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Book Title
Die Getreidearten und Wiesengräser
Publication Details
Heidelberg, C.F. Winter, 1841
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
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Annotation Not Available

line 1 annotation 3 Hordeums
     4 oats
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 12 annotation in reddish-brown crayon (1)
show subjects concepts

line 1 annotation 2.
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

[continues overleaf] lines 3—1 score
bottom-margin annotation no difference between summer & winter Barly except time of sowng & ripening & will go back again (N.B so it is in Maize) [on page 19:] might be quoted as constitutional difference with no external difference—
from End Slip annotation 18 Summer & Winter Barley differs only in constitution & easily goes back — 54. Wheat do.—
     a self adaptive power, or habit —

line 4 underline "Wir ... bemerkt"
lines 6—10 annotation changes in common Barley
from End Slip annotation 24    Naked Barley ■chang■es into common

lines 5—1 score in pale pencil
lines 5—1 annotation naked seeds

lines 1—2 annotation in reddish-brown crayon 3
show subjects subjects

lines 13—14 score
lines 13—14 underline "weil ... ausartet"

lines 19—21 annotation no Botanical difference
lines 23—25 score in pale pencil
line 23 annotation changes

lines 3—5 score
lines 3—4 annotation changed

bottom-margin annotation to p. 120
show subjects concepts

line 1 annotation (1)
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 8—5 score
line 6 underline "Aussaat ... Frühling"
from End Slip annotation 18 Summer & Winter Barley differs only in constitution & easily goes back — 54. Wheat do.—
     a self adaptive power, or habit —

lines 5—4 underline "ist ... übergeht"

lines 19—25 score
lines 17—25 annotation strong on advantag of change of seed
from End Slip annotation 63 advocates change of seed in Germany

lines 9—2 score
lines 10—4 annotation varied first year then became more constant
from End Slip annotation 66 «& 116» var. varied at first, & then came more «(20 years)» constant being accustomed to climate    25 years
     This fact vry important for shows get accustomed to change.

[continues overleaf] 9—10 score
lines 9—10 underline "grössere ... Kälte"

[continuation] 14 underline "Spätere ... Schaden"
from End Slip annotation 69 a var. not injured by late frosts.

line 7 annotation X
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 15—14 score
lines 15—14 underline "und ... erscheint"

[continues overleaf] lines 4—2 score
line 1 underline "einen ... Charakter"
from End Slip annotation 91. vars. variable in one climate, not in other

lines 17—18 score
lines 17—18 underline "und beständig"
from End Slip annotation 114 a vry constant var.; many unconstant mentioned.

top-marginline 16 annotation we have seen that some varieties of wheat in a colder climate have been variable, so no relation to food
show subjects subjects

line 19 underline "günstigen"
line 20 underline "magerem Boden"
lines 21—23 double score
lines 24—25 annotation X
lines 21—24 score
lines 20—25 annotation variable for 25 years at last constant
from End Slip annotation 116 ---- so in different soils
from End Slip annotation 66 «& 116» var. varied at first, & then came more «(20 years)» constant being accustomed to climate    25 years
     This fact vry important for shows get accustomed to change.

lines 9—4 score
line 9 underline "Seit ... langjährigen"
lines 8—6 annotation varialbe

lines 17—19 score
lines 18—19 underline "hat ... Spielart"
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ I do not see that selection has anythng to do with this

line 7 annotation in reddish-brown crayon (1)
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

top-margin annotation many trifling cases of Variation not marked
show subjects concepts

lines 9—12 score
lines 8—14 annotation X awns vary in presence
     ‹do not›

line 12 annotation in reddish-brown crayon 2
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 1 annotation 3
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 14 annotation 4
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 13—14 score
lines 13—15 annotation 14 kinds of Rice
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 19 underline "dem ... Jahrhundert"

line 24 underline "18 Fuss"
line 25 underline "3 Fuss"
line 27 underline "lines 6—7"
line 28 underline "lines 3—4"
lines 20—27 annotation no plant more variable than Maize
     Vegetative periods

lines 9—7 score
line 6 underline "selbst ... Form"
bottom-margin annotation th longest-vegetation «American» kind sowed in our climate in gd year gives seeds which ‹veget› vegetate in shorter time & ripen seed, & th form. & shape of seed alters & becom like common German
from End Slip annotation    says American seed gives plants which become acclimatised & altered in form — Each land has its own form. : form of seeds & number of rows differs.
from End Slip annotation 206 on Maize, difference in height & period of Vegetation .

lines 5—2 double score
line 1 underline "Da ... besitzt"

lines 13—15 underline "Reihe ... Samen"

line 23 annotation X
show subjects concepts

line 10 underline "eine Stammform"
lines 14—3 score
lines 14—3 annotation thinks all maizes same species though som forms more persistent

lines 5—9 score in reddish-brown crayon
line 6 underline in reddish-brown crayon "breit"
line 7 underline in reddish-brown crayon "flach"
line 8 underline in reddish-brown crayon "kleinen Zahn"
line 8 underline in reddish-brown crayon "starke Spitze"
lines 5—9 annotation shape of seeds seems to vary greatly
from End Slip annotation 208    Description of changes in Maize frm American «210» seed, due to climate, so quick — Change in period of ripening. —

lines 10—11 annotation 12 Unter-art.
from End Slip annotation 208    Description of changes in Maize frm American «210» seed, due to climate, so quick — Change in period of ripening. —

lines 13—14 underline "weisst ... als"
from End Slip annotation 208    Description of changes in Maize frm American «210» seed, due to climate, so quick — Change in period of ripening. —

lines 15—13 score in reddish-brown crayon
line 14 underline "oberen" in reddish-brown crayon
lines 15—12 score
line 15 underline "12"
lines 16—11 annotation «some» seed of 1st year seedlings departed frm type
from End Slip annotation 208    Description of changes in Maize frm American «210» seed, due to climate, so quick — Change in period of ripening. —

[continues overleaf] lines 8—1 score
lines 9—1 score in reddish-brown crayon
line 10 underline in reddish-brown crayon "lines 9—10 Fuss"
line 9 underline "eine ... Samenreife"
line 7 at "verschwunden" annotation vanished
line 5 underline "gelb ... Form"
line 4 at "verlängnete" annotation lengthened
line 3 underline "dritten"
line 2 underline "alle ... Form"
from End Slip annotation 208    Description of changes in Maize frm American «210» seed, due to climate, so quick — Change in period of ripening. —

[continuation] 1—7 score in reddish-brown crayon
line 2 at "Originalform" annotation see Description
line 3 underline "dritten"
line 4 underline "sechsjähriger
lines 6—7 underline "unterscheidet ... Bestockung"

line 8 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
line 9 underline in reddish-brown crayon "12 ... Samenreihen"
line 10 underline in reddish-brown crayon "länger ... breit"
line 11 underline in reddish-brown crayon "scharfen Zahn"

lines 16—17 underline in pale pencil "Bei ... flach"
lines 17—19 score in reddish-brown crayon
line 18 underline in reddish-brown crayon "obersten"
line 18 ⧟ in reddish-brown crayon [to page 208]
line 19 underline "Im zweiten Jahre"

lines 6—2 score
line 2bottom-margin annotation same variation as above
     ( two vars. returning into one.—

line 3 at "Engelmann" annotation good man

line 9 underline "sehr schwer"
lines 11—12 underline "so ... Höhe"
line 13 underline "runder"
line 14 underline "europäischen ... gänzlich"
top-marginline 14 annotation [ These are th most strikng facts of effect of climate.
from End Slip annotation 208    Description of changes in Maize frm American «210» seed, due to climate, so quick — Change in period of ripening. —

lines 18—20 score
lines 18—22 annotation no one wd readily believe in such change
from End Slip annotation 208    Description of changes in Maize frm American «210» seed, due to climate, so quick — Change in period of ripening. —

line 13 underline in reddish-brown crayon "Chicken corn"
lines 12—10 annotation a more constant form

line 9 underline in reddish-brown crayon "12"
line 6 underline "im ersten Jahre"
lines 10—8 annotation Rows of seeds differ
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "bekommt ... Körner"

lines 14—16 score
line 15 underline "ziemlich ... trübe"
lines 15—16 underline in reddish-brown crayon "verloren ... mehr"
line 17 underline "behalten ... Beständigkeit"
lines 23—25 score
lines 23—25 annotation long cultivation fixing forms

line 2 underline "starken ... ausgehend"
line 2 underline in reddish-orange crayon "starken gebogenen"
lines 3—1 annotation seed toothed
show subjects subjects

lines 6—7 underline "Originalsamen ... glasig
line 8 at "nassen" annotation wet
lines 6—7 annotation wet summer
line 8 underline "Diese Spielart"
line 9 underline "zeigt sich mehr"

[continues overleaf] 18 annotation (a)
lines 20—22 underline "bestimmteren ... angebaut"
line 25 underline "durch ... werden"
line 1 underline "rund und gewölbt"
bottom-margin annotation (a) Every variety seems to change in Europe
from End Slip annotation Variation (p. 212) comes on in Europe; & American vars. quickly take European Character.

[continuation] 1—2 double score

lines 5—6 score
lines 5—11 annotation thinks all th European Maizes descended frm th two first varieties of America

line 15 underline in reddish-brown crayon "lines 8—12"

lines 8—7 score
line 7 underline "welche ... Hälfte"

line 10 underline in reddish-brown crayon "lines 12—20"

lines 15—16 score
line 15 underline "Stammt aus Spanien"

lines 15—3 annotation 3 or 4 Spanish varieties

line 2 underline in dark pencil "breitgedrückt"
line 3 underline in dark pencil "unregelmässigen"
line 8 underline "die ... beständig"
line 15 underline in reddish-brown crayon "verzweigten ästigen"
line 22 underline in reddish-brown crayon "Kolben ... kurz"
line 23 underline in reddish-brown crayon "meist 12"
line 25 underline "Italien"
line 26 underline "Cinquantino"
lines 26—27 annotation Italian

lines 9—10 score
lines 9—10 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
line 14 underline "artet ... aus"
from End Slip annotation 217 vry early Maize .

annotation N.B.
     The cases of grains changed from summer to Winter wheats &c    is rather a different course of variation from anythng which I have hitherto considered ; an «self» adaptive power
show subjects subjects

annotation p 19
     p 24
     p 36
     p. 47
     p. 50
     p. 54
     p. 56
     p 63
     p. 65
     p 66
     p 68
     206 to 217
show subjects concepts