
Recent Additions (Last 500)   Published In: ALL   For: Bureau of Land Management

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  1. Wilderness management plan for the Eagletail Mountains Wilderness : Yuma District, Yuma Resource Area, Yuma County, Arizona   (added: 09/10/2023 )
  2. Bookcliffs Mountain Browse Natural Area : wilderness report   (added: 05/07/2023 )
  3. Visual resource inventory   (added: 03/26/2023 )
  4. Challis plan amendment and wilderness environmental impact statement : final   (added: 03/26/2023 )
  5. Wildlife & fisheries information system, phase 1 : special status species tracking project management plan   (added: 03/19/2023 )
  6. San Rafael proposed resource management plan and final environmental impact statement   (added: 03/19/2023 )
  7. South Cascades late successional reserve assessment 2   (added: 02/12/2023 )
  8. Effects of off-road vehicles on vertebrates in the California desert   (added: 02/12/2023 )
  9. Ecosystem management in the BLM : join the community   (added: 02/12/2023 )
  10. South Cascades late successional reserve assessment 1   (added: 02/12/2023 )
  11. Birds of southeastern Wyoming   (added: 02/12/2023 )
  12. Fossils on America's public lands   (added: 02/12/2023 )
  13. Game management : accomplishments and opportunities   (added: 02/12/2023 )
  14. California Coastal National Monument   (added: 02/12/2023 )
  15. Fossils on America's public lands   (added: 02/12/2023 )
  16. Mineral withdrawal : Desert National Wildlife Range : final environmental impact statement   (added: 12/25/2022 )
  17. National Landscape Conservation System : science summary report 2008   (added: 12/25/2022 )
  18. Peloncillo Mountains Wilderness management plan, environmental assessment, and decision record   (added: 12/25/2022 )
  19. San Rafael proposed resource management plan and final environmental impact statement   (added: 12/25/2022 )
  20. Coastal zone management policy and the Grays Harbor process   (added: 12/25/2022 )
  21. A handbook for wetland habitat evaluation in Missouri   (added: 12/25/2022 )
  22. Final wilderness management plan for the Grand Wash Cliffs Wilderness   (added: 12/25/2022 )
  23. Summary of final wilderness inventory decisions   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  24. IHICS : integrated habitat inventory & classification system   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  25. Wildlife and Fisheries information system user guide transmittal sheet   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  26. Project charter for the Wildlife and Fisheries information system   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  27. Final Chopaka Mountain wilderness study : environmental assessment and plan amendment   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  28. Dos Cabezas Mountains wilderness management plan, environmental assessment, and decision record   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  29. Joshua Tree Natural Area (natural landmark), Utah : wilderness report   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  30. Black Mountain ecosystem management plan, environmental assessment and decision record   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  31. North Idaho MFP amendment and environmental impact statement : final   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  32. Managing change : livestock grazing on western riparian areas   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  33. Devil's Garden Outstanding Natural Area, Utah wilderness report   (added: 12/18/2022 )
  34. A guide for estimating the effects current livestock management has on stream fish production   (added: 12/11/2022 )
  35. Northern spotted owl data entry manual   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  36. Wabayuma Peak and Mount Tipton : wilderness management plan, environmental assessment, and decision record : EA no. AZ-025-94-044   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  37. Upper Burro Creek wilderness management plan and environmental assessment, final   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  38. Habitat capability model : COWFISH   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  39. Final De-na-zin Wilderness management plan   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  40. Arizona wilderness : land tenure adjustment plan   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  41. East Cactus Plain Wilderness management plan, environmental assessment, and decision record : Yuma District, Havasu Resource Area, La Paz County, Arizona   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  42. Wilderness management plan for the Mt. Moriah Wilderness   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  43. Wildlife and Fisheries information system   (added: 11/27/2022 )
  44. Meeting the challenge in 1991 : recreation 2000, fish & wildlife 2000, riparian-wetland initiative for the 1990's : progress report on implementation of three initiatives   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  45. Conservation of fishers (Martes pennanti) in south-central British Columbia, western Washington, western Oregon, and California   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  46. BLM, meeting the challenge in 1991 : recreation 2000, fish & wildlife 2000, riparian-wetland initiative for the 1990's : executive summary on implementation of three initiatives   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  47. Interpreting indicators of rangeland health : version 3   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  48. Desert tortoise habitat management   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  49. Northwest Area Noxious Weed Control Program : supplemental record of decision   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  50. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act : National Wilderness Conference proceedings, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 15-19, 2014   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  51. Our living resources : a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals, and ecosystems   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  52. Analysis of chromium in amine/glycol solutions   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  53. Powderhorn wilderness management plan/area analysis, implementation schedule, environmental assessment, and finding of no significant action/decision record   (added: 10/23/2022 )
  54. Strategic plan for pollinator conservation   (added: 09/04/2022 )
  55. Stream quantification tool and debit calculator (v1.0) for the Alaskan Interior : user manual   (added: 09/04/2022 )
  56. American desert bighorn sheep in California   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  57. Riparian area management / U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  58. Analysis of the literature and other existing data on 22 species of bats occurring in the California desert   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  59. Analyses of natural gases, 1998-2001   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  60. Managing rangelands for the American pronghorn antelope   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  61. Strategic plan for amphibian and reptile conservation   (added: 08/28/2022 )
  62. Transmittal of presentations at the Western States Sage Grouse Workshop   (added: 04/10/2022 )
  63. Collaborative conservation strategies for the lesser prairie-chicken and sand dune lizard in New Mexico : findings and recommendations of the New Mexico LPC/SDL Working Group   (added: 04/10/2022 )
  64. Interstate Antelope Conference : 1965 transactions   (added: 04/10/2022 )
  65. Monitoring the effectiveness of bat compatible gates in the Silver Reef, East Reef and Tushar Mountain mining districts in southwestern Utah   (added: 04/10/2022 )
  66. The long-term effect of fire on sage grouse nesting and brood-rearing habitats on the Upper Snake River Plain   (added: 04/10/2022 )
  67. Interstate Antelope Conference : 1974 transactions   (added: 04/10/2022 )
  68. The greater sage-grouse monitoring framework   (added: 04/10/2022 )
  69. Book Cliff survey for BLM sensitive bats : final report   (added: 04/10/2022 )
  70. Desert bighorn sheep introduction and follow-up on the Virgin Mountains of Clark County, Nevada : a progress report   (added: 04/03/2022 )
  71. Proceedings of the second annual Antelope States Workshop : February 16-17, 1966, Denver, Colorado   (added: 04/03/2022 )
  72. Summary of the draft recovery plan for the northern spotted owl   (added: 04/01/2022 )
  73. Black-footed ferret surveys on seven coal occurrence areas in southwestern and southcentral Wyoming, June 8 to September 25, 1978 : final report   (added: 04/01/2022 )
  74. Inventory and monitoring coordination : guidelines for the use of aerial photography in monitoring   (added: 04/01/2022 )
  75. Recovery plan for the northern spotted owl - draft   (added: 03/20/2022 )
  76. Proceedings of the third Antelope States Workshop : Casper, Wyoming, February 5-6, 1968   (added: 03/13/2022 )
  77. Central Idaho wolf recovery : a management report, 1990   (added: 03/13/2022 )
  78. Utah greater sage-grouse: final supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  79. Record of decision for the greater sage-grouse supplemental environmental impact statement, Nevada/California   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  80. Record of decision for the Royal Gorge resource area adoption of the mountain plover management strategy   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  81. Movements, habitat and forage use of reintroduced desert bighorn sheep : final report [for the] Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  82. Boom grounds for "thunderbirds."   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  83. Ground-based image collection and analysis for vegetation monitoring   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  84. Nevada and northeastern California greater sage-grouse : draft supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  85. Wyoming greater sage-grouse : approved resource management plan amendment and record of decision   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  86. American desert bighorn sheep in Nevada   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  87. Grazing management in riparian areas   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  88. Record of decision : Wells resource management plan   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  89. Wyoming greater sage-grouse : final supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  90. Record of decision for the greater sage-grouse supplemental environmental impact statement, Wyoming   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  91. Nevada and northeastern California greater sage-grouse : final supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  92. Oregon greater sage-grouse : record of decision and approved resource management plan amendment   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  93. Record of decision for the greater sage-grouse supplemental environmental impact statement, Oregon   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  94. Oregon greater sage-grouse : final supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  95. Pronghorn antelope population and habitat management in the northwestern Great Basin environments   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  96. Sage grouse : species life history and habitat requirements   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  97. Riparian community and bank response to management : a comparison of old and new surveys in the Prineville District, Bureau of Land Management   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  98. Utah greater sage-grouse : draft supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  99. Record of decision for the greater sage-grouse supplemental environmental impact statement, Utah   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  100. Response of elk to seismic exploration in the Bridger-Teton Forest, Wyoming : progress report   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  101. Wyoming greater sage-grouse : draft supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  102. Oregon greater sage-grouse : draft supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  103. Preliminary biological and cultural resources inventory and environmental evaluation of the proposed operational base sites in Coyote Spring Valley and the Milford-Beryl Area   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  104. Desert bighorn sheep : a guide to selected management practices : a literature review and synthesis including appendixes on assessing condition, collecting blood, determining age, constructing water catchments, and evaluating bighorn range   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  105. Applying and interpreting assessment, inventory, and monitoring (AIM) data at the field office level : an example   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  106. American desert bighorn sheep in Utah   (added: 02/20/2022 )
  107. Conserving and restoring riparian, fisheries, and water resources in a changing climate : a 5-year strategy for the BLM's Aquatic Resources Program   (added: 02/06/2022 )
  108. The experimental effects of off-road vehicle sounds on three species of desert vertebrates : report to the Bureau of Land Management   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  109. Adopt-a-horse program   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  110. Historic range of variability of piñon-juniper woodlands on the Uncompahgre Plateau, western Colorado : final report   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  111. A Legacy of resource monitoring on the public lands : summary report of the 2004 Legacy Program   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  112. Bird list : Nevada, Elko District   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  113. Inventory and monitoring riparian areas   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  114. The Elko District fire storm, August 15-20, 1964 : a remembrance   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  115. The benefits of riparian development : a report to TGS Technology Inc. on procedures for the economic evaluation of riparian protection projects of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  116. Bighorn sheep habitat assessment of the Greater Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  117. Black-footed ferret surveys on seven coal occurrence areas in Wyoming : February-September 1979 : final report 1980   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  118. San Isidro watershed rehabilitation plan   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  119. Development of management scenarios for modeling disturbance regimes and succession in the Interior Columbia River Basin, draft version   (added: 01/23/2022 )
  120. Silvicultural management of riparian areas for multiple resources : a COPE Workshop, December 12-13, 1989, Salishan Lodge, Gleneden Beach, Oregon   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  121. The quality control of trace metal analysis for the MAFLA environmental survey : final report   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  122. Risk management criteria for metals at BLM mining sites   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  123. Threatened and endangered plants of Alaska   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  124. Final biological assessment for steelhead trout and its habitat in the John Day River Basin : for ongoing and proposed actions in 2000   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  125. Tuscarora sagebrush habitat restoration initiative : environmental assessment   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  126. Mojave fringe-toed lizard surveys at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California & nearby lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management : final report   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  127. 1985 Raptor Research Foundation symposium on the management of birds of prey : international meeting : [session abstracts]   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  128. A reclamation manual : suggested practices for lands disturbed by oil and gas development in the Bear River Divide and adjacent areas   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  129. Geochemical assessment of mineral resources in the Park Range survey area (NV 040-154), in south-central Nevada : draft   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  130. Mineral resources of an addition to the Black Rock Desert Wilderness Study Area, Humboldt County, Nevada   (added: 12/26/2021 )
  131. Creeks and communities : a continuing strategy for accelerating cooperative riparian restoration and management   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  132. Environmental studies, South Texas Outer Continental Shelf, biology and chemistry : final report, 1977 5   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  133. Avian responses to management of riparian habitat in the Prineville District, Bureau of Land Management, Central Oregon, draft : report of 1999 and 2000 field activities   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  134. Environmental studies, South Texas Outer Continental Shelf, biology and chemistry : final report, 1977 1   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  135. Environmental studies, South Texas Outer Continental Shelf, biology and chemistry : final report, 1977 2   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  136. Procedures for ecological site inventory with special reference to riparian-wetland sites   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  137. Management techniques in riparian areas   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  138. Environmental studies, South Texas Outer Continental Shelf, biology and chemistry : final report, 1977 4   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  139. The use of aerial photography to manage riparian-wetland areas   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  140. Environmental studies, South Texas Outer Continental Shelf, biology and chemistry : final report, 1977 6   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  141. Using aerial photographs to assess proper functioning condition of riparian-wetland areas   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  142. A Progress report on the Interagency strategy for accelerating cooperative riparian restoration and management   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  143. Environmental studies, South Texas Outer Continental Shelf, biology and chemistry : final report, 1977 3   (added: 11/28/2021 )
  144. Aquatic resources of the Salmon Fork Black River, Alaska : a preliminary survey, 1991   (added: 11/09/2021 )
  145. Proper functioning condition assessment for lentic areas   (added: 10/31/2021 )
  146. Programmatic environmental assessment of integrated weed management on Bureau of Land Management Lands : environmental assessment   (added: 09/09/2021 )
  147. Developing quantifiable management objectives from reference conditions for wadeable streams in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska   (added: 08/16/2021 )
  148. Recommendations for raptor management in the Cave Gulch exploratory gas unit area : Casper BLM District, Platte River resource area   (added: 08/16/2021 )
  149. Idaho greater sage-grouse : draft supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 08/16/2021 )
  150. Idaho greater sage-grouse : final supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 08/16/2021 )
  151. Sagebrush conservation strategy : challenges to sagebrush conservation   (added: 08/16/2021 )
  152. Fire effects 10 years after the Anaktuvuk River Tundra fire   (added: 08/16/2021 )
  153. Record of decision for the Idaho greater sage-grouse supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  154. Northwest Colorado greater sage-grouse: record of decision   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  155. Idaho greater sage-grouse : record of decision and approved resource management plan amendment   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  156. North Dakota greater sage-grouse : proposed resource management plan amendment and final environmental impact statement 1   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  157. SAGEGRASS : a sagebrush-grass grazingland ecosystem simulation model : final report to the BLM   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  158. Application of the threat-based model framework in the BLM land health assessment and evaluation process in Oregon   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  159. North Dakota greater sage-grouse : proposed resource management plan amendment and final environmental impact statement 2   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  160. Multiple indicator monitoring (MIM) of stream channels and streamside vegetation   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  161. Checklist of plants : Carrizo Plain Natural Area, San Luis Obispo County, California   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  162. Oregon/Washington watchable wildlife   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  163. Northwest Colorado greater sage-grouse : final supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  164. AIM national aquatic monitoring framework : field protocol for wadeable lotic systems   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  165. Principles of rest-rotation grazing and multiple-use land management   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  166. The Great Basin restoration initiative : out of ashes, an opportunity   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  167. Sampling vegetation attributes : interagency technical reference   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  168. Recognizing plant families of the west : field guide   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  169. Geographic distribution of rare plants on public lands within the Red Mountain Study Area and a study of the population dynamics and reproductive biology of McDonald's rock-cress, Arabis mcdonaldiana Eastwood : final report [for the Bureau of Land Management, Ukiah District Office]   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  170. District botanical report : sensitive plants of the Roseburg District   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  171. Birch Creek aquatic habitat management plan : wildlife habitat area (I-3 WHA-A-L)   (added: 08/08/2021 )
  172. Fire history analysis from fire scars collected at Iceberg Point and Point Colville on Lopez Island, Washington State   (added: 06/06/2021 )
  173. Sensitive species of Nevada : 1990 report : Bureau of Land Management, Elko District   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  174. Reducing predation by common ravens on desert tortoises in the Mojave and Colorado deserts   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  175. Amphibians and reptiles of the McElmo Rare Lizard and Snake Area in southwest Colorado : a report to the Bureau of Land Management, Montrose, Colorado   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  176. Potential of BLM lands in western Fresno and eastern San Benito and Monterey counties, California, as critical habitats for the endangered San Joaquin kit fox, Vulpes macrotis mutica, and blunt-nosed leopard lizard, Crotaphytus silus   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  177. Information on file as cited in the Terrestrial Ecology Assessment chapter, Science Integration Team Report, Interior Columbia Basin Team Ecosystem Management Project   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  178. Snake River Birds of Prey Study Area : summary report, June 1979   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  179. Snake River birds of prey research project : annual report, 1983   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  180. COPE Program annual report for FY 89 : COPE Advisory Council meeting : Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon, November 21, 1989   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  181. Distribution, season of use, and habitat of the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes of Idaho   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  182. Population dynamics of key raptors nesting in the Kevin Rim area : challenge cost share progress report 1996 to Bureau of Land Management, Great Falls District   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  183. Population dynamics of key raptor species in the Kevin Rim Area : challenge cost share progress report 1997 and 1998 to Bureau of Land Management, Great Falls District   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  184. Identification guide to montane amphibians of the southern Rocky Mountains   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  185. Emergency fire rehabilitation   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  186. Endangered species : research strategy and long-term monitoring needed for the Mojave Desert tortoise recovery program   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  187. Success and productivity of key raptor species nesting in the Kevin Rim Raptor Study Area, 2002-2003 : challenge cost share progress report to: Bureau of Land Management, Great Falls District   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  188. Idaho's migratory landbirds : description, habitats & conservation   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  189. The distribution and relative densities of the desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizi, in Clark County, Nevada   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  190. Great Basin restoration initiative : cultural resources landscape level planning model   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  191. Sensitive species of Nevada : 1990 report : Bureau of Land Management Ely District   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  192. Spawning characteristics of Gila Chub in Cienega Creek, Arizona   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  193. Nesting success and productivity of key raptor species and preliminary herptile survey, Kevin Rim raptor study area, Toole County, Montana, 2004 : challenge cost share progress report to: Bureau of Land Management, Great Falls District   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  194. COPE Advisory Council meeting : Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OR, May 12, 1987   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  195. Population dynamics of key raptor species in the Kevin Rim Raptor Study Area, 2000 : challenge cost share progress report to: Bureau of Land Management, Great Falls District   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  196. Interim management policy and guidelines for lands under wilderness review   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  197. Nutrition and foraging ecology of the desert tortoise : FY 1990 annual report   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  198. Kevin Rim/Sweetgrass Hills raptor survey   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  199. High nesting density of birds of prey near Kevin, Montana   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  200. Population dynamics of key raptor species in the Kevin Rim Raptor Study Area, 1999 : challenge cost share progress report to: Bureau of Land Management, Great Falls District   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  201. COPE Program progress report for FY 89 : COPE Advisory Council meeting : Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon, May 25, 1989   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  202. Flat-tailed horned lizard (Phrynosoma mcallii) monitoring report   (added: 05/30/2021 )
  203. Geochemical mineral resource survey of the Wales Creek wilderness study area (074-150), Powell County, Montana : phase II   (added: 05/23/2021 )
  204. Composition and abundance of reptiles and amphibians of the Clark Mountain area, San Bernardino County, California, May 1978-September 1978   (added: 05/09/2021 )
  205. COPE Program annual report for FY 87 : COPE Advisory Council meeting : Hatfield Marine Sciences Center, Newport, Oregon, November 24, 1987   (added: 05/09/2021 )
  206. Cooperative Wildlife Program : phase I literature search and review project report   (added: 05/09/2021 )
  207. The ecology & management of Oregon Coast range forests : a mid-term COPE symposium, March 29-31, 1994, Salishan Lodge, Gleneden Beach, Oregon   (added: 05/09/2021 )
  208. The chemical and physical responses of desert shrubs and grasses to defoliation : annual project report and work plan, 1962   (added: 05/09/2021 )
  209. Nutrition and foraging ecology of the desert tortoise : FY 1989 annual report   (added: 05/09/2021 )
  210. Population dynamics of key raptor species in the Kevin Rim Raptor Study Area, 2001 : challenge cost share progress report to: Bureau of Land Management, Great Falls District   (added: 05/09/2021 )
  211. Public lands and field office locations   (added: 05/09/2021 )
  212. Bibliography on the effect of noise on non-human vertebrates : report to the Bureau of Land Management   (added: 05/09/2021 )
  213. COPE Program bibliography : fiscal years 1987 through 1992   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  214. Geology and mineral resource potential of the Palisade Wilderness study area, Mesa County, Colorado : (GEM, phase 2)   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  215. COPE Program bibliography : fiscal years 1987 through 1994   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  216. Ecosystem management : draft implementation strategy   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  217. Research studies and publications of the Coastal Oregon Productivity Enhancement Team (COPE) program, FY 1987 - FY 1991   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  218. Mineral resource potential of the Bisti (NM-010-057), De-na-zin (NM-010-004), and Ah-shi-sle-pah (NM-010-009) wilderness study areas, San Juan County, New Mexico   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  219. Bring back the natives : final submission   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  220. COPE Program progress report for FY 88 : COPE Advisory Council meeting : Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon, May 10, 1988   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  221. Management considerations for sagebrush (Artemisia) in the western United States : a selective summary of current information about the ecology and biology of woody North American sagebrush taxa   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  222. Laboratory measurements of complex resistivity characteristics of oil shales from Saterdal #1 corehole, Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  223. Mt. Trumbull ponderosa pine restoration project   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  224. Geology, energy and mineral resources assessment of the Sonora Area, Arizona   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  225. Phenology and production studies on semi-arid shrub types : annual progress report : 1981 results 2   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  226. Classification and management of USDI Bureau of Land Management's riparian and wetland sites in eastern and southern Idaho   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  227. Craig District (White River and Kremmling resource areas) : draft wilderness environmental impact statement   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  228. Craig District (White River, Kremmling, and Little Snake resource areas) : final wilderness environmental impact statement : Grand, Jackson, Moffat, and Rio Blanco counties, Colorado ; Daggett and Uintah counties, Utah 2   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  229. 1992 Annual report of the Adaptive Coastal Oregon Productivity Enhancement Program : October 1, 1991 - September 30, 1992   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  230. Adaptive COPE annual report : October 1, 1990 - September 30, 1991   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  231. Final supplemental environmental impact statement to remove or modify the survey and manage mitigation measures standards and guidelines 1   (added: 04/18/2021 )
  232. Wilderness management of public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management : past, present & future   (added: 04/18/2021 )
  233. Waterfowl production and effects of fire on wetlands in the Pah River Flats   (added: 04/18/2021 )
  234. Waterfowl production and initial effects of fire on wetlands in the Pah River Flats : final report   (added: 04/18/2021 )
  235. Phenology and production studies on semi-arid shrub types : annual progress report : 1981 results 1   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  236. Description of the ecoregions of the United States   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  237. Craig District (White River, Kremmling, and Little Snake resource areas) : final wilderness environmental impact statement : Grand, Jackson, Moffat, and Rio Blanco counties, Colorado ; Daggett and Uintah counties, Utah 1   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  238. Dairy-McKay watershed analysis   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  239. Ecological types of the upper Gunnison Basin : review draft   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  240. Geology and mineral resources of the Cache Creek-Rocky Creek Wilderness Study Area /cby Larry Vredenburgh   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  241. Final environmental impact statement, Squirrel River wild and scenic river study   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  242. Interim management policy and guidelines for wilderness study areas : draft   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  243. Vermillion Resource Area implementation plan for the Arizona Strip District : approved resource management plan   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  244. Final supplemental environmental impact statement to remove or modify the survey and manage mitigation measures standards and guidelines 2   (added: 04/11/2021 )
  245. Carrizo Plain Natural Area : two self-guided geologic auto tours   (added: 03/28/2021 )
  246. PACFISH/INFISH biological opinions : field reviews, 1999   (added: 03/28/2021 )
  247. Geochemical assessment of mineral resources in the Goshute Canyon survey area (NV 040-015), east-central Nevada   (added: 03/21/2021 )
  248. Glossary of landscape & vegetation ecology for Alaska   (added: 03/21/2021 )
  249. Research plan for lands administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior in the Interior Columbia Basin and Snake River Plateau   (added: 03/21/2021 )
  250. Ecological resources baseline report : technical report for the White Pine Power Project   (added: 03/21/2021 )
  251. Mosby Creek watershed analysis   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  252. Klamath-Iron Gate Watershed analysis : version 1.1   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  253. Information synthesis for the Colorado Plateau : an analysis of regional resource condition   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  254. Adaptive COPE annual report : October 1, 1988 - September 30, 1989   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  255. Hagerman Fauna Sites National Natural Landmark : interim management plan   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  256. Geology field trip to Mono/Owens valleys : guidebook : October 6th and 7th, 1990   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  257. Indices of aquatic community integrity of Percha and Tierra Blanca creeks in perennial segments administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Sierra County, New Mexico   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  258. Riparian and wetland classification : review and application   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  259. Hagerman Fauna Sites National Natural Landmark : natural history resource management plan   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  260. Summary results for BLM field offices in Nevada from a regional assessment of habitats for species for species of conservation concern   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  261. A regional approach to fire history in Alaska   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  262. Proceedings : Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystems Symposium : Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, June 21-23, 1999   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  263. COPE Program progress report for FY 91 : COPE Advisory Council meeting : BLM Salem District Office, Salem, Oregon, June 11, 1991   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  264. Mineral investigations in the Admiralty Island Mining District, southeast Alaska 2005-2006   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  265. Visual resource inventory   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  266. Visual resources baseline : technical report for the White Pine Power Project   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  267. COPE Program progress report for FY 90 : COPE Advisory Council meeting : LaSells Stewart Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, May 30, 1990   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  268. Visual resource contrast rating   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  269. Nesting raptors in southwestern Alaska : status, distribution, and aspects of biology   (added: 03/14/2021 )
  270. Oil-shale resource investigations of the U.S. Geological Survey   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  271. Geology and mineral resource potential of the Bennett Mountains Wilderness study area, Carbon County, Wyoming   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  272. A study to determine paleontological mitigation for coal lands in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico 2   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  273. Practices for protecting and enhancing fish and wildlife on coal surface-mined land in the southcentral U.S   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  274. Principles of the mineral resource classification system of the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey : a report   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  275. '94 Adaptive COPE annual report : October 1, 1993 - September 30, 1994   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  276. Practices for protecting and enhancing fish and wildlife on coal surface-mined land in central and southern Appalachia   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  277. Geochemical and mineralogical analyses of U.S. Geological Survey oil-shale core CR-2, Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  278. COPE Program progress report for FY 92 : COPE Advisory Council meeting : LaSells Stewart Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, June 2, 1992   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  279. Coal resource classification system of the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey : a report   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  280. Monitoring of migratory bull trout in the Jarbidge River, 1999   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  281. Geology and mineral resource potential of the Sewemup Mesa Wilderness study area, Mesa and Montrose counties, Colorado : (GEM phase 2)   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  282. Lander Field Office review of potential wild and scenic rivers in the Lander Resource Management Plan planning area : final report   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  283. 1993 Annual report of the Adaptive Coastal Oregon Productivity Enhancement Program : October 1, 1992 - September 30, 1993   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  284. Results of USGS oil-shale core drilling in the eastern Uinta Basin : Red Wash-1 drill hole   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  285. Jumpoff Joe watershed analysis   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  286. Site evaluation for U.S. Bureau of Mines experimental oil-shale mine, Piceance Creek Basin, Rio Blanco County, Colorado   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  287. Geology and mineral resource potential of the Pigeon Canyon (AZ-010-109), Nevershine Mesa (AZ-010-105A), and Snap Point (AZ-010-105B) Wilderness Study Areas, Mohave County, Arizona   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  288. Billings Resource Area final environmental impact statement : resource management plan   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  289. Results of USGS oil-shale core drilling in the eastern Uinta Basin, Utah : Coyote Wash-1 drill hole   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  290. COPE Program annual report for FY 94   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  291. Results of core drilling in 1978 for oil shale in the Eocene Green River Formation, Piceance Creek area of western Colorado   (added: 02/21/2021 )
  292. Partners across the West : RAC Video Conference, February 20, 1998   (added: 01/24/2021 )
  293. Breeding bird surveys in the Lanfair Valley, eastern Mohave Desert, San Bernardino County, California   (added: 01/24/2021 )
  294. Snake River birds of prey research project : annual report, 1983   (added: 01/17/2021 )
  295. Snake River Birds of Prey Area research and monitoring annual report, 1991   (added: 01/17/2021 )
  296. Inventory of potential black-footed ferret habitat in Moffat and Rio Blanco counties, Colorado   (added: 01/17/2021 )
  297. Snake River birds of prey research project : annual report, 1985   (added: 01/17/2021 )
  298. Snake River birds of prey research project : annual report, 1986   (added: 01/17/2021 )
  299. Snake River birds of prey research project : annual report, 1984   (added: 01/17/2021 )
  300. San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area : lands with wilderness characteristics inventory   (added: 12/22/2020 )
  301. Interpreting indicators of rangeland health : version 5   (added: 12/13/2020 )
  302. Wilderness, final initial inventory : draft intensive inventory : public lands administered by BLM California outside the California Desert Conservation Area 2   (added: 12/13/2020 )
  303. Guide to using AIM and LMF data in land health evaluations and authorizations of permitted uses   (added: 12/13/2020 )
  304. Human health risk assessment, final   (added: 12/13/2020 )
  305. Response of western thatching ant (Formica obscuripes) colonies to mechanical shrub crushing and livestock exclusion in Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis) community   (added: 12/13/2020 )
  306. Southern Nevada complex emergency stabilization and rehabilitation final report   (added: 12/13/2020 )
  307. Guide to quaking aspen ecology and management : with emphasis on Bureau of Land Management Lands in the western United States   (added: 12/13/2020 )
  308. Human health risk assessment : final report   (added: 12/06/2020 )
  309. A pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) survey   (added: 10/25/2020 )
  310. Northwest Colorado greater sage-grouse : draft supplemental environmental impact statement   (added: 10/25/2020 )
  311. Progress report 3, geotechnical data gathering program : hydrologic program, section 1.2 to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, U.S. Geological Survey Appendix   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  312. Third quarterly data report for the terrestrial baseline data accumulation program : Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  313. C-a Progress Report 2 : environmental baseline data gathering project to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, U.S. Geological Survey   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  314. Meteorology and air quality quarterly progress report for federal oil shale Tract C-a, spring 1975 v. 1   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  315. C-a Progress Report 2 : environmental baseline data gathering project to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, U.S. Geological Survey v. 1   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  316. Progress report 5, September, October, November 1975 : geotechnical data gathering project, hydrologic program section 1.2 to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, United States Geological Survey v. 2   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  317. Progress report 5, geotechnical data gathering project : geologic program, section 1.1 to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, United States Geological Survey   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  318. C-a Progress Report 2 : environmental baseline data gathering project to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, U.S. Geological Survey v.2   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  319. Quarterly report March-May 1975 for Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project : aquatic baseline studies   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  320. Progress report 3, geotechnical data gathering program : hydrologic program, section 1.2 to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, U.S. Geological Survey v. 2   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  321. C-a Progress Report 2 : environmental baseline data gathering project to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, U.S. Geological Survey   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  322. Progress report 3, geotechnical data gathering program : hydrologic program, section 1.2 to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, U.S. Geological Survey v. 1   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  323. Progress report 5, September, October, November 1975 : geotechnical data gathering project, hydrologic program section 1.2 to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, United States Geological Survey v. 1   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  324. Progress report 3, geotechnical data gathering program : hydrologic program, section 1.2 to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, U.S. Geological Survey v. 3   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  325. Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project progress report 3: section 2.5 other environmental programs   (added: 08/16/2020 )
  326. Progress report 6, December 1975 through February 1976 : geotechnical data gathering project, hydrologic program section 1.2 interpretative text to Area Oil Shale Supervisor, United States Geological Survey   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  327. Annual report Tract C-a : aquatic ecology baseline studies   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  328. Annual report : terrestrial baseline studies   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  329. Communication and environmental education plan for noxious weeds on public lands   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  330. Southeastern Oklahoma wildlife study : federal coal reserve area : final report v. 1   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  331. Snake River Birds of Prey Research Project : annual report, 1980   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  332. Snake River Birds of Prey Research Project : annual report, 1981   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  333. Snake River birds of prey research project : annual report, 1982   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  334. Wilderness planning amendment/environmental impact statement for the Dillon Resource Area, Beaverhead and Madison counties, Montana : draft v. 1   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  335. Vegetation allocation in the Prairie Potholes area of Montana : draft v. 1   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  336. Snake River Birds of Prey Research Project : annual report, 1979   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  337. Effects of converting sagebrush cover to grass on the hydrology of small watersheds at Boco Mountain, Colorado   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  338. Joint Fire Science Program : 2017 progress report : research supporting sound decisions   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  339. Northwest Colorado greater sage-grouse : record of decision and approved resource management plan amendment   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  340. Joint Fire Science Program : 2015 - 2016 progress report : research supporting sound decisions   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  341. Northwest Colorado greater sage-grouse : record of decision and approved resource management plan amendment   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  342. Wyoming greater sage-grouse : proposed resource management plan amendment and final environmental impact statement   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  343. Local work group report for the national assessment, inventory, and monitoring strategy, draft   (added: 03/01/2020 )
  344. 1980 C.B. annual report v. 1   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  345. Transmission System Vegetation Management Program : final environmental impact statement v. 1   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  346. Transmission System Vegetation Management Program : record of decision   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  347. 1979 C.B. annual report v. 1   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  348. Prototype oil shale leasing program management report, 1974-1979 / by Staff, Area Oil Shale Office, U.S. Geological Survey   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  349. Transmission System Vegetation Management Program : final environmental impact statement v. 3   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  350. 1980 C.B. annual report v. 2A   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  351. 1979 C.B. annual report v. 2   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  352. 1981 C.B. annual report V. 2A   (added: 12/29/2019 )
  353. Final report for the 2006-2007 yellow-billed cuckoo project   (added: 12/29/2019 )
  354. Partial exploration plan, environmental baseline data collection and monitoring element, Federal Oil Shale Prototype Leasing Program, Tracts U-a and U-b, Utah   (added: 12/29/2019 )
  355. Breeding status of the yellow-billed cuckoo in the South Fork Kern River Valley, Kern County, California : summary report 1985-1996   (added: 12/29/2019 )
  356. Oil shale Tract C-b : environmental baseline program, final report (November 1974 through October 1976)℗   (added: 12/29/2019 )
  357. Partial exploration plan, environmental baseline data collection and monitoring element (revised biology resources program) : Federal Oil Shale Prototype Leasing Program, Tracts U-a and U-b, Utah   (added: 12/29/2019 )
  358. 1981 C.B. annual report V. 2   (added: 12/29/2019 )
  359. 1981 C.B. annual report V. 1   (added: 12/29/2019 )
  360. Northwest Colorado greater sage-grouse : draft resource management plan amendment and environmental impact statement   (added: 12/01/2019 )
  361. Idaho greater sage-grouse : draft resource management plan amendment and environmental impact statement   (added: 12/01/2019 )
  362. Nevada and northeastern California greater sage-grouse : proposed resource management plan amendment and final environmental impact statement   (added: 12/01/2019 )
  363. Fuels guide for sagebrush and pinyon-juniper treatments : 10 years post-treatment   (added: 12/01/2019 )
  364. Utah greater sage-grouse : proposed resource management plan amendment and final environmental impact statement   (added: 12/01/2019 )
  365. New Mexico wilderness study area proposals : Socorro District   (added: 12/01/2019 )
  366. Cheatgrass : the invader that won the west   (added: 11/24/2019 )
  367. Coarse scale fire simulation strategies   (added: 11/24/2019 )
  368. Cold damage potential in northwest forests for submission to ecological applications   (added: 11/24/2019 )
  369. Documentation of the modeling of potential vegetation at three spatial scales using biophysical settings in the Columbia River Basin assessment area   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  370. Canada lynx conservation assessment and strategy   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  371. Collection, Storage, Preservation and Scientific Study of Fossils from Federal and Indian Lands   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  372. Soil survey and vegetation : northeastern Kodiak Island area, Alaska   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  373. Modular development phase monitoring report 11, January 1982 - December 1982 : year-end report v. 1   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  374. Development of vegetation dynamics pathways   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  375. Biological assessment : threatened and endangered species : draft resource management plan, environmental impact statement for Garnet Resource Area   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  376. Modular development phase monitoring report 11, January 1982 - December 1982 : year-end report v. 2   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  377. Goshute Creek habitat area extensive and intensive inventory and analysis   (added: 11/03/2019 )
  378. Aquatic inventory of the Upper Bill Williams drainage, Yavapai and Mohave counties, Arizona : [manuscript]℗   (added: 11/03/2019 )
  379. Supplemental report environmental programs, 1977 : White River Shale Project federal prototype oil shale leases U-a and U-b   (added: 11/03/2019 )
  380. Scope of work to perform interim environmental studies on Tract C-a for Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project   (added: 10/20/2019 )
  381. Conservation agreement and strategy, Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris), Great Basin population, Nevada : northeastern subpopulations, Jarbdidge-Independence and Ruby Mountain   (added: 10/20/2019 )
  382. Progress report environmental programs, 1978 : White River Shale Project, federal prototype oil shale leases U-a and U-b   (added: 10/20/2019 )
  383. Conservation assessment of greater sage-grouse and sagebrush habitats   (added: 10/13/2019 )
  384. Lakeview grazing management program : draft environmental impact statement   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  385. Distributions of eagles and a survey for and habitat characteristics of communal roosts of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) wintering in northeastern Wyoming   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  386. The American landscape, 1776-1976 : two centuries of change : to commemorate the U.S.A. bicentennial   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  387. Goshute Creek habitat management plan : N-4 WHA-A1 : Ely District, Nevada   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  388. Great Rift wilderness : final environmental impact statement   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  389. Great Rift wilderness : Department of Interior draft environmental impact statement   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  390. Predicting biogeochemical ecosystem processes in the Columbia River Basin using the BGC model   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  391. Ecosystem analysis at the watershed scale : federal guide for watershed analysis, version 2.2   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  392. Review draft : livestock grazing in riparian areas in the Interior Columbia Basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basin   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  393. Review draft rangeland ecology and grazing management : preliminary methods   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  394. Grazing management processes and strategies for riparian-wetland areas   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  395. Susceptibility to rangeland health disturbance stresses in the Interior Columbia Basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basin   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  396. Santa Fe River riparian vegetation monitoring : report 2003   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  397. Bryophytes of the Columbia Basin, south of the Canadian border   (added: 10/06/2019 )
  398. Monitoring between-year movements and assessment of artificial burrow features useful in conservation and management of burrowing owls : 1997 annual report   (added: 08/19/2019 )
  399. Programmatic biological assessment : management of the Federal Fluid Minerals Program in western Colorado, water depletion effects on the four endangered big river fishes : bonytail (Gila elegans), Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius), humpback chub (Gila cypha), and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) in the Upper Colorado River Basin   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  400. Multiscale guidance and tools for implementing a landscape approach to resource management in the Bureau of Land Management   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  401. Land use plan summary, rangeland program summary, and grazing EIS record of decision for the Cal-Neva Planning Unit   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  402. Northwestern California standards for rangeland health and guidelines for livestock grazing management   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  403. Central California standards for rangeland health and guidelines for livestock grazing management   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  404. Riley grazing management program : draft environmental impact statement   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  405. Record of decision : northeastern California and northwestern Nevada standards for rangeland health and guidelines for livestock grazing management   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  406. Roseburg district : progress report, 1969   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  407. Northeastern California and northwestern Nevada standards for rangeland health and guidelines for livestock grazing management   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  408. Redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) : population and stream habitat surveys in western Owyhee County, Idaho   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  409. Planning decisions : Mount Dome Planning Unit   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  410. Accomplishments of the fisheries, wildlife, threatened and endangered species, and plant conservation programs : fiscal year 2011   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  411. Programmatic environmental impact statement on timber management : preliminary draft   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  412. Proposed revisions to grazing regulations for the public lands : addendum to the final environmental impact statement FES 04-39   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  413. Roseburg district : progress report, 1974   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  414. Record of decision : central California standards for rangeland health and guidelines for livestock grazing management   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  415. Short-term effects of mechanical shrub treatment and livestock grazing exclusion on vegetation in a native Wyoming big sagebrush community, east-central Idaho   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  416. Strategic plan for the Coordinated Intermountain Restoration Project   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  417. Western Oregon plan revisions news   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  418. Trinity River Bridges Project : environmental assessment/draft environmental impact report 2   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  419. Trinity River Bridges Project : environmental assessment/draft environmental impact report 1   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  420. Newcastle grazing environmental impact statement   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  421. Resource management plan program document : annual update 1993-1994   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  422. Preliminary draft, Josephine timber management environmental statement   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  423. Proposed Dolores National Wild and Scenic River : final environmental statement   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  424. Wild horse gathering for the Fifteenmile wild horse herd management area : environmental assessment   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  425. Final supplemental environmental impact statement : for clarification of language in the 1994 record of decision for the Northwest Forest plan ; national forests and Bureau of Land Management districts within the range of the northern spotted owl : proposal to amend wording about the aquatic conservation strategy   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  426. Clubmoss (Selaginella densa) research : progress report   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  427. Trinity River Bridges Project : environmental assessment/draft environmental impact report 5   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  428. Trinity River Bridges Project : environmental assessment/draft environmental impact report 4   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  429. Rangeland management program : east Roswell grazing management area℗: update report   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  430. Livestock grazing management and water quality protection : (state of the art reference document)   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  431. Challis range management program : summary report   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  432. Trinity River Bridges Project : environmental assessment/draft environmental impact report 3   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  433. Record of decision : resource management plan for the Coast/Valley Planning Area, Kern, Kings, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura Counties, California   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  434. Sonoma-Gerlach Resource Area : rangeland program summary   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  435. Appendix: the California Desert Conservation Area : plan alternatives and environmental impact statement, draft   (added: 07/28/2019 )
  436. Southcentral and southeastern Idaho emigrant trails management plan   (added: 07/21/2019 )
  437. Index of Conservation Division guidelines : definitions, laws, regulations, memoranda and other guidelines with examples 1   (added: 07/21/2019 )
  438. Answering questions about the desert tortoise   (added: 07/14/2019 )
  439. AIM national aquatic monitoring framework : field protocol for wadeable lotic systems   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  440. AIM-monitoring : a component of the BLM assessment, inventory, and monitoring strategy   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  441. Guide for quantifying post-treatment fuels in the sagebrush steppe and juniper woodlands of the Great Basin   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  442. Proceedings : National Advisory Board for Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros : June 3-4, 1976, John Day, Oregon   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  443. 2017 mineral occurrence and development potential report : locatable and salable minerals, Bering Sea-Western Interior resource management plan   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  444. Management situation analysis : San Luis resource management plan and environmental impact statement   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  445. Biological assessment for the Pine Ridge wildland fire and rehabilitation plan and the effects on four endangered fish species : bonytail (Gila elegans), humpback chub (Gila cypha), Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius), and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus), and their designated critical habitat, and one threatened plant species : Colorado hookless cactus (Sclerocactus glaucus)   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  446. Developing a resource management and monitoring protocol for a semiarid landscape with extensive oil and gas development potential   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  447. Aerial and close-range photogrammetric technology : providing resource documentation, interpretation, and preservation   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  448. Index of Conservation Division guidelines : definitions, laws, regulations, memoranda and other guidelines with examples 2   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  449. Annual monitoring report : Bruneau hot-spring springsnail (Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis)   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  450. BLM sage-grouse habitat conservation   (added: 07/07/2019 )
  451. Prairie Pothole : management framework plan and environmental impact statement preparation plan   (added: 06/30/2019 )
  452. Lentic riparian-wetland area prioritization guide : a process for evaluating management & restoration priorities for non-riverine systems   (added: 06/30/2019 )
  453. Interpreting indicators of rangeland health : version 4   (added: 06/23/2019 )
  454. Rangeland inventory & monitoring : supplemental studies   (added: 06/23/2019 )
  455. Monitoring manual for grassland, shrubland and savanna ecosystems   (added: 06/23/2019 )
  456. Taos Field Office riparian and aquatic habitat management plan and environmental impact statement : record of decision   (added: 06/23/2019 )
  457. Albuquerque Field Office riparian and aquatic habitat management plan and environmental impact statement : record of decision   (added: 06/23/2019 )
  458. Utilization studies and residual measurements   (added: 06/23/2019 )
  459. Las Cruces Field Office riparian and aquatic habitat management plan and environmental impact statement : record of decision   (added: 06/23/2019 )
  460. Baseline surveys for mammals in the Henry Mountains, Utah : annual report   (added: 06/23/2019 )
  461. Monitoring manual for grassland, shrubland and savanna ecosystems   (added: 06/23/2019 )
  462. Farmington Field Office riparian and aquatic habitat management plan and environmental impact statement : record of decision   (added: 06/23/2019 )
  463. Final : Salem District proposed resource management plan and final environmental impact statement   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  464. Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument : draft resource management plan/environmental impact statement 2   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  465. Adaptive FIR annual report : October 1, 1982-September 30, 1983   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  466. Deep well disposal of liquid wastes, subsurface disposal of liquid wastes 063   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  467. AIM national aquatic monitoring framework : field protocol for wadeable lotic systems   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  468. Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument : draft resource management plan/environmental impact statement 1   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  469. Selected publications relating to oil and gas development and environmental problems associated therewith, [August 1971] 093   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  470. Initial riparian and wetland vegetation classification and characterization of the Columbia Basin in Washington   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  471. Range and wildlife technical workshop 005   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  472. A methodology for assessing the ecoregional distribution of plant taxa   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  473. Selected publications relating to oil and gas development and environmental problems associated therewith, [January 1972] 095   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  474. Wildlife habitat & our shared conservation stewardship : distribution of elk, mule deer, bighorn sheep, and wild turkey in the western United States   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  475. Mineral valuation, solid minerals, [May 1971] 111   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  476. Selected publications relating to oil and gas development and environmental problems associated therewith, [December 1972] 094   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  477. Fire management program on national resource lands : environmental impact statement : working draft   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  478. Lichens (29) : management recommendations for survey and manage   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  479. Streptanthus morrisonii complex : final report   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  480. Ramaria of the Pacific Northwestern United States   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  481. Baseline surveys for mammals in the Henry Mountains, Utah : annual report   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  482. Wildlife research problems programs progress, 1964 : activities in the Division of Wildlife Research of the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife for the calender year 1964   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  483. The El Malpais plan : a stand-alone management plan for El Malpais National Conservation area and adjoining lands   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  484. Mineral valuation, solid minerals, [May 1970] 101   (added: 06/16/2019 )
  485. Aerial photography use for BLM in archeological site inventory 162   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  486. Record of decision for the Kemmerer resource management plan and rangeland program summary document, Kemmerer Resource Area, Rock Springs District, Lincoln, Sweetwater, and Uinta counties, Wyoming   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  487. Porcupine bait station revision 157   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  488. Porcupine bait station 156   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  489. Filing range trend photo negatives 146   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  490. Dolores River, Colorado : the river of sorrows   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  491. Increment borer maintenance 153   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  492. Threatened and endangered plants of Nevada : an illustrated manual   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  493. Did you know??? acute bovine pulmonary emphysema 150   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  494. Small mines, prospecting, exploration, development : small mines, costs, [August 1971] 127   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  495. Roswell Resource Area issue identification   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  496. Management alternatives for pinyon-juniper woodlands. the economics of the pinyon-juniper management. B, Economic phase   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  497. Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument : draft resource management plan/environmental impact statement   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  498. Draft environmental analysis : proposed Salmon Falls fish barrier   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  499. Small mines, prospecting, exploration, development : small mines, costs, [June 1970] 124   (added: 06/09/2019 )
  500. Contrasting responses of squirreltail and needle-and-thread to herbage removal 141   (added: 06/09/2019 )