By: Kircher, Athanasius, - Alexander Pope, - Leopold Holy Roman Emperor, - Janssonius van Waesberge, Johannes, - Matham, Theodor, - Schor, Johann Paul,
Edition: Editio tertia / ad fidem scripti exemplaris recognita, & prioribus emendatior: tum ab auctore Româ submissis variis observationibus novisque figuris auctior.
Publication info: Amstelodami [Amsterdam, Netherlands], Apud Joannem Janssonium à Waesberge & filios, anno MDCLXXVIII. [1678]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) Geology Integral errata lists (Printing) Natural history Netherlands Pre-Linnean works Science Volcanoes Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: La Broue, Salomon de - Mallery, Karel van,
Edition: Troisieme edition reueue et augmentee de beaucoup de lecons et figures, par l'autheur.
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Abel l'Angelier au premier pilier de la grand' Salle du Palais, 1613-1620
Volume: v.1-3
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Bridles Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) France Horsemanship Horses Training Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Löhneyss, Georg Engelhard Von,
Publication info: Gedruckt zu Remling, [G. E. v. Löhneyss], 1609[-1610]
Volume: v.1-2
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Chivalry Clothing Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) Equipment and supplies Exhibition catalogs Exhibitions Festival books Germany Horse processions Horsemanship Horsemen and horsewomen Horses Pictorial works Sleighs Tournaments, Medieval Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, - Bellaert, Jacop,
Publication info: Haarlem, Jakob Bellaert, 24. Dec. (op Kerstavont) 1485
Holding Institution: Harold B. Lee Library
Subjects: 15th century Botany, Medical Civilization, Medieval Early works to 1800 Encyclopedias Hand coloring Human anatomy Incunabula Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine, Medieval Netherlands pathology Science, Medieval Wood engravings Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, - Bellaert, Jacop,
Publication info: Haarlem, Jakob Bellaert, 24. Dec. (op Kerstavont) 1485
Holding Institution: McGill University Library
Subjects: 15th century Botany, Medical Civilization, Medieval Early works Early works to 1800 Encyclopedias Encyclopedias and dictionaries Hand coloring Human anatomy Incunabula Materia medica, Vegetable Medicine, Medieval Netherlands pathology Science, Medieval Wood engravings Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Massialot, François, - Massialot, François, - Sercy, Charles de, - Chardon, Étienne,
Publication info: A Paris, Chez Charles de Sercy, au Palais, au sixième Pilier de la Grand'Salle, vis-à-vis la Montée de la Cour des Aides, à la Bonne-Foi couronnée, MDCXCII [1692]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 17th century Cooking (Fruit) Early works Early works to 1800 France Fruit Liqueurs Preservation Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Alpini, Prosper, - Franceschi, Francesco de, - Alpini, Prosper,
Publication info: Venetiis, Apud Franciscum de Franciscis Senensem, MDXCII [1592]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 16th century Balsams Botany Early works Early works to 1800 Egypt Italy Medicinal plants Pictorial works Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Kitao, Shigemasa,
Publication info: Ōsaka, Okadaya, Bunka 2 [1805]
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: Harold B. Lee Library
Subjects: 19th century Birds flower Hand coloring Japan Pictorial works Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Kitao, Shigemasa,
Publication info: [Ōsaka], [Okadaya], Bunsei 10 [1827]
Volume: 1
Holding Institution: Harold B. Lee Library
Subjects: 19th century Birds flower Hand coloring Japan Pictorial works Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections:
By: Duhamel du Monceau, M., - Guérin, Hippolyte-Louis, - Delatour, Louis François,
Publication info: A Paris, Chez H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, rue Saint Jacques, à Saint Thomas d'Aquin, MDCCLV [1755]
Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
Subjects: 18th century Arboriculture Bomen (biologie) Early works Early works to 1800 Engravings (prints) France Pictorial works Plantkunde Shrubs Struiken Trees Woodcuts (prints)
BHL Collections: