
Recent Additions (Last 50)   Published In: ALL   For: Princeton Theological Seminary Library

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  1. Charles Darwin, a portrait   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  2. The story of evolution; facts and theories on the development of life   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  3. The evolution of human behavior. by Carl J. Warden   (added: 08/18/2024 )
  4. The theory of evolution as applied to man: an inquiry: from a lawyer's point of view   (added: 04/28/2024 )
  5. Emergent evolution and the development of societies   (added: 04/21/2024 )
  6. Allgemeine biologie   (added: 11/26/2023 )
  7. Zellen- und gewebelehre, morphologie und entwicklungsgeschichte v.1   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  8. Zellen- und gewebelehre, morphologie und entwicklungsgeschichte v.2   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  9. Charles Darwin; the man and his warfare   (added: 10/15/2023 )
  10. The flea   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  11. The migration of birds   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  12. The mystery of life   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  13. The gospel of out of doors   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  14. The life-story of insects, by Geo. H. Carpenter   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  15. Bees and wasps   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  16. The coming of evolution; the story of a great revolution in science   (added: 06/19/2022 )
  17. Darwin and after Darwin : an exposition of the Darwinian theory and a discussion of post-Darwinian questions v. 2   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  18. The evolution of man, a popular scientific study v. 2   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  19. Organic evolution cross-examined : or, Some suggestions on the great secret of biology   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  20. Instinct: its office in the animal kingdom, and its relation to the higher powers in man   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  21. How to know the wild flowers : a guide to the names, haunts, and habits of our common wild flowers   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  22. What is man? or, Creationism vs. evolutionism   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  23. The evolution of man, a popular scientific study v. 1   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  24. Excursions of an evolutionist   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  25. The evolution theory v. 2   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  26. Evolution, racial and habitudinal   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  27. Protoplasm; or, Matter and life. With some remarks upon the "Confession" of Strauss   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  28. Excursions of an evolutionist   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  29. Darwinianism: workmen and work   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  30. Darwinism to-day   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  31. Albrecht von Haller als Christ. Zur Säcularfeier seines Todes am 12. December 1877 im Auftrag des evangelisch-kirchlichen Vereins gehalten   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  32. Darwinism and Lamarckism, old and new : four lectures   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  33. Mission d'études forestières envoyée dans les colonies françaises par les Ministères de la guerre, de l'armement et des colonies   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  34. Albrecht von Haller als Christ und Apologet   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  35. Étude critique et expérimentale sur le polymorphisme des algues   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  36. Plant-animals; a study in symbiosis   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  37. Earthworms and their allies   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  38. Protoplasm ; or, life, matter and mind   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  39. Sechs Vorlesungen über die Darwin'sche Theorie von der Verwandlung der Arten und die erste Entstehung der Organismenwelt, sowie über die Anwendung der Umwandlungstheorie auf den Menschen, das Verhältniss dieser Theorie zur Lehre vom Fortschritt und den zusammenhang Derselben mit der materialistischen Philosophie der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. In allgemein verständlicher Darstellung   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  40. The breath of life   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  41. An examination of Weismannism   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  42. Common sense and logic applied to Darwinism and teleology   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  43. The wanderings of animals   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  44. An exposition of fallacies in the hypothesis of Mr. Darwin   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  45. The other side of evolution; an examination of its evidences, by Rev. Alexander Patterson ... with an introduction by George Frederick Wright ...   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  46. Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems, by Dr. August Weismann. Ed. by Edward B. Poulton, Selmar Schönland, and Arthur E. Shipley. Authorised translation v. 2   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  47. Spiders   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  48. Links with the past in the plant world   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  49. Darwin and after Darwin : an exposition of the Darwinian theory and a discussion of post-Darwinian questions v. 3   (added: 06/12/2022 )
  50. The psychic life of micro-organisms : a study in experimental psychology   (added: 06/12/2022 )