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  1. By: Santa Paulina, Nicola. - Dorigny, Louis. - Juster, Joseph. - Santa Paulina, Luigi. - Tipografia del Seminario di Padova.
    Publication info: In Padova, Nella stamperia del Seminario, MDCXCVI [1696]
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 17th century  Early works to 1800  Etchings  Horsemanship  Horses  Italy  
  2. By: Gersaint, E. F. (Edme-François), - Cochin, Charles Nicolas,
    Publication info: A Paris, Chez Jacques Barois, 1744
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 18th century  Art  Art collections  Auction catalogs  Auctions  Catalogs and collections  Early works to 1800  Etchings  France  Lorangere, Quentin de  Natural history collections  Paris  Private collections  Shells  
  3. By: Gersaint, E. F. (Edme-François), - Barrois, Jacques-Marie, - Cochin, Charles Nicolas, - Cochin, Charles Nicolas,
    Publication info: A Paris, Chez Jacques Barois, 1744
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 18th century  Art  Art collections  Auction catalogs  Catalogs  Catalogs and collections  Early works to 1800  Etchings  France  Lorangere, Quentin de  Natural history collections  Paris  Private collections  Shells  
  4. By: Muela, Andrés De La,
    Publication info: [Madrid], Se hallara en la Libreria de Esparza Puerta del Sol, [1776?]
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
    Subjects: Brazil  Engravings  Etchings  Imprint 1776  Mammals  Sailing ships  Tapirs  Tapirus  Zoology
    BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
  5. By: Soldini, Francesco Maria, - Soldini, Francesco Maria. - Cambiagi, Gaetano,
    Publication info: Excudebat Florentiae, Cajetan. Cambiagi, anno 1776
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: 18th century  A la poupée prints  Animal behavior  Animal intelligence  Color  Early works  Early works to 1800  Engravings  Etchings  Evolution  Italy  Psychology, Comparative  
  6. By: Cobres, J. P. (Joseph Paul) - Goez, Joseph Franz, Freiherr von,
    Publication info: Augsburg, Gedruckt auf kosten des verfassers, 1782
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: (Joseph Paul)  18th century  Bibliography  Catalogs  Cobres, J. P  Early  Early printed books  Etchings  Germany  Library  Natural history  
  7. By: Gregory, G. (George), - Heath, Charles, - Cooper, Robert, - Neele, Samuel John,
    Publication info: London, Printed for Richard Phillips, 1806-1807
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 19th century  Arts  Dictionaries  Encyclopedias and dictionaries  England  Engravings  Etchings  Natural history  Science  
  8. By: La Guérinière, François Robichon de, - Parrocel, Charles, - Huart, Pierre-Michel, - Moreau, Nicolas-François,
    Publication info: A Paris, Chez Huart et Moreau Fils ... Desaint et Saillant ... Durand ... Delormel ... Pissot, M.DCC.LI. [1751]
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 18th century  Dressage  Early works to 1800  Engravings  Etchings  France  Horsemanship  Horses
  9. By: Sweet, Robert, - Smith, Edwin Dalton, - Watts, S. (Stephen), - Ridgway, James
    Publication info: London, James Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly, 1827-1828
    Holding Institution: Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
    Subjects: Australia  Botany  Colored  Engravings  Etchings  Great Britain  Hand coloring,  Horticulture  Oceania  Pictorial works  Rare books  
  10. By: Redi, Francesco, - Decker, Cornelis Gerritsz, - Hooghe, Romeyn de, - Lachmund, Friedrich, - Redi, Francesco, - Wetstein, Henricus.
    Edition: [Secunda hac editione ita emendata, ut nova plane versio dici mereatur].
    Publication info: Amstelaedami, Apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1685-1686
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 17th century  Early works to 1800  Engravings  Etchings  Insects  Natural history  Netherlands  Pre-Linnean works  Shearwaters  Spontaneous generation  
  11. By: Nieuhof, Johannes, - Nieuhof, Hendrik. - Wolfgang, Abraham,
    Publication info: Tot Amsterdam, By Wolfgang, Waasberge, Boom, van Someren, en Goethals, 1693
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 17th century  China  Description and travel  Early works to 1700  Engravings  Etchings  Maps  Natural history  Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie  Netherlands  Pre-Linnean works  Travel literature  
  12. By: Ponce de León, Gonzalo, - Epiphanius, Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, - Borcht, Petrus van der,
    Publication info: Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1588
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 16th century  approximately 310-403  Belgium  Emblem books  Epiphanius,  Etchings  Pre-Linnean works  Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus,  Sermons  Zoology  
  13. By: Berenger, Richard, - Berenger, Richard, - Baillie, William, - Bourgelat, Claude, - Cadell, T. (Thomas), - Davies, Thomas, - Pownall, Thomas, - Xenophon - Xenophon
    Publication info: London, T. Davies, 1771
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: 18th century  Early works to 1800  England  Etchings  History  Horsemanship  Horses  
  14. By: Baster, Job, - Rhodius, J. - Noorde, Cornelis van, - Bosch, Jan,
    Publication info: te Haarlem, J. Bosch, 1762-1765
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 18th century  Early works to 1800  Etchings  Marine animals  Marine plants  Netherlands  
  15. By: Tod, George, surveyor.
    Publication info: London, J. Taylor, 1807
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 19th century  Design and construction  England  Etchings  Greenhouses  
  16. By: Chevalier, Nicolas, - Schoonebeek, Adriaan, - Van Vianen, Jan, - Wolfgang, Abraham,
    Publication info: A Amsterdam, Chez Abraham Wolfgang, 1694
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 17th century  Amsterdam  approximately 1650-approximately 1720  Art  Art collections  Bronze implements  Cabinets of curiosities  Catalogs and collections  Chevalier, Nicolas,  Early works to 1800  Etchings  Natural history  Natural history collections  Netherlands  Private collections  Rome  Sieves  
  17. By: Medland, Thomas,
    Publication info: Buckingham, Printed and sold by J. Seeley: sold also by L.B. Seeley, 169 Fleet Street, London, 1817
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 1776-1839  18th century  Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Bryd  Buckinghamshire  Country homes  Duke of,  Early works to 1800  England  Etchings  Guidebooks  Historic gardens  Homes and haunts  Stowe (England)  Stowe Gardens (England)  
  18. By: Scilla, Agostino, - Colicchia, Andrea,
    Publication info: In Napoli, Apresso Andrea Colicchia, 1670
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 17th century  Early works to 1800  Etchings  Fossils  Italy  Marine animals  Paleontology  
    BHL Collections: Unearthed! Smithsonian Libraries' Paleo Collection