock poisoning plants of California B249   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  143. New dosage tables B257   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  144. Report of the plant pathologist and superintendent of southern California stations, July 1, 1906 to June 30, 1909 B203   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  145. Dosage tables B220   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  146. Experiments with deciduous fruits at and near the Southern Coast Range sub-station, Paso Robles, from 1889 to 1902 B141   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  147. The black scale B223   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  148. The purple scale B226   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  149. Citrus fruit culture B138   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  150. General-contact weed killers B137 REV 1949   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  151. Field observations upon the tolerance of the sugar beet for alkali B169   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  152. Red spiders and mites of citrus trees B234   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  153. Further experience in asparagus rust control B172   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  154. The effects of alkali on citrus trees B318   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  155. Caterpillars attacking tomatoes B625   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  156. The chemical control of St. Johnswort B615   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  157. The effects of desiccating winds on citrus trees B484   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  158. The efficacy and economic effects of plant quarantines in California : report of a committee B553   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  159. The emergence of pear thrips in the Healdsburg area of California in 1932 B562   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  160. The San Joaquin experimental range B663   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  161. Changes occurring during freezing storage and thawing of fruits and vegetables B551   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  162. Seasonal changes in the chemical composition of range forage and their relation to nutrition of animals B543   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  163. Chemical control of woody plants B0812   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  164. The effect of pruning in the training of young olive trees B568   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  165. Effect of partial cutting in the virgin stand upon the growth and taper of western yellow pine B540   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  166. Drying cut fruits B485   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  167. The puncture vine in California B528   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  168. Sweet sorghums for forage B293   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  169. Sulfuric acid for control of weeds B596   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  170. Storage of perishable fruits at freezing temperatures : preliminary report B324   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  171. Spray-fumigation treatment for resistant red scale on lemons B583   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  172. Cost of work horses on California farms B401   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  173. Stock-poisoning plants of California B593   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  174. California greenhouse pests and their control B0713   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  175. The California fresh and frozen fishery trade B0850   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  176. Dehydration of fruits : (a progress report) B330   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  177. Turkish tobacco culture, curing, and marketing B366   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  178. Yield, stand, and volume tables for white fir in the California pine region B407   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  179. Laboratory tests of orchard heaters B442   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  180. Mosquito control B178   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  181. Report of the plant pathologist to July 1, 1906 B184   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  182. Remedies for insects and fungi B115   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  183. Precooling of fresh fruits and temperatures of refrigerator cars and warehouse rooms B496   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  184. Increasing valley quail in California B695   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  185. The utilization of El Dorado County land B572   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  186. Precooling investigations with deciduous fruits B590   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  187. Fruit dehydration. 1, Principles and equipment B698   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  188. Pruning bearing deciduous fruit trees B386   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  189. Pruning young deciduous fruit trees B313   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  190. A new selective spray for the control of certain weeds B634   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  191. Operation of orchard heaters B643   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  192. Freeze injury and subsequent seasonal changes in Valencia oranges and grapefruit B0719   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  193. Fertilization of irrigated pasture and forage crops in California B0815   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  194. Ornamentals for California's middle elevation desert B0839   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  195. Factors affecting income from second-growth forests in the western Sierra Nevada B658   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  196. Irrigation experiments with prunes B573   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  197. Irrigation experiments with pears and apples B667   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  198. Investigations of caterpillars attacking tomatoes in northern California during 1939 B644   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  199. Investigations on the use of fruits in ice cream and ices B434   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  200. Investigations in the sulfuring of fruits for drying B636   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  201. Factors influencing the development of internal browning of the Yellow Newtown apple B370   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  202. Gravenstein apple storage tests B0716   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  203. Preliminary yield tables for second-growth redwood B361   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  204. The principles and practice of sun-drying fruit B388   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  205. The Clear Lake gnat B607   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  206. Composition of common California foothill plants as a factor in range management B627   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  207. Control of diabrotica, or Western spotted cucumber beetle, in deciduous fruit orchards B681   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  208. The commercial freezing of fruit products B0703   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  209. Some economic problems involved in the pooling of fruit B432   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  210. The tank-mixture method for dormant oil spraying of deciduous fruit trees in California B579   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  211. Availability and prices of fruits and vegetables in the western region : results of studies made in retail stores B0782   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  212. Mechanical harvesting equipment for deciduous tree fruits B0825   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  213. The smokiness of oil-burning orchard heaters B536   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  214. Forcing gladiolus outdoors by heating the soil with electricity B584   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  215. History of cooperation in the marketing of California fresh deciduous fruits B557   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  216. Fumigation practice C11   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  217. Commercial mass culture of the California red scale parasite : Aphytis lignanensis B0770   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  218. Chemical control of woody plants in California B0755   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  219. Alien plants growing without cultivation in California B637   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  220. Reading course in economic entomology C10   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  221. Ornamental plants for low-elevation desert areas of southern California B0750   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  222. Effectiveness of orchard heaters B0723   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  223. Evaporators for prune drying C213   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  224. California fruit statistics and related data B0763   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  225. Remedies for insects C7   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  226. California grasslands and range forage grasses B0724   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  227. Growth of eucalyptus in California plantations B380   (added: 03/18/2012 )
  228. Range grasses of California B430   (added: 03/18/2012 )
  229. A Study of the effects of freezes on citrus in California B304a, b, c   (added: 03/18/2012 )
  230. Apple growing in California B425 rev 1937   (added: 03/18/2012 )
  231. The red or orange scale B222   (added: 03/12/2012 )
  232. Tolerance of eucalyptus for alkali : with partial reprint from Bulletin 196 B225   (added: 03/11/2012 )
  233. California plant diseases B218   (added: 03/11/2012 )
  234. Honey plants of California B217   (added: 03/11/2012 )
  235. Eucalyptus in California B196   (added: 03/11/2012 )
  236. Citrus culture in California E114   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  237. 2, 4-D as a weed killer E133   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  238. Pollination of deciduous fruits by bees E62   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  239. Beekeeping in California E100   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  240. Beekeeping for the beginner in California E36   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  241. Improving California ranges E129   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  242. Deciduous orchards in California winters E179   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  243. Frost protection in California orchards E40   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  244. Grass seed production E155   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  245. Diseases of fruits and nuts E120   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  246. Diseases of flowers and other ornamentals E118   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  247. Diseases of field crops E121   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  248. Diseases of truck crops / Ralph E. Smith E119   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  249. Insects and other pests attacking agricultural corps E87   (added: 11/07/2011 )
  250. Weed control E97   (added: 11/07/2011 )