
Recent Additions (Last 250)   Published In: ALL   For: UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge

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  1. International Trade in Marine Shells 1980   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  2. Measuring the extent and effectiveness of protected areas as an indicator for meeting global biodiversity targets 2005   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  3. The Japanese role in wildlife trade: a review of the imports to Japan of Appendix II species previously identified as being traded at significant levels 1991   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  4. Models of national parks. A Research Report for Scottish Natural Heritage 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  5. Assessing the conservation status of the world's tropical forest. Part 1: subregional reviews, tropical Asia and Pacific (Sections 2-5) 1992   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  6. Estudios de biodiversidad en el Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael: revisión del programa y planificación a futuro 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  7. Mangroves of Western and Central Africa. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 26 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  8. Global Ecological Forest Classification and Forest Protected Area Gap Analysis. Analyses and recommendations in view of the 10% target for forest protection under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  9. Reporting on progress on protected areas management effectiveness; Discussion document for a long term plan for collecting and reporting on progress on protected areas management effectiveness and building capacity for national and regional evaluations 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  10. Prioritisation of Target Areas for Forest Restoration 2000   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  11. Protected areas: an effective tool to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  12. An assessment of the importance of the forests of South-East Viti Levu, Fiji 1986   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  13. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation: global mechanisms, conservation and livelihoods 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  14. Environment on the Edge 2005/6 2006   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  15. The Fall of the Water: Emerging Threats to the Water Resources and Biodiversity at the Roof of the World To Asia's Lowland From Land-Use Changes Associated With Large Scale Settlement And Piecemeal Development 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  16. Achieving Multiple Benefits through a UNFCCC Mechanism on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  17. Elephants d'Afrique Cites et Commerce de l'Ivoire 1986   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  18. The Cost of Policy Inaction: The case of not meeting the 2010 biodiversity target 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  19. Pre-project study on the conservation status of tropical timbers in trade. Final report to International Tropical Timber Organization. Vol 1 1991   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  20. Los Elefantes de Africa Cites y el Comercio de Marfil 1986   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  21. African elephants, CITES and the ivory trade 1986   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  22. Coastal Sensitivity Overview of the Strait of Malacca. Compiled for International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 1994   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  23. Ecosystems and human well-being : biodiversity synthesis 2005   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  24. Cross-roads of Life on Earth — Exploring means to meet the 2010 Biodiversity Target. Convention on Biological Diversity Technical Series 31 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  25. The conservation status of biological resources in the Philippines 1988   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  26. Directory of the proposed Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve: draft 1988   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  27. Threatened mammals of the Mediterranean 1980   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  28. TREES-II Pre-feasibility study. Final report 1993   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  29. Insects and other invertebrates as candidates for the Bern Convention 1986   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  30. The IUCN Mammal Red Data Book. Part 1: threatened mammalian taxa of the Americas and the Australasian zoogeographic region (excluding Cetacea) 1982   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  31. The mammals of Africa: country lists. Draft document 1983   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  32. World trade in crocodilian skins, 1992-1993. (Prepared for the International Alligator and Crocodile Trade Study.) 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  33. Conservation of Species of Wild Flora and Vertebrate Fauna Threatened in the Community. Part vii: terrestrial mammals (excluding bats): species reports 1984   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  34. Trade in bulbs. Phase 1: report 1988   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  35. International Trade in Harp and Hooded Seals 1980   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  36. Sustainable use for global, national and community benefit: an analysis of utilisation and biodiversity conservation 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  37. International Trade in Ornamental Shells 1981   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  38. Feasibility study for national forest resource accounting in Cameroon 1993   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  39. Feasibility study for national forest resource accounting in Ecuador 1993   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  40. St Helena, an island Biosphere Reserve. Draft, executive summary. St Helena Working Group 1992   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  41. Checklists for the CORINE Biotopes Programme and its application in the PHARE countries of Central and East Europe: including comparisons with relevant conventions and agreements on the conservation of European species and habitats 1994   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  42. A guide to the birds of Nepal 1985   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  43. Indian Trade in Reptile Skins 1981   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  44. Pre-project study on the conservation status of tropical timbers in trade. Final report to Internationational Tropical Timber Organization. Vol 2 1991   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  45. Guidelines for a national institutional survey: in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity 1995   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  46. Guidelines for information management: in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity 1995   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  47. Data flow model: in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity 1995   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  48. The conservation status of the leopard, goral and serow in Bangladesh, Bhutan, northern India and southern Tibet 1987   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  49. Gaps in habitat protection in the circumpolar Arctic: a preliminary analysis 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  50. International Trade in Corals 1981   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  51. Convention on Migratory Species: synthesis of national reports, volume 1 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  52. Protecting Nature: regional reviews of protected areas 1994   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  53. The harvest of and trade in Latin American spotted cats (Felidae) and otters (Lutrinae) 1987   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  54. Review of the status and conservation actions for CMS concerted action species 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  55. Conservation evaluation of some natural forests in Sri Lanka 1993   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  56. International alligator and crocodile trade study: a collection of papers on the international trade in crocodilian skins 1988   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  57. International Trade in Shark Fins 1992   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  58. The impact of trans-European networks on nature conservation: a pilot project 1995   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  59. Annotated CITES appendices and reservations 1986   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  60. Marine turtles in Baluchistan: report on a aerial survey, 9-11 September 1988 with notes on wetland sites and a proposed marine turtle conservation project 1989   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  61. Tree species evaluation using the new CITES Listing Criteria 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  62. The natural heritage of Scotland: international comparison of trends. Section 1 - full report, version 3.1 2002   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  63. Provision of thematic expertise for international biodiversity and nature reporting obligations and database input. Final report 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  64. Composite report on the status and trends regarding the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities, regional report: Africa [June 2003] 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  65. Composite report on the status and trends regarding the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities, regional report: Europe and Russia [June 2003] 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  66. Streamlining and harmonisation of biodiversity information and reporting in the NIS. Based on a workshop held in Kyiv, Ukraine, 1-3 December 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  67. Streamlining and harmonisation of biodiversity information and reporting in the NIS. Selections from a Report based on a workshop held in Kyiv, Ukraine, 1-3 December 1997 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  68. Report of the Secretary General on progress in implementation on forest conservation and protection of unique type of forests and fragile ecosystems (E/CN.18/2002/5) 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  69. Rising to the biodiversity challenge: the role of species population trend indices such as the Living Planet Index in tracking progress towards global and national biodiversity targets 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  70. Discussion Paper: Data Management and Communication for the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  71. Towards the harmonization of national reporting to biodiversity-related treaties. Workshop report 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  72. The CMS and the 2010 Global Biodiversity Challenge. Twelfth meeting of the CMS Scientific Council, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 31 March - 3 April 2004. CMS/ScC12/Doc.17 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  73. Study of the status and trends of in-situ conservation of biological diversity worldwide 1985   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  74. Reefs at Risk in the Caribbean 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  75. 2003 United Nations List of Protected Areas 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  76. Isle of Man: assessment of implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Version 1.7 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  77. Protected Areas and Biodiversity: an overview of key issues. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 21 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  78. Marine and coastal ecosystems and human well-being: A synthesis report based on the findings of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2006   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  79. Bamboo Biodiversity: Africa, Madagascar and the Americas. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 19 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  80. Biodiversity trends and threats in Europe: development and test of a species trend indicator 2005   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  81. Capacity building for biological diversity: a situation and needs analysis for the Environmental Management Group (EMG) 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  82. Synergies and cooperation: a status report on activities promoting synergies and cooperation between Multilateral Environmental Agreements, in particular biodiversity-related conventions and related mechanisms 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  83. Bamboo Biodiversity: information for planning conservation and management in the Asia-Pacific region. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 14 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  84. World trade in Crocodilian skins, 1990-1991. Prepared as part of the International Alligator and Crocodile Trade Study 1994   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  85. Cloud Forest Agenda. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 20 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  86. World trade in Crocodilian skins, 2000-2002. Prepared as part of the International Alligator and Crocodile Trade Study 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  87. World trade in Crocodilian skins, 1988-1989. Prepared as part of the International Alligator and Crocodile Trade Study 1992   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  88. Contribution with respect to threats and risks to vulnerable marine ecosystems and biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. A response to UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/58/240 adopted 23 Dec 2003 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  89. Biodiversity indicators for national use: experience and guidance 2005   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  90. World Atlas of Biodiversity: earth's living resources in the 21st century 2002   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  91. World Atlas of Great Apes and their Conservation 2005   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  92. World Atlas of Great Apes and their Conservation 2005   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  93. Weltatlas der Korallen Riffe 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  94. Review of the World Heritage network: biogeography, habitats and biodiversity. Final draft 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  95. Scientific and technical cooperation and clearing-house mechanism results of the independent review of the clearing-house of the convention on biological diversity 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  96. World Atlas of Coral Reefs 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  97. World Atlas of Seagrasses 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  98. Biodiversity indicators in national forest inventories 2002   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  99. Analysis of UK implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity: national commitments. Version 3.1 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  100. European plants in peril: a review of threatened plants in the European Community 1989   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  101. Conservation and sustainable management of trees, report of the third regional workshop, held at Army Hotel, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 18-21 August, 1997 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  102. Women, forests and markets: researching poverty alleviation through commercialisation of forest resources in Mexico and Bolivia 2002   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  103. Framework for information management: in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  104. Traditional lifestyles and biodiversity use, composite report: Phase 1; composite report on the status and trends regarding the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  105. The contribution of private initiatives in conservation biological diversity: a pilot study 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  106. Working Toward High Seas Marine Protected Areas. An Assessment of Progress Made and Recommendations for Collaboration 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  107. Mapping vulnerability of tropical forest to conversion, and resulting potential CO2 emissions. A rapid assessment for the Eliasch Review 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  108. Conservation and sustainable management of trees, report of the second regional workshop, held at CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 18-20 November 1996 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  109. Conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants in Ghana: conservation report 2002   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  110. Conservation and sustainable management of trees, report of the first regional workshop, held at Jameson Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe 9-11 July, 1996 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  111. Consideration of the results of the meeting on "2010, the global biodiversity challenge", meeting report [22-23 May 2003] 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  112. The global distribution and status of seagrass ecosystems 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  113. A global overview of wetland and marine protected areas on the World Heritage List 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  114. A global overview of tropical marine, coastal and small island ecosystems and the World Heritage List 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  115. Preliminary draft list of plant species for inclusion in a 'Responsibility List' of European plants 1989   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  116. Forest occurring species of conservation concern: review of status of information for FRA 2000 2000   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  117. From Ocean to Aquarium: the global trade in marine ornamental species. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 17 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  118. Global Marine Assessments: a survey of global and regional marine environmental assessments and related scientific activities. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 16 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  119. MAB Information System: Biosphere Reserves, Compilation 4, October 1986: Supplement January 1988 1988   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  120. Assessing the conservation status of the world's tropical forest. Summary report 1993   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  121. Protected areas: looking for synergies in the implementation of site-based international agreements and programmes 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  122. World trade in Crocodilian skins, 1999-2001. Prepared as part of the International Alligator and Crocodile Trade Study 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  123. Status and distribution of Dalbergia melnoxylon 1995   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  124. Towards a Global Tree Conservation Atlas: mapping the status and distribution of the world's threatened tree species. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 15 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  125. Towards the harmonization of national reporting: report of a workshop convened by UNEP, Cambridge, UK, 30-31 October 2000 2000   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  126. Harmonizing the information management infrastructure for biodiversity-related treaties 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  127. Comparison of site-related data requirements for European Directive and Ramsar Convention reporting with information gathered through common standards monitoring 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  128. Towards an assessment of Trans-European Transport Networks' impact on nature conservation 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  129. Assessment of information required for the implementation of the Pan-European Ecological Network. Version 6 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  130. Financial indicators and targets for protected areas 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  131. Tropical montane cloud forests: an urgent priority for conservation. WCMC Biodiversity Bulletin No 2 2   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  132. Biodiversity indicators for national use: preliminary lessons from the GEF project, progress report 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  133. Succulent plants in trade from the wild: analysis of conservation status and international trade 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  134. Assessing the conservation status of the world's tropical forest. Part 1: sub-regional reviews, tropical Africa (Sections 6-10) 1992   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  135. Biodiversity research in the Laguna San Rafael National Park: programme review and forward planning 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  136. Feasibility study for a harmonised information management infrastructure for biodiversity-related treaties 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  137. Guide to Information Management: in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  138. World Mangrove Atlas 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  139. Assessing the conservation status of the world's tropical forest. Part 1: subregional reviews, tropical Latin America (Sections 11-13) 1992   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  140. The Diversity of the Seas: a regional approach. WCMC Biodiversity Series 4 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  141. The Global Trade in Coral. WCMC Biodiversity Series 9 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  142. Managing information in support of park management goals and priorities. Proceedings of 1st workshop, Research programme on biodiversity in Laguna San Rafael National Park, Coyhaique, Chilean Patagonia, 12-15 de November 1996 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  143. Manejo de informacion para el apoyo de metas y prioridades de la administracion de parques nacionales. Actas del primer taller del programa de investigacion sobre biodiversidad en el Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  144. State of the world's protected areas at the end of the twentieth century 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  145. A global directory of tropical montane cloud forests. Draft 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  146. Freshwater Biodiversity: a preliminary global assessment. WCMC Biodiversity Series 8 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  147. Draft information management plan for the Convention on Migratory Species 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  148. Environmental Responsibility in World Trade 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  149. Reefs at Risk: a map-based indicator of threats to the world's coral reefs 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  150. Musk deer: little understood, even its scent 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  151. Sustainable financing for protected areas: a comparison of parastatal and state-funded conservation agencies in Africa and the Caribbean 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  152. An environmental profile of the Black Sea Coast 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  153. Industrial reliance on biodiversity. WCMC Biodiversity Series 7 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  154. Status of the world's transfrontier protected areas 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  155. Priorities for biodiversity conservation in the tropics. WCMC Biodiversity Bulletin No. 1 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  156. Patterns in biodiversity in Arctic birds. WCMC Biodiversity Bulletin No. 3 3   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  157. Survey of wildlife management regimes for sustainable utilisation. (A Darwin Initiative Project) 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  158. 1997 United Nations List of Protected Areas 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  159. Checklist of fish and invertebrates listed in the CITES appendices and in EC Regulation 338/97 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  160. Biodiversity Conservation in the Tropics: gaps in habitat protection and funding priorities. WCMC Biodiversity Series 6. Ecofloristic zones 1997   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  161. Biodiversity indicators for integrated environmental assessments at the regional and global level: feasibility study on data availability of six biodiversity indicators 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  162. Designing an optimum protected areas system for Sri Lanka's natural forests. Volume 1 1   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  163. Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats. Standing Committee. Revision of Appendix 1. Species conservation summaries: non-endemic species and endemics for Austria, Germany, Hungary, Norway 1990   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  164. MAB Biosphere Reserves: Site Descriptions, post compilation 5 (October 1990) 1992   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  165. Checklist of mammals listed in the CITES appendices and in EC Regulation 338/97 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  166. Biodiversity indicators for monitoring GEF programme implementation and impacts. Draft final report 2000   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  167. Sustainable use for global, national and community benefit: an analysis of utilisation and biodiversity conservation. Executive summary 1995   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  168. World Trade in Crocodilian Skins, 2002-2004 2006   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  169. Report of the Secretary General on progress in implementation on rehabilitation and conservation strategies for countries with low forest cover (E/CN.18/2002/6) 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  170. Researching factors that influence successful commercialisation of non timber forest products (NTFPs) 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  171. Reefs at Risk in Southeast Asia 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  172. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  173. Private protected areas: a preliminary study of initiatives to conserve biodiversity in selected African countries 1996   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  174. Sourcebook on Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Indicators. Convention on Biological Diversity Technical Series 32 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  175. The economics of biodiversity loss: Scoping the science 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  176. Checklist of CITES Species and Annotated CITES Appendices and Reservations 2005   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  177. The 25 largest un-fragmented wilderness Areas in the Arctic 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  178. Les Mangroves de l'Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 26 2009   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  179. Carbon Storage in Protected Areas – Technical Report 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  180. World Trade in Crocodilian Skins, 2002-2006 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  181. Seamounts, deep-sea corals and fisheries. Vulnerability of deep-sea corals to fishing on seamounts beyond areas of national jurisdiction. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 25 2006   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  182. Carbon emissions from forest loss in protected areas 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  183. In the front line. Shoreline protection and other ecosystem services from mangroves and coral reefs. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 24 2006   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  184. Assessing biodiversity impacts of trade: a review of challenges in the agriculture sector 2006   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  185. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora: EC Annual report, 1988 1990   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  186. The resource inventory: in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity. (Biodiversity Data Management - document 4) 1995   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  187. Project development workshop: integrating biodiversity information management into the curricula of wildlife training institutions 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  188. Impacts of Climate Change on Wildlife 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  189. A global overview of protected areas on the World Heritage list of particular importance for biodiversity 2000   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  190. Checklist of Fish and Invertebrates Listed in the CITES Appendices 1988   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  191. Guide to National Institutional Survey in the Context of the Convention on Biological Diversity 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  192. Harmonization of information management and reporting for biodiversity-related treaties. Background paper (revised), second meeting of the Environmental Management Group, Geneva, 15 June 2001 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  193. Rationalization of international nature conservation information systems. Final report, August 2002. DEFRA Research Project CR0252. ANNEXES 2002   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  194. World trade in crocodilian skins, 1997-1999. (Prepared under contract to the International Alligator and Crocodile Trade Study.) 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  195. Report of the Secretary General on progress in implementation on combating deforestation and forest degradation (E/CN.18/2002/3) 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  196. Contribution to an evaluation of tree species using the new CITES Listing Criteria 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  197. Preliminary inventory of biodiversity-related international reporting and monitoring obligations. Final report 2000   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  198. Oil spill sensitivity of the western Indian Ocean islands: coastal data from the Comoros Islands, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion and the Seychelles 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  199. European forests and protected areas: gap analysis. (Technical report) 2000   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  200. Checklist of herpetofauna listed in the CITES appendices and in EC Regulation 338/97 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  201. The conservation and sustainable use of the crop genetic resources of Central America. A Darwin initiative funded project. Report on phase 1 1994   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  202. MAB Information System: Biosphere Reserves, Compilation 4, October 1986: Supplement September 1989 1989   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  203. A Global Review of Protected Area Budgets and Staff. WCMC Biodiversity Series 10 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  204. Water Birds on the Edge: first circumpolar assessment of climate chage impact of Arctic breeding water birds. WCMC Biodiversity Series 11 2000   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  205. Assessment of requirements of UK policy-makers for international nature conservation information 2001   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  206. Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring. Guidance for Practitioners 2003   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  207. Conservation and utilisation of the plant genetic resources of Mexico and Central America: Project Progress Report 1995   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  208. Scoping the potential benefits of undertaking an MA-style assessment for England 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  209. The world's protected areas : status, values and prospects in the 21st Century 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  210. Final report, natural capital indicators for OECD countries 1999   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  211. Coverage of protected areas. Guidance for national and regional use 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  212. Cross-cutting issues: progress reports on implementation: assessing the status of the world's protected areas. Note by the Executive Secretary, Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, sixth meeting, The Hague, 7-19 April 2002, Item 17.1 of the provisional Agenda 2002   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  213. Bulb propagation and trade study 1989   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  214. National and Regional Networks of Marine Protected Areas: A Review of Progress 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  215. Report on Global Status of Biodiversity in the Drylands. For the UN Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Convention to Combat Desertification 1994   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  216. Report to JNCC: Contract No. F76-01-154 - Overview of the requirements of EC Wildlife Directives and International Conventions and Agreements. March 1998 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  217. Peel Watershed, Yukon. International Significance from the perspective of Parks, Recreation and Conservation 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  218. The linkages between biodiversity and climate change mitigation :A review of the recent scientific literature 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  219. Analysis and Synthesis of National Reports. Prepared by UNEP and CMS Secretariat 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  220. Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity: A review of the recent scientific literature 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  221. Biodiversity and Poverty Reduction; The importance of biodiversity for ecosystem services 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  222. Carbon and biodiversity. A demonstration atlas 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  223. Land use change modelling for three scenarios for the MAR region. Technical report 2006   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  224. GIS Assessment of the Status of Protected Areas in East Asia 2005   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  225. China Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation Situation Analysis and Research Strategy - Final Report to the ESPA Programme. ESPA China Consortium, CAAS, Beijing, China 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  226. The costs and benefits of forest protected areas for local livelihoods: a review of the current literature 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  227. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation: A Key Opportunity for Attaining Multiple Benefits 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  228. Progress Report on Implementation of the CMS Information Management Plan 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  229. Carbon in Drylands: Desertification, Climate Change and Carbon Finance A UNEP-UNDP-UNCCD Technical Note for Discussions at CRIC 7, Istanbul, Turkey, 03-14 November, 2008. Prepared on behalf of UNEP by UNEP-WCMC 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  230. Etat des aires protegees dans le monde 2007: Bilan annuel des progres mondiaux en matiere de conservation 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  231. Deep-sea biodiversity and ecosystems - a scoping report on their socio-economy, management and governance. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 28 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  232. Analysis of EC Trade in Caviar by Species and Tracking of Caviar Permits within the UNEP-WCMC Caviar Database. A Report to the European Commission 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  233. State of the world's protected areas 2007: an annual review of global conservation progress 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  234. Himalayan Musk - Hunting and Trading 1981   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  235. Wild cattle, bison and buffaloes, their status and potential value 1983   (added: 01/22/2012 )
  236. Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World: the IUCN Red Data Book 1985   (added: 07/18/2010 )
  237. World Plant Conservation Bibliography 1990   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  238. The IUCN Mammal Red Data Book. Part 1: threatened mammalian taxa of the Americas and the Australasian zoogeographic region (excluding Cetacea) 1   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  239. WCMC Handbooks on Biodiversity Information Management, Volume 7: data management fundamentals 7   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  240. The IUCN Invertebrate Red Data Book 1983   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  241. The Palms of the New World: a conservation census 1988   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  242. Pythons in south-east Asia: a review of distribution, status and trade in three selected species. A report to the CITES Secretariat 1991   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  243. Protected Landscapes: the United Kingdom experience. (International Symposium on Protected Landscapes, Lake District, United Kingdom, 5-10 October 1987.) 1987   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  244. The Green Turtle and Hawksbill (Reptilia:Cheloniidae): world status, exploitation and trade 1989   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  245. Protected Areas in Eastern and Central Europe and the USSR (an interim review) 1990   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  246. Rare Tropical Timbers 1988   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  247. World Checklist of Threatened Amphibians and Reptiles 1993   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  248. Threatened Primates of Africa: the IUCN Red Data Book 1988   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  249. WCMC Handbooks on Biodiversity Information Management, Volume 1: information and policy 1   (added: 07/11/2010 )
  250. WCMC Handbooks on Biodiversity Information Management. Volume 3: information product design 3   (added: 07/11/2010 )