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  1. By: Scudder, G. G. E. (Geoffrey G. E.) - Entomological Society of British Columbia
    Publication info: [Victoria, B.C.], ESBC, Entomological Society of British Columbia, 1994
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: British Columbia  Canada  Endangered species  Freshwater invertebrates  Geographical distribution  Invertebrates  
  2. By: Newell, Robert L. - Montana. Water Resources Division. - Old West Regional Commission. - Montana. Dept. of Fish and Game.
    Publication info: Helena, Mont, The Commission, 1977
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Freshwater invertebrates  Montana  Yellowstone River Watershed  
  3. By: McGuire, Daniel L. - Montana. Water Quality Bureau.
    Publication info: Helena, Mont, The Bureau?, [1991]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Aquatic invertebrates  Blackfoot River  Effect of water pollution on  Freshwater invertebrates  Montana  
  4. By: Neumayr, Melchoir, - Paul, C. M.
    Publication info: Wien, Hölder, 1875
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Freshwater invertebrates  Gastropoda, Fossil  Paleontology  Yugoslavia  
    BHL Collections: Charles Darwin's Library
  5. By: Crocker, Denton W.
    Publication info: 1948- 1952
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Institution Archives
    Subjects: Field notes  Freshwater invertebrates  New York  United States  
    BHL Collections: Smithsonian Field Books collection
  6. By: Crocker, Denton W.
    Publication info: 1952-1959
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Institution Archives
    Subjects: Field notes  Freshwater invertebrates  Maine  Massachusetts  New Hampshire  Orconectes  United States  West Virginia  
    BHL Collections: Smithsonian Field Books collection
  7. By: Crocker, Denton W.
    Publication info: 1969
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Institution Archives
    Subjects: Connecticut  Field notes  Freshwater invertebrates  Maine  Massachusetts  New York  United States  Vermont  
    BHL Collections: Smithsonian Field Books collection
  8. By: Crocker, Denton W.
    Publication info: 1952-1960
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Institution Archives
    Subjects: Field notes  Freshwater invertebrates  Georgia  Idaho  Louisiana  Maine  Massachusetts  New Jersey  New York  Orconectes  United States  Virginia  
    BHL Collections: Smithsonian Field Books collection
  9. By: Klarich, Duane A. - Bahls, Loren L. - Regele, Stephen M. - Geological Survey (U.S.) - Montana. Natural Resource Damage Program. - Montana. Water Quality Bureau. Billings Regional Office. - United States. Bureau of Land Management.
    Publication info: Billings, Mont, Water Quality Bureau, Billings Regional Office, Environmental Sciences Division, Montana Dept. of Health and Environmental Sciences, [1980]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Freshwater invertebrates  Montana  Periphyton  Water quality biological assessment  
  10. By: Casey, Richard J. - Alberta Environmental Centre.
    Publication info: Vegreville, Alta, Alberta Environmental Centre, Dec. 1995
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Benthos  Elk Island National Park  Elk Island National Park (Alta.)  Environmental monitoring  Freshwater invertebrates  Sampling  Water quality bioassay  
  11. By: Winnell, Michael H. - Jude, David J. (David John), - University of Michigan. Great Lakes Research Division.
    Publication info: Ann Arbor, Mich, Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, 1982
    Holding Institution: University of Michigan
    Subjects: Benthos  Effect of temperature on  Environmental aspects  Freshwater invertebrates  J.H. Campbell Power Plant  Michigan, Lake  Thermal pollution of rivers, lakes, etc  
  12. By: Bourguignat, J. R. (Jules René),
    Publication info: Paris, V. Tremblay, 1885
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Africa, East  Freshwater invertebrates  Mollusks  Tanganyika, Lake  
  13. By: Clarke, Arthur Haddleton,
    Publication info: Ottawa, National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada, 1981
    Holding Institution: Canadian Museum of Nature Library / Bibliothèque du Musée canadien de la nature
    Subjects: Canada  Freshwater invertebrates  Mollusks  National Museum of Natural Sciences (Canada)  
  14. By: Perry, Sue. - Graham, Patrick J. - Montana. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks - United States. Bureau of Reclamation.
    Publication info: Kalispell, Mont, The Dept, [1981]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Dams  Environmental aspects  Flathead River (B.C. and Mont.)  Freshwater invertebrates  Hungry Horse Dam (Mont.)  Insect populations  Montana  
  15. By: Perry, Sue. - Graham, Patrick J. - Montana. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks - United States. Bureau of Reclamation.
    Publication info: Boise, Idaho, The Bureau, [1982]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Dams  Environmental aspects  Flathead River (B.C. and Mont.)  Freshwater invertebrates  Hungry Horse Dam (Mont.)  Insect populations  Montana  
  16. By: Tessler, Michael - Siddall, Mark Edward, - Oceguera-Figueroa, Alejandro
    Publication info: New York, NY American Museum of Natural History [2018]
    Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: Annelida  Chiapas  Classification  Erpobdella  Erpobdella adani  Freshwater invertebrates  Geographical distribution  Leeches  Mexico
  17. By: United States. Forest Service. - United States. Bureau of Land Management.
    Edition: [Rev./Reprint 1994].
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.?], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1994
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Aquatic insects  Ecology  Freshwater invertebrates  Measurement  United States  Water quality  
  18. By: Alm, Gunnar,
    Publication info: Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri, 1916
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Classification  Freshwater invertebrates  Ostracoda  Podocopida  Sweden  
  19. By: Lundblad, Olov,
    Publication info: Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri, 1916
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Freshwater invertebrates  Sweden  
  20. By: Sharpe, Richard Worthy,
    Publication info: 1893
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: 1893  Anatomy  Copepoda  Freshwater invertebrates  Geographical distribution  Science  Theses  UIUC
  21. By: Holthuis, L. B. (Lipke Bijdeley), - Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (1936-1937) - Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (1938-1939)
    Publication info: New York American Museum of Natural History [1950]
    Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: 59.53,841(95)  Cherax divergens  Cherax monticola  Classification  Crayfish  Crustacea  Decapoda (Crustacea)  Freshwater invertebrates  Macrobrachium rosenbergii  New Guinea  Shrimps
  22. By: Winnell, Michael H. - Jude, David J. (David John), - University of Michigan. Great Lakes Research Division.
    Publication info: Ann Arbor, Mich, Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, 1981
    Holding Institution: University of Michigan
    Subjects: Benthos  Environmental aspects  Freshwater invertebrates  Lake ecology  Lake sediments  Michigan, Lake  Power-plants  Thermal pollution of rivers, lakes, etc  
  23. By: Winnell, Michael H. - Jude, David J. (David John), - University of Michigan. Great Lakes Research Division.
    Publication info: Ann Arbor, Mich, Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, 1979
    Holding Institution: University of Michigan
    Subjects: Benthos  Environmental aspects  Freshwater invertebrates  Lake ecology  Lake sediments  Michigan, Lake  Power-plants  Thermal pollution of rivers, lakes, etc  
  24. By: Winnell, Michael H. - Jude, David J. (David John), - Consumers Power Company (Mich.) - University of Michigan. Great Lakes Research Division.
    Publication info: Ann Arbor, Mich, Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, 1980
    Holding Institution: University of Michigan
    Subjects: Benthos  Environmental aspects  Freshwater invertebrates  J.H. Campbell Power Plant (Mich.)  Lake ecology  Lake sediments  Michigan, Lake  Power-plants  Thermal pollution of rivers, lakes, etc  
  25. By: Klarich, Duane A. - Regele, Stephen M. - Geological Survey (U.S.) - Montana. Water Quality Bureau. Billings Regional Office. - United States. Bureau of Land Management.
    Publication info: Billings, Mont, Water Quality Bureau, Billings Regional Office, Environmental Sciences Division, Montana Dept. of Health and Environmental Sciences, [1980]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Fort Union Coal Region  Freshwater invertebrates  Montana  Salinity  Stream animals  
  26. By: Daday, Jenö,
    Publication info: Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1910
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Freshwater animals  Freshwater invertebrates  Invertebrates  Tanzania  
  1. By: Krawczyk, Ana Carolina de Deus Bueno - Baldan, Lucíola Thais - Aranha, José Marcelo Rocha - Menezes, Márcia Santos de - Almeida, Cyntia Vilasboas
    Type: Article
    In: Biota Neotropica
    Date: 2013-03-01
    Subjects: Freshwater invertebrates  Iguacu River  macrophytes  productivity  tropical lakes  
  2. By: Park, Taeseo - Lee, Sanghwa - Sun, Shi-Chun - Kajihara, Hiroshi
    Type: Article
    In: ZooKeys
    Volume: 852
    Date: 2019
    Page Range: 31-51
    Publication Info: Pensoft Publishers 2019
    Subjects: Anguilla japonica  brackish-water invertebrates  Freshwater invertebrates  Yellow Sea