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Botanische Mittheilungen
Publication Details
München, F. Staub, 1866
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
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line 5 score in dark brown ink

top-margin annotation p 110t01    All marked    [103.]
t01 - `p 110' horizontally crossed

line 1 score

lines 1—6 score
line 10 underline "Farbstoffen"
line 11 underline "Zucker"
line 12 underline "ätherischen Oelen"
top-marginline 6 annotation growth or size & chemical products direct effect of conditions—
     Light on colouring matter

line 15 score
15 score [`bookmark']

[continuation] 1—3 double score
lines 15—16 underline "Primula ... elatior"
top-marginline 20 annotation These close species which inhabit distinct «districts» ‹stations›, shows how little we know abut adaptation of even vars — So some close species, live mingled together. Are we sure that th 2 Oaks are not specially adapted for special circumstances — 2 [?]Anagallis

[continues overleaf] lines 12—11 underline "Achillea ... geschieden"
lines 6—5 underline "gemeint ... andere"
lines 2—1 underline "Denn ... ebenso auf"

lines 5—6 underline "durch ... sind"
top-marginline 11 annotation All foregoing reasons do not apply to vars. arising from inner causes; but something must set inner causes into action.

lines 6—1 score
lines 6—1 annotation Opposed vars. arise under cultivation

lines 1—2 score
lines 1—2 underline "äussern ... können"
top-margin annotation one plant might absorb different elements frm another.

line 18 score [`bookmark']

top-marginline 24 annotation He seems to admit there is som relation between variation & extreme conditionst01
     He [corrected from `&'] remarks that greter size independently «of» good soil ‹nevr› «never» could become hereditary & constant
t01 - `He seems ... conditions' horizontally crossed
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin annotation Effect of grafting — & cultivation & wide range & bud-variation all show that extreme conditions have close relation

lines 3—20 score
top-marginline 20 annotation He admits that differnc of soil &c may in course of genertions affect chemical & molecular constituent & then lead to changes of form — this is th same thng —

lines 12—1 annotation as individuals differ. so will results differ. in fluctuating varibilty

lines 4—9 score
lines 8—9 double score
line 5 underline "Alpenrose"
lines 3—7 annotation Rhododendron ferrugineum (a)
lines 6—7 underline "Eiszeit ... kalkreiche"
line 8 underline "trockenen Jura"
line 8 underline "oberitalienische"
line 9 underline "700 bis 1300'"
top-margin annotation Yet if this sp. was cultivated like R. Ponticum it wd no doubt vary, thog perhps not so much.—
lines 15—7 annotation similar facts

lines 1—6 score
top-margin annotation difficulty of knowig direct action of conditions on accont of Selection.

lines 1—2 annotation Conclusions on Direct action

lines 7—9 underline " indem ... Art"
lines 5—6 annotation natural Distribution

lines 11—12 underline "der ... Racen"

lines 19—20 underline "innere ... bedingt"
lines 19—20 annotation But what excites them; something must, as with illnesses.—

lines 10—1 annotation / His Causes work thrgh chemical constitutn of Plants & cause direct & indirect effects

lines 18—1 score
top-margin6 annotation He allows that changed conditions give impulse to variation; th differences in the results must depend on differences in th individuals; but these differences must have had some cause .

line 10 score [`bookmark']

top-marginline 23 annotation I think here he attributes th mixed vars in sam locality to selection, or adaptation

bottom-margin annotation Finally I do not see that he throws much light on ‹whole› subject.—    Evrythng remains as odd as before — some good facts on Distribution of Varieties.—

line 1 score [`bookmark']

lines 7—13 score
top-margin annotation Both the Achillaeas will live on wrong soil — if only one form is present, so no struggle.—

lines 16—18 underline "ausserordentlicher ... wieder"

lines 3—7 score
top-margin annotation Thinks many plants do not grow in certain places, because seeds have never been brought there.
show subjects subjects

line 8 score [`bookmark']

lines 15—13 underline "Wo ... ausschliessen"

line 5 score [`bookmark']

line 12 annotation I have not read
show subjects concepts

lines 12—14 score

line 14 score [`bookmark']

lines 10—2 score
bottom-margin annotation argues well against «those» intermdiate form, which are constantly or frequently found, near th forms which thy connect, beng Hybrds

top-margin annotation A complete graduated row of intermdiate forms may be hybrids, but such cases are rare — Th exactly intermediate wd be rarer than th steps on either side.

line 12 underline "Verfechter"
line 12 annotation defender

lines 10—5 double score
lines 10—6 double score
lines 7—6 underline "zwischen ... officinalis"
lines 10—4 annotation Intermdiate forms exist both hybrids & really intermdiate & constant & fertile.—

line 12 score [`bookmark']

lines 5—10 score
line 7 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation (a) If species which are connected by intermdiat forms are blended int single specis the result monstrous.—
lines 13—18 annotation must be enumerated as intermediate forms—

lines 21—23 score in pale pencil
lines 7—22 annotation → these are good instances of a species constant in one place & variable in another from crossing with intermdiate forms.

line 10 score [`bookmark']

lines 18—16 score
lines 6—2 score
lines 19—4 annotation → Middle forms «not Hybrids» generally inhabit nearly same districts as the forms they connect—
     || but less in number.

bottom-margin annotation I presume he attributes th intermedate forms to variation
show subjects subjects

line 12 underline "G. intermedium"
line 12 annotation Hybrid
show subjects concepts

line 18 annotation Hybrid
show subjects concepts

lines 5—4 annotation Hybrid
show subjects concepts

line 5 annotation Hybrid

lines 12—11 underline "da ... vor"

line 5 underline "C. ... arvense"
line 3 underline "zahlreiche ... Vorkommen"
lines 3—1 score
lines 3—1 annotation not Hybrid yet intermdiat

line 6
lines 8—9 underline "Sie ... acaule"
line 15
top-marginline 8 annotation another doubtful case

line 5 underline "Rh. intermedium"
lines 7—8 underline "Dieses ... Ursprungs"

line 13 annotation Hybrid