
Recent Additions (Last 500)   Published In: ALL   For: Canadiana.org

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  1. Bulletin v.160 (1958)   (added: 03/24/2024 )
  2. Handbook of the Rocky Mountains Park Museum   (added: 07/10/2018 )
  3. Voyages à la cote nord-ouest de l'Amérique exécutés durant les années 1870-72   (added: 01/21/2018 )
  4. Spray calendar directions for treatment of insect pests and plant diseases   (added: 10/25/2015 )
  5. Flora Americae Septentrionalis : or, A systematic arrangement and description of the plants of North America. Containing, besides what have been described by preceding authors, many new and rare species, collected during twelve years travels and residence in that country v.1 (1816)   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  6. The effect of moisture, radiation, temperature and wind upon forest trees: a selected bibliography   (added: 10/14/2013 )
  7. Potato processing   (added: 10/13/2013 )
  8. Tent caterpillars   (added: 10/13/2013 )
  9. The anatomy of the Osmundaceae   (added: 10/13/2013 )
  10. Jungle peace   (added: 10/13/2013 )
  11. Re-settlement and cultivation of land in British Columbia an address delivered before St. John's Literary Society, Vancouver, British Columbia, January 12th, 1915   (added: 10/07/2013 )
  12. Noxious weeds   (added: 10/07/2013 )
  13. The salmon of Swiftsure Bank and the Fraser River sockeye run of 1912   (added: 10/07/2013 )
  14. The native oyster of British Columbia (Ostrea lurida, Carpenter)   (added: 10/07/2013 )
  15. Fire blight (bacillus amylovorus-burrill)   (added: 10/07/2013 )
  16. Horses   (added: 10/07/2013 )
  17. Wild flowers east of the Rockies   (added: 10/07/2013 )
  18. Twenty Canadian forest trees   (added: 10/07/2013 )
  19. Wanted! a fisheries board for the Maritime provinces   (added: 09/29/2013 )
  20. Études préliminaires sur les syrphides de la province de Québec   (added: 09/29/2013 )
  21. Canadian wild flowers worth knowing   (added: 09/29/2013 )
  22. The onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lind)   (added: 09/29/2013 )
  23. Fowls of the air   (added: 09/29/2013 )
  24. Wild animals at home   (added: 09/29/2013 )
  25. The land snails of New Brunswick   (added: 09/29/2013 )
  26. Les noms populaires de nos insectes causerie faite devant la Société du parler français au Canada à sa séance solennelle du 20 mars 1919   (added: 09/29/2013 )
  27. Speeches of the member for Lunenburg County delivered in the House of Commons during the session of 1904   (added: 09/29/2013 )
  28. The natural history of the ten commandments   (added: 09/29/2013 )
  29. Life-histories of northern animals an account of the mammals of Manitoba v.2 (1909)   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  30. The farmers' hand-book   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  31. Flore carbonifère des "Assises à fougères" de Saint-Jean, Nouveau Brunswick   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  32. La protection des plantes chez les Romains   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  33. Life-histories of northern animals an account of the mammals of Manitoba v.1 (1909)   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  34. Insect behaviour as a factor in applied entomology   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  35. Land values in the Okanagan why fruit farms in British Columbia are a paying investment   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  36. Prize list, Kaslo Fruit Fair, Kaslo, British Columbia, Thursday and Friday, September 11 and 12, 1919   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  37. Through birdland byways with pen and camera   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  38. Fruit preserves   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  39. Dried and packaged fruit   (added: 09/22/2013 )
  40. King horse for the improvement of the breed of horses in Canada by means of the thoroughbred cross   (added: 09/15/2013 )
  41. Evaporated fruit   (added: 09/15/2013 )
  42. Evaporated apples   (added: 09/15/2013 )
  43. Evaporated fruit and vegetables   (added: 09/15/2013 )
  44. Bee diseases   (added: 09/08/2013 )
  45. Bibliography of Canadian zoology for 1911 (exclusive of entomology)   (added: 09/08/2013 )
  46. Bibliography of Canadian zoology for the year 1914   (added: 09/08/2013 )
  47. Bibliography of Canadian zoology for 1909   (added: 09/08/2013 )
  48. Bibliography of Canadian zoology for 1907 (exclusive of entomology)   (added: 09/08/2013 )
  49. James Fletcher, LL.D   (added: 09/08/2013 )
  50. Esthetic forestry   (added: 09/08/2013 )
  51. L'élevage du cheval en Canada   (added: 09/08/2013 )
  52. Bibliography of Canadian zoology, 1913   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  53. Bibliography of Canadian zoology for 1908 (exclusive of entomology)   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  54. Bibliography of Canadian zoology for 1912   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  55. Bibliography of Canadian zoology for the year 1915   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  56. Fire protection from the private timber owners' viewpoint   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  57. Bibliography of Canadian zoology for 1910 (exclusive of entomology)   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  58. Forestry progress in Canada in 1917   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  59. Economics of forestry a reference book for students of political economy and professional and law students of forestry   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  60. Essential features of a successful fire protection organization   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  61. Ministers of agriculture give views on bird protection   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  62. Speech on modus vivendi delivered by Rt. Hon. Sir R. Bond, P.C., K.C.M.G., Prime Minister, in the House of Assembly, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 1907   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  63. The care of trees, in lawn, street and park with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  64. A discussion of the origin of migration   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  65. Suggestions for ornithological work in Canada   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  66. The birds of the Red Deer River, Alberta   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  67. The Canadian oyster industry   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  68. Our early wild flowers a study of the herbaceous plants blooming in early spring in the northern states and Canada   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  69. Ascidians from the coasts of Canada   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  70. The habits and larval state of Plethodon cinereus erythronotus   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  71. The egg-laying habits of Plethodon cinereus   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  72. Nature through microscope & camera   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  73. Guide to the mushrooms   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  74. American animals a popular guide to the mammals of North America, north of Mexico, with intimate biographies of the more familiar species   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  75. On polystely in roots of Orchidaceae   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  76. Special reports on I. The hatching and planting of trout; II. The planting of predaceous fish; III. The aim and method of fishery legislation   (added: 09/01/2013 )
  77. Faunas of Canada   (added: 08/25/2013 )
  78. Check list of the vertebrates of Ontario and catalogue of specimens in the Biological Section of the Provincial Museum birds   (added: 08/25/2013 )
  79. Trees and shrubs tested in Manitoba and the North-West Territories   (added: 08/25/2013 )
  80. W.T.R. Preston's speech at Orono startling revelations : overseas trade in natural products : $20,000,000 loss to Durham farmers : millions of dollars may be saved for producers   (added: 08/25/2013 )
  81. Birds of Ontario   (added: 08/25/2013 )
  82. Comment collectionner les spécimens zoologiques pour le Musée commé moratif Victoria zoologie   (added: 08/25/2013 )
  83. Subjects for discussion by the branches of the Ontario Fish and Game Protective Association, with the object of each branch forming the conclusions it will instruct its delegates to advocate, at the convention to be held in Toronto in September, during the Exposition, as provided by the Constitution (page 5)   (added: 08/11/2013 )
  84. An early anadidymus of the chick   (added: 08/04/2013 )
  85. J. Ross Robertson ornithological collection water-color drawings by William Pope, a native of Maidstone, Kent, England, who spent the greater part of his life in Western Ontario, residing in Port Ryerse for forty years   (added: 08/04/2013 )
  86. The hunting wasps   (added: 08/04/2013 )
  87. Favorite fish and fishing   (added: 08/04/2013 )
  88. On the identification of Meckelian and mylohyoid grooves in the jaws of Mesozoic and recent Mammalia   (added: 07/28/2013 )
  89. The homologies of the stylar cusps in the upper molars of the Didelphyidae   (added: 07/28/2013 )
  90. Canadian Forestry Convention, Ottawa, 10th, 11th and 12th January, 1906   (added: 07/28/2013 )
  91. Birds of Toronto, Ontario   (added: 07/28/2013 )
  92. The book of a naturalist   (added: 07/28/2013 )
  93. The pharmacopoeia of another botanical physician   (added: 07/28/2013 )
  94. The pharmacopoeia of a botanical physician later   (added: 07/28/2013 )
  95. The orchard and fruit garden   (added: 07/28/2013 )
  96. On a giant-celled rhabdomyo sarcoma from the trout   (added: 07/21/2013 )
  97. Fleming's vest-pocket veterinary adviser veterinary science, as it applies to the more prevalent ailments of horses and cattle, condensed, simplified and made practical for the farmer and stockman : published in the mutual interest of the farmers of the country, and the proprietors of Fleming's guaranteed stock remedies   (added: 07/21/2013 )
  98. Traitement de la loque comment examiner les ruchers et les guérir de la loque   (added: 07/14/2013 )
  99. The insect book a popular account of the bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, flies and other North American insects exclusive of the butterflies, moths and beetles, with full life histories, tables and bibliographies   (added: 07/14/2013 )
  100. The horseman's friend and veterinary adviser   (added: 06/30/2013 )
  101. La pomme au Canada sa culture et son amélioration   (added: 06/23/2013 )
  102. San Jose scale   (added: 06/23/2013 )
  103. Forest insect conditions in British Columbia a preliminary survey   (added: 06/23/2013 )
  104. Plum culture and district lists of plums suitable for Canada with descriptions of varieties   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  105. Age at maturity of the Pacific coast salmon of the genus Oncorhynchus   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  106. A manual of the North American gymnosperms exclusive of the cycadales but together with certain exotic species   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  107. Canada's interest in forestry address by B.E. Fernow, dean, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, before the Canadian Club of Montreal, January, 1908   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  108. The French-Canadian horse   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  109. Insects injurious to grain and fodder crops, root crops and vegetables   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  110. The Descrutive Insect and Pest Act and regulations issued thereunder   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  111. Tent caterpillars   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  112. Forest conditions in the Crow's Nest Valley, Alberta   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  113. Veterinary notes delivered by Prof. A. Smith, V.S., on the causes, symptoms and treatment of the diseases of domestic animals given before the class of veterinary students, at the Ontario Veterinary College, of Toronto, Canada   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  114. Insectes nuisibles aux animaux de la ferme ravages, destruction, désinfection   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  115. De la culture des arbustres fruitiers   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  116. The relation of forestry to the development of the country   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  117. Pourquoi et comment produire des fraises pour le marché   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  118. The rape plant (Brassica napus, Linn.) its culture, use and value   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  119. Plum culture and district lists of plums suitable for Ontario and Quebec, with descritpions of varieties   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  120. Results from spraying in Nova Scotia   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  121. Directions for collecting and preserving insects   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  122. Cutworms and army-worms   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  123. The control of insect pests in Canada   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  124. The Economics of fruit growing   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  125. The cultivation of small fruits   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  126. The large larch sawfly (Nematus erichsonii) with an account of its parasites, other natural enemies and means of control   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  127. The strawberry root weevil (Otiorhynchus ovatus Linn.) in British Columbia with notes on other insects attacking strawberry plants in the Lower Fraser Valley   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  128. The apple bud-moths and their control in Nova Scotia   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  129. The pear thrips (Taeniothrips inconsequens Uzel) and its control in British Columbia   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  130. The fruit worms of the apple in Nova Scotia   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  131. Arsenate of lime   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  132. Museums as aids to forestry   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  133. Les industries forestières de la province de Québec   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  134. Protection of fruit trees from mice and rabbits and care of injured trees   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  135. Nos pêcheries et leur exploitation conférence donné e à la chambre de commerce de Québec, jeudi, le 19 décembre 1918 par M. Harry Craufuird Thomson, de Londres, en présence de Son Honneur le Lieutenant Gouverneur, le Très Hon. Sir Charles Fitzpatrick   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  136. Crustacea. Part B Schizopod crustaceans   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  137. Crustacea. Part E Amphipods   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  138. Plum culture in Ontario   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  139. Soiling crops for dairy farming in the eastern provinces and British Columbia   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  140. Classified guide to fish and their habitat in the Rocky Mountains Park   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  141. Tobacco culture in Canada   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  142. Butterfly and moth book personal studies and observations of the more familiar species   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  143. Report on a collection of fossil woods from the Cretaceous of Alberta   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  144. Bulletin sur la culture de tabac dans la province de Québec   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  145. Common weeds of Canada a pocket guide   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  146. Our common birds   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  147. [Cu]lture des petits fruits conférence par W.T. Macoun, horticulteur fédéral, devant le Comité de l'agriculture et de la sylviculture de sénat, 1911   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  148. Culture du pommier listes de pommiers pour districts de l'Ontario et de Québec : descriptions de variétés   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  149. Forestry situation in Quebec   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  150. Les altises, comment les combattre   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  151. Fauna of Manitoba   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  152. La loque chez les abeilles   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  153. Étude sur les forêts de la province de Québec   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  154. Biology of Atlantic waters of Canada growth of the young herring (so-called sardines) of the Bay of Fundy : a preliminary report   (added: 06/09/2013 )
  155. The rate of precooling fruit in different styles of packages and at different temperatures   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  156. The birds of Ontario in relation to agriculture   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  157. Lime-sulphur wash   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  158. Butterflies and moths at home and abroad   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  159. Fruit farming in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  160. Hints to capitalists on the value of British Columbia timber   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  161. The spherical bacteria cell the constructor of the earth and her life through the radioactive construction of electro-magnetic particles   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  162. La chenille de l'hémérocampe (la chenille houppée à taches blanches) et les moyens de la détruire sur les arbres d'ombrage et de verger   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  163. Instructions to importers of trees, plants and other nursery stock into Canada   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  164. The white-marked tussock moth and its control on shade trees and orchard trees   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  165. Quebec experimental tobacco stations, season 1911   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  166. Strawberry culture   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  167. A preliminary list of the insects of the Province of Quebec part III : Coleoptera   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  168. The entomological record for 1911   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  169. Timely hints weeding and cultivation   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  170. Some results of co-operative experiments on races of bees to determine their power to resist European foul brood   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  171. Notes d'actualité sarclages et binages   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  172. Insects. Part K insect life in the western Arctic coast of America   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  173. Botany. Part A freshwater algae and freshwater diatoms   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  174. Report on examination of affected salmon from Miramichi Hatchery Pond, N.B   (added: 06/03/2013 )
  175. Descriptions of some new species and varieties of Canadian butterflies   (added: 05/26/2013 )
  176. Some varieties of tobacco recommended for the province of Quebec   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  177. De la coopération dans le commerce des pommes   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  178. Fruit-trees and black-spot canker   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  179. Foul brood among bees   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  180. Diseases of stone-fruits in B.C   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  181. What the animal mechanism must be   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  182. Selection and wintering of biennial vegetables for seed   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  183. Peas and the pea weevil   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  184. Hints to exhibitors at fall fairs no.48:no.28 (1919:May)   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  185. How to examine apiaries and cure them of foul brood   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  186. Wintering bees in Canada   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  187. The vertebrata of the Oligocene of the Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  188. Farm forestry   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  189. Birds of Ontario in relation to agriculture   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  190. Hints to exhibitors at fall fairs no.48:no.29 (1919:May)   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  191. La culture des tabacs pour enveloppes de cigares, au Canada   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  192. The present condition of the San José scale in Ontario   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  193. The construction and care of tobacco seed beds in the province of Quebec   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  194. Catalogue of British Columbia Lepidoptera   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  195. Oyster farming in Prince Edward Island   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  196. The Hessian fly in Ontario   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  197. The preservation of fruits for exhibition purposes   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  198. Ginseng culture   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  199. Fruit ranching in British Columbia   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  200. Additions to the flora of Vancouver Island   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  201. Fruit-growing possibilities of Skeena River and Porcher Island districts   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  202. Hints to exhibitors at fall fairs no.48:no.27 (1919:May)   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  203. How to protect fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants from insects and fungous diseases   (added: 05/19/2013 )
  204. Insects. Part B Neuropteroid insects   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  205. Insects [preface]   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  206. Crustacea. Part C Cumacea   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  207. Insects. Part C Diptera   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  208. Botany. Part D Lichens   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  209. Botany. Part B marine algae   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  210. Botany. Part C Fungi   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  211. Bee-keeping in Ontario   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  212. Precooling, shipment and cold storage of tender fruit with notes on packing and packages   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  213. Little peach disease   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  214. Bee-keeping in Ontario   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  215. The codling moth (Carpocapsa pomonella, Linn.)   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  216. The Grimsby pre-cooling and experimental fruit storage warehouse commercial pre-cooling and storage of fruit for the season of 1915   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  217. Lime-sulphur wash   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  218. Insects. Part I Lepidoptera   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  219. Crustacea. Part H Cladocera   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  220. Mollusks, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, etc. Part A Mollusks, Recent and Pleistocene   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  221. Crustacea. Part L Parasitic Copepoda   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  222. Botany. Part F marine diatoms   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  223. Insects. Part G Hymenoptera and Plant Galls   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  224. Botany. Part E mosses   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  225. Insects. Part F Hemiptera   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  226. Insects. Part E Coleoptera   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  227. Wild oats and false wild oats their nature and distinctive characters   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  228. Notes on the growing of trees, shrubs and herbaceous pernnials together with a selected list of these plants suitable for planting in Manitoba   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  229. Common insects affecting fruit-trees   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  230. The perennial sow thistle and some other weed pests of 1908   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  231. The peach-twig borer (Anarsia lineatella Zell.)   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  232. The woolly aphid of the apple (Erisoma lanigerum)   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  233. The cabbage-root maggot (Phorbia brassicæ Bouche)   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  234. Transferring of bees   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  235. The lesser apple-worm (Laspeyresia prunivora Walsh) [and] codling-moth (Cydia pomonella Linn.)   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  236. Apple-aphides   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  237. The oyster-shell scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi Linn.)   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  238. The currant gall-mite (Eriophyes ribis Nalepa)   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  239. General index report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition [v. 3]   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  240. Convention forestière canadienne tenue à Montréal, les 11 et 12 mars 1908 discours prononcés par Mgr. J.-C.K.-Laflamme, M. G.-C. Piché   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  241. Flue-cured tobacco in Canada I. Growing flued-cured tobacco in Ontario. II. Tobacco soils, rotations, fertilizers. III. Co-operative experiments   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  242. Insect biographies with pen and camera   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  243. Moyens de combattre les insectes des jardins et des vergers   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  244. Weeds of Ontario   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  245. Bulletin / Victoria Memorial Museum no. 1 (1913)   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  246. Some observations on haddocks and finnan haddies relating to the bacteriology of cured fish   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  247. Conditions of the trade in clover and grass seeds in the Province of British Columbia   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  248. Co-operation in the marketing of apples   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  249. Trees and shrubs their selection, planting and care   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  250. Tussock moth   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  251. Orchard cover-crops   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  252. Locust control in the Prairie provinces   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  253. Co-operation and fruit growing   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  254. The chinch bug in Ontario   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  255. The control of cutworms in the Prairie Provinces   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  256. Boring caterpillars affecting corn and other crops and which are liable to be mistaken for the European corn borer   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  257. Ks. Kneippa Ziolka Lekarskie Do Nabycia w Polskim Skladzie bardzo tanio u Father Kneipp's medical herbs   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  258. Noxious weeds, their identification and eradication   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  259. On the collection of zoological specimens for the Victoria Memorial Museum zoology   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  260. Life histories of familiar plants   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  261. The game fishes of British Columbia   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  262. Trent watershed survey a reconnaissance   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  263. Preservation of fruits and vegetables for home use with results of experiments in canning, drying, pickling, and preserving at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  264. Bathymetric check-list of the marine invertebrates of eastern Canada with an index to Whiteaves' catalogue   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  265. Cutworms and their control   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  266. How to control locusts or grasshoppers   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  267. Root maggots and their control   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  268. The control of locusts in Eastern Canada   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  269. Bacterial destruction of copepods occurring in marine plankton   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  270. Some hints on oyster culture   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  271. The pearly freshwater mussels of Ontario   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  272. Report upon lobster investigations at Long Beach Pond, Nova Scotia, during the summer of 1915   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  273. Report on affected salmon in the Miramichi River, New Brunswick   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  274. Flea-beetles and their control   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  275. Regulations under the Destructive Insect and Pest Act, with instructions to importers and exporters of trees, plants and other nursery stock   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  276. Methods of handling basket fruits   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  277. The law of horses, including the law of innkeepers, veterinary surgeons, &c   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  278. The use of brine tank refrigerator cars for fruit shipment   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  279. The Grimsby precooling and experimental fruit storage warehouse   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  280. Programme short course in fruit-growing, Jan. 26th to Feb. 5th, 1909   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  281. Insects introduction and list of new genera and species collected by the expedition   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  282. Bird reservations   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  283. Insects. Part A Collembola   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  284. Insects affecting vegetables   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  285. Character and treatment of swamp or muck soils   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  286. Some bacterial diseases of plants prevalent in Ontario   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  287. Methods of eradication of some of the noxious weeds of Ontario   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  288. Farm forestry   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  289. An experimental shipment of fruit to Winnipeg   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  290. Apple culture   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  291. Weeds of the farm and ranch   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  292. Some common Ontario weeds   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  293. Farm weeds and how to control them   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  294. The imported cabbage-worm (Pieris rapæ Linn.)   (added: 05/12/2013 )
  295. Tobacco seed beds   (added: 05/05/2013 )
  296. Les mauvaises herbes du Canada   (added: 05/05/2013 )
  297. Annelids, parasitic worms, Protozoans, etc. Part J Polychaeta (supplementary)   (added: 05/05/2013 )
  298. Crustacea. Part A Decapod crustaceans   (added: 05/05/2013 )
  299. The swarming of Odontosyllis   (added: 05/05/2013 )
  300. Crustacea. Part F Pycnogonida   (added: 05/05/2013 )
  301. Catalogue of the marine Invertebrata of eastern Canada   (added: 05/05/2013 )
  302. Liste annotée des plantes à fleurs et des fougères de la Pointe Pelé e, Ont., et des régions avoisinantes   (added: 05/05/2013 )
  303. Tobacco growing in Canada   (added: 05/05/2013 )
  304. Diseases and pests of cultivated plants   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  305. Cutworms and their control   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  306. On a Trenton Echinoderm fauna at Kirkfield, Ontario   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  307. New species of shells collected by Mr. John Macoun of Barkley Sound, Vancouver Island, British Columbia   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  308. On vertebrata of the mid-Cretaceous of the North West Territory   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  309. Principal poisonous plants of Canada   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  310. La forêt conférences   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  311. The double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) and its relation to the salmon industries on the Gulf of St. Lawrence   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  312. Weeds poisonous to livestock   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  313. The army-worm Cirphus (leucania) unipuncta Haw   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  314. A new species of Dendragapus (Dendragapus Obscurus Flemingi) from southern Yukon Territory   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  315. Insects. Part J Orthoptera   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  316. Palæoniscid fishes from the Albert shales of New Brunswick   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  317. The "Fern ledges", Carboniferous flora of St. John, New Brunswick   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  318. Tabac culture du tabac   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  319. Tabac les engrais et la culture du tabac   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  320. Tabac préparation des semis et les soins à leur donner   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  321. Gopher destruction   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  322. Pulp wood of Canada   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  323. Mushrooms of Ontario   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  324. Forest regeneration on certain cut-over pulpwood lands in Quebec   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  325. Pulp wood of Canada   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  326. Whitefish in the Great Lakes   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  327. Crustacea. Part D Isopoda   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  328. Crustacea. Part G Euphyllopoda   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  329. Crustacea. Part I Ostracoda : freshwater Ostracoda from Canada and Alaska   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  330. Crustacea. Part J freshwater Copepoda   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  331. Crustacea. Part K marine Copepoda   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  332. Mollusks, Echnioderms, Coelenterates, etc. Part A Mollusks, Recent and Pleistocene   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  333. Mollusks, Echnioderms, Coelenterates, etc. Part B cephalopoda   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  334. Mollusks, Echnioderms, Coelenterates, etc. Part E Rotatoria   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  335. Crustacea. Part N the crustacean life of some Arctic lagoons, lakes and ponds   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  336. Mollusks, Echnioderms, Coelenterates, etc. Part G Alcyonaria and Actinaria   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  337. Botany. Part A vascular plants   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  338. Mollusks, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, etc. Part H Medusae and Ctenophora   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  339. Botany. Part B contributions to the morphology, synonymy, and geographical distribution of Arctic plants   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  340. Mollusks, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, etc. Part C Echinoderms   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  341. Fishes and tunicates. Part B Ascidiacea   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  342. Mollusks, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, etc. Part D Bryozoa   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  343. Small fruit culture a paper read by W.T. Macoun, Dominion Horticulturist, before the Standing Committee of the Senate on Agriculture and Forestry, 1911   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  344. Annelids, parasitic worms, Protozoans, etc. Part G-H Trematoda and Cestoda   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  345. Fraser River salmon situation a reclamation project   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  346. Annelids, parasitic worms, Protozoans, etc. Part A Oligochaeta   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  347. A brief manual directions for curing herring, cod, and salmon : taken from R.J. Duthie's "The art of fish-curing", published by the Rosemont Press, Aberdeen, Scotland   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  348. Annelids, parasitic worms, Protozoan, etc. Part B Polychaeta   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  349. Botany. Part C general observations on the vegetation   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  350. Mollusks, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, etc. Part J Porifera   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  351. Annelids, parasitic worms, Protozoans, etc. Part M Foraminifera   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  352. Culture du prunier prunes adaptées aux divers districts du Canada et descriptions de variétés   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  353. Insectes nuisibles aux céréales et aux plantes fourragères, aux plantes-racines et aux légumes   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  354. Do you know your weeds?   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  355. Summary of three years experiments on the tobacco station at Harrow, Ont   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  356. Examen du bassin du Trent exploration   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  357. Conditions forestières de la Nouvelle-Écosse   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  358. The Canadian bird book illustrating in natural colors more than seven hundred North American birds : also several hundred photographs of their nest and eggs   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  359. Insects attacking fruit trees   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  360. Annotated list of flowering plants and ferms of Point Pelee, Ont., and neighbouring districts   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  361. Exhibiting fruit and vegetables   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  362. Tree planting on the prairies of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  363. Bee diseases in Ontario   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  364. Nature study   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  365. Insects affecting vegetables   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  366. The wintering of bees in Ontario   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  367. Fungous diseases of orchard and garden   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  368. Report on tertiary plants of British Columbia collected by Lawrence M. Lambe in 1906, together with a discussion of previously recorded tertiary floras   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  369. Attracting wild fowl   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  370. Forests of British Columbia   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  371. Vertebrates of Ontario   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  372. Check list of the vertebrates of Ontario and catalogue of specimens in the Biological Section of the Provincial Museum fishes   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  373. Exhibiting fruit and vegetables   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  374. Natural swarming of bees and how to prevent it   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  375. Information for fruit-growers with list of varieties for commercial and home planting   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  376. Plant-growth   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  377. Fertilizers for fruit and vegetables   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  378. Culture of small fruits for the interior districts of British Columbia   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  379. Studies in North American Cleorini (Geometridae)   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  380. Insects injurious to orchards   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  381. Selection of orchard sites and soils   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  382. Progress and prospects in fruit and vegetable growing   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  383. Common diseases of the digestive organs of horses and cattle   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  384. The culture of small fruits in coast sections   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  385. Hay and pasture crops, grasses, clovers, etc   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  386. The more important fruit tree diseases of Ontario   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  387. Fire blight (bacillus amylovorus-burrill)   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  388. Methods of fruit picking and handling   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  389. Varieties of fruit recommended for commercial planting   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  390. Special report on the fish and fisheries of Manitoba   (added: 04/16/2013 )
  391. An investigation into the question of early putrefaction of eviscerated fish in which the gills have been left   (added: 04/16/2013 )
  392. Die Sportfische British Columbia's [sic]   (added: 04/16/2013 )
  393. The Anticosti Island faunas   (added: 04/16/2013 )
  394. Catalogue des oiseaux du Canada   (added: 04/16/2013 )
  395. The flora of Canada   (added: 04/16/2013 )
  396. Plantes fourragères prairies et pâturages   (added: 04/16/2013 )
  397. Native trees of Canada   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  398. Contributions à la biologie du Canada basées sur les travaux des stations biologiques du Canada, 1911-1914 Suppl.fasc.1 (1915)   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  399. The care of the woodlot   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  400. Contributions à la biologie du Canada basées sur les travaux des stations biologiques du Canada, 1911-1914 Suppl.fasc.2 (1915)   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  401. Rocky Mountains forest reserve report of boundary survey parties   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  402. The green apple bug in Nova Scotia   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  403. Forest conditions in the Rocky Mountains forest reserve   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  404. The Riding Mountain Forest Reserve   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  405. The Dominion forest reserves   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  406. Histories of new food fishes II. the lump fish   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  407. Horses   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  408. Twelve noxious weeds   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  409. The Western wheat-stem saw-fly   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  410. Hay and pasture crops in Manitoba   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  411. Cultivation after harvest for weed control   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  412. Some forage crops for Manitoba   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  413. Inquiry into fruit growing conditions in the Dominion of Canada being the conclusions reached after a personal investigation   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  414. Reports on fisheries investigations in Hudson and James bays and tributary waters in 1914   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  415. Farm weeds of Canada   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  416. Fodder and pasture plants   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  417. Histories of new food fishes IV. the mutton fish   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  418. Histories of new food fishes III. the angler   (added: 04/07/2013 )
  419. Fruit farming in Ontario, Canada   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  420. Practical information on irrigation for British Columbia fruit growers   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  421. The Canadian oyster its development, environment and culture   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  422. Rye as a weed eradicator   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  423. Injurious insects of garden, field and forest   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  424. Histories of new food fishes I. the Canadian plaice   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  425. Report on timber conditions around Lesser Slave Lake   (added: 03/31/2013 )
  426. An annotated checklist of the flowering plants and ferns native and introduced, growing without cultivation in the Cowichan district, Vancouver Island, B.C   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  427. Silvical characteristics of Canadian trees   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  428. Pruning trees for a cold climate   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  429. The high cost of bacteria a lecture delivered at the annual convention of the B.C.D.A., Hotel Vancouver, January 21st, 1920   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  430. Natural history of Selborne and observations on nature v.1 (1904)   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  431. The sacred beetle, and others   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  432. Instructions for training young bloodhounds to trail   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  433. Wild flowers of the North American mountains   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  434. The life of the caterpillar   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  435. The elements of structural botany with special reference to the study of Canadian plants   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  436. The veterinary science the anatomy, diseases and treatment of domestic animals : also containing a full description of medicines and receipts   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  437. Natural history of Selborne and observations on nature v.2 (1904)   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  438. Liste des principaux arbres et arbrisseaux indigènes ou naturalisés de la province de Québec   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  439. Nomenclature latine, française et anglaise des mammifères de la province de Québec   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  440. More wild animals and the camera with 12 mounted collotype plates and 66 art reproductions from studies taken by the author   (added: 03/24/2013 )
  441. Le médecin vétérinaire à la ferme   (added: 03/17/2013 )
  442. Studies in horse breeding an illustrated treatise on the science and practice of horse breeding   (added: 03/10/2013 )
  443. The world's commercial products a descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and of their commercial uses   (added: 03/10/2013 )
  444. Flora of southern British Columbia and Vancouver Island with many references to Alaska and northern species   (added: 03/10/2013 )
  445. The winter bird's paradise at Pleasant View   (added: 03/10/2013 )
  446. Fruit-growing on Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada   (added: 03/10/2013 )
  447. Tree pests and cutworms   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  448. A contribution to the morphology and biology of insect galls   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  449. Birds of La Plata v.1 (1920)   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  450. The fundus oculi of birds, especially as viewed by the ophthalmoscope a study in comparative anatomy and physiology   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  451. Birds of La Plata v.2 (1920)   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  452. Poison ivy and other poisonous plants   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  453. Control of insect pests in Manitoba   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  454. De la culture des arbres et des arbustes fruitiers   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  455. Insect poisons and spray mixtures   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  456. La ruche canadienne culture des abeilles   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  457. The cultivation of fruit trees and shrubs   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  458. Public school nature-study   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  459. The birds of a Manitoba garden   (added: 03/03/2013 )
  460. Jacques-Philippe Cornuti note pour servir à l'histoire des sciences au Canada   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  461. Convention forestière canadienne, Ottawa, 10, 11 et 12 janvier 1906   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  462. The nascent forest of the Miscou Beach plain   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  463. Canaries vs. chickens, or, Money in canaries   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  464. Notes on the natural history and physiography of New Brunswick   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  465. The skate   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  466. The frog   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  467. Notes on Cambrian faunas   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  468. Constitution and by-laws of the Natural History of New Brunswick   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  469. Report of the Botanical Club of Canada for 1904-1905   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  470. An undescribed thermometric movement of the branches in shrubs and trees   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  471. Bibliography of Canadian botany for 1904   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  472. Procès-verbaux et discours, assemblée de l'Association de la protection des forêts de Québec, 1918   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  473. Fishery concessions to the United States in Canada and Newfoundland   (added: 02/25/2013 )
  474. The spruce budworm and larch sawfly lecture delivered by Dr. C. Gordon Hewitt, F.E.S., Dominion entomologist at the Canadian Forestry Convention, city of Québec, 19th January, 1911   (added: 02/19/2013 )
  475. A synopsis of economic entomology   (added: 02/19/2013 )
  476. Veterina nouveau traité de médecine vétérinaire contenant les traitements les plus nouveaux et les plus efficaces   (added: 02/19/2013 )
  477. Elementary botany for beginners with special reference to the study of Prairie Province plants   (added: 02/19/2013 )
  478. The eyelids and lachrymal apparatus of birds   (added: 02/19/2013 )
  479. The eyes of the burrowing owl with special reference to the fundus oculi   (added: 02/19/2013 )
  480. With Mr. Chamberlain in the United States and Canada, 1887-88   (added: 02/19/2013 )
  481. Mostly mammals zoological essays   (added: 02/19/2013 )
  482. The bee and evolution a study in entomology   (added: 02/10/2013 )
  483. Lectures on forestry   (added: 02/10/2013 )
  484. Check list of the fishes of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland   (added: 02/03/2013 )
  485. Fish some thoughts on Canadian fisheries and the Canadian public : an address to the Canadian Club of Regina, Saskatchewan, November 1st, 1910   (added: 02/03/2013 )
  486. The classification and distribution of the intestinal bacteria in man   (added: 02/03/2013 )
  487. J. Ross Robertson ornithological collecton   (added: 02/03/2013 )
  488. A bear's claw with some account of the black bear, his wide distribution, his curious variations of color, and his unvarying characteristics and habits   (added: 02/03/2013 )
  489. Flowers of the field and forest   (added: 02/03/2013 )
  490. The game fields of Ontario   (added: 02/03/2013 )
  491. Insects economically important in the lower Fraser valley being a paper read before the B.C. Entomological Society, January 23rd, 1914   (added: 02/03/2013 )
  492. Cultivateurs et éleveurs conseils utiles   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  493. Class book of economic entomology with special reference to the economic insects of the northern United States and Canada   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  494. A review of applied entomology in the British Empire   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  495. Forests and trees   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  496. Selected western flora Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  497. The J. Ross Robertson Ornithological Collection in the Public Library, Toronto, Ontario presented to the trustees of the library by J. Ross Robertson, 29th January, 1917   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  498. Oiseaux de cage   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  499. Sylvan Ontario a guide to our native trees and shrubs   (added: 01/23/2013 )
  500. Les oiseaux insectivores extrait d'une brochure publiée par l'abbé Provancher en 1874   (added: 01/23/2013 )