
Recent Additions (Last 25)   Published In: ALL   For: Princeton Theological Seminary Library

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  1. Charles Darwin, a portrait   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  2. The story of evolution; facts and theories on the development of life   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  3. The evolution of human behavior. by Carl J. Warden   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  4. The theory of evolution as applied to man: an inquiry: from a lawyer's point of view   (added: 04/28/2024 )
  5. Emergent evolution and the development of societies   (added: 04/21/2024 )
  6. Allgemeine biologie   (added: 11/26/2023 )
  7. Zellen- und gewebelehre, morphologie und entwicklungsgeschichte v.1   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  8. Zellen- und gewebelehre, morphologie und entwicklungsgeschichte v.2   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  9. Charles Darwin; the man and his warfare   (added: 10/15/2023 )
  10. The flea   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  11. The migration of birds   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  12. The mystery of life   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  13. The gospel of out of doors   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  14. The life-story of insects, by Geo. H. Carpenter   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  15. Bees and wasps   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  16. The coming of evolution; the story of a great revolution in science   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  17. Darwin and after Darwin : an exposition of the Darwinian theory and a discussion of post-Darwinian questions v. 2   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  18. The evolution of man, a popular scientific study v. 2   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  19. Organic evolution cross-examined : or, Some suggestions on the great secret of biology   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  20. Instinct: its office in the animal kingdom, and its relation to the higher powers in man   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  21. How to know the wild flowers : a guide to the names, haunts, and habits of our common wild flowers   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  22. What is man? or, Creationism vs. evolutionism   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  23. The evolution of man, a popular scientific study v. 1   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  24. Excursions of an evolutionist   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  25. The evolution theory v. 2   (added: 06/12/2022 )