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  1. By: United States. Bureau of the Census.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], For sale by Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O, 1989-
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Digital images  Economic aspects  States  Statistics  Territories and possessions  United States
  2. By: Boyer, Michael K.,
    Publication info: [Philadelphia], Wilmer Atkinson co, 1909
    Holding Institution: Library of Congress
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Eggs  Poultry  Production  
  3. By: Lehr, Julius,
    Publication info: Münden, H. Augustin, 1872
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  
  4. By: Jefferson Farms. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: Albany, Georgia, Jefferson Farms, [1927?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Albany  Catalogs  Economic aspects  Georgia  Nurseries (Horticulture)  Nursery stock  Seeds  Varieties  Vegetable gardening  Vegetables  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  5. By: Jefferson Farms. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: Albany, Georgia, Jefferson Farms, [1928]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Albany  Catalogs  Economic aspects  Georgia  Nursery stock  Seeds  Varieties  Vegetable gardening  Vegetables  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  6. By: Stuart, R. Y. (Robert Young),
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.?], [publisher not identified], [1933?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Labor supply  United States  
  7. By: Hill, James Jerome,
    Publication info: n.p, 1908
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  United States  
  8. By: Kautsky, Karl,
    Publication info: Stuttgart, Dietz, 1899
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Germany  Land  Socialism  
  9. By: Figueras, Juan Antonio,
    Publication info: 1972
    Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Dissertations, Academic  Economic aspects  Food and Resource Economics  Food and Resource Economics thesis Ph. D  Mexico  UF  
  10. By: Goltz, Theodor von der, Freiherr,
    Publication info: Jena, Fischer, 1894
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Germany  Land  
  11. By: Skazyski, Witold von. - Sering, Max, - Aschendorff, Emil
    Publication info: Berlin, Telge, 1894
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: 1805-1875  Agricultural laws and legislation  Agriculture  Economic aspects  Germany  Rodbertus, Johann Karl,  
  12. Publication info: Heidelberg, Hörning, 1896
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Baden  Economic aspects  Germany  
  13. By: Gothein, Eberhard.
    Publication info: Altenburg, Geibel, [n.d.]
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Germany  
  14. By: Miaskowski, August von.
    Publication info: Leipzig, duncker, 1889
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Germany  Labor and laboring classes  
  15. By: Goltz, Theodor von der, Freiherr,
    Edition: 2. Aufl.
    Publication info: Jena, Fischer, 1904
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Germany  Land  
  16. By: Capper, Arthur,
    Publication info: New York, Harcourt, Brace, [c1922]
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  United States  
  17. By: Withycombe, Thomas.
    Publication info: Portland, Or, Press of H.C. Browne & Co, 1922
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Tariff  United States  
  18. By: McConnell, Primrose.
    Publication info: London, Printed by McCorquodale, 1887
    Holding Institution: University of Southampton
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  
    BHL Collections: Perkins Agricultural Library
  19. By: Ernle, Rowland Edmund Prothero, Baron,
    Publication info: London, "Guardian" Office, 5, Burleigh Street, Strand, 1887
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  Rural clergy  
  20. By: Werge, Robert Wendell,
    Publication info: 1975
    Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Anthropology  Anthropology thesis Ph. D  Clear Creek  Dissertations, Academic  Dominican Republic  Economic aspects  UF  
  21. By: Saloutos, Theodore. - Hicks, John Donald,
    Publication info: Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, [1951]
    Holding Institution: Prelinger Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Agriculture and state  Economic aspects  Middle west  United States  
  22. By: Taylor, Henry C. (Henry Charles),
    Publication info: New York, Macmillan, 1919
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Land tenure  United States  
  23. By: Boyle, James E. (James Ernest),
    Publication info: Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, [c1921]
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  
  24. By: Nourse, Edwin Griswold,
    Publication info: Chicago, Univ. Press, [1916]
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  
  25. By: Erdman, H. E. (Henry Ernest), - Chall, Malca. - Bancroft Library. Regional Oral History Office.
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Agriculture, Cooperative  College of Agriculture  Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics  Economic aspects  Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics  Oral histories  University of California (1868-1952)  University of California, Berkeley  
  26. By: Nikitine, Pavlik Andre,
    Holding Institution: Duke University Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Land use  Madre de Dios (Department)  Peru
  27. By: Pratt, Edwin A.,
    Edition: Cheap ed.
    Publication info: London, P.S. King & Son, 1914
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agricultural organisation society  Agriculture  Agriculture, Cooperative  Economic aspects  
  28. By: Pratt, Edwin A.
    Publication info: London, P. S. King and son, 1912
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agricultural organisation society  Agriculture  Agriculture, Cooperative  Economic aspects  
  29. By: United States. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. - United States. Agricultural Marketing Service. - United States. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Periodicals  United States  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  30. By: Yumiseva, Hilda,
    Publication info: 1981
    Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Agriculture and state  Dissertations, Academic  Economic aspects  Economic conditions  Food and Resource Economics  Food and Resource Economics thesis Ph. D  Guatemala  Mathematical models  UF  
  31. By: Hume, Allan Octavian,
    Publication info: London, W.H. Allen & Co., 13 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, S.W., publishers to the India Office, 1879
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  India  
  32. By: Evenson, Robert E. (Robert Eugene), - Kislev, Yoav,
    Publication info: New Haven, Yale University Press, 1975
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Mathematical models  Research  
  33. By: Great Britain. Board of Agriculture.
    Publication info: London, Printed by B. McMillan, 1816
    Holding Institution: University of Southampton
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  
    BHL Collections: Perkins Agricultural Library
  34. By: Hall, A. Daniel (Alfred Daniel), Sir,
    Publication info: New York, E. P. Dutton, 1916
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  World War, 1914-1918  
  35. By: Hall, A. Daniel (Alfred Daniel), Sir,
    Publication info: London, J. Murray, 1920
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  
  36. By: Green, John Little, Sir,
    Publication info: London, The Rural World Publishing Co., Ltd, 1904
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  Protectionism  Tariff  
  37. By: Barnard, Édouard-A. (Édouard André),
    Publication info: Montréal, La Minerve, [1872?]
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Canada  Economic aspects  Emigration and immigration  
  38. By: Barnard, Édouard-A. (Édouard André),
    Publication info: [Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec?, s.n.], 1896
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Agricultural administration  Economic aspects  Handbooks, manuals, etc  Québec (Province)  
  39. By: Young, David, (of Perth)
    Publication info: Edinburgh, Printed by D. Paterson, for the author; and sold by C. Elliot, Edinburgh; and C. Elliot and T. Kay, London, 1788
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  
  40. By: McLelland, Murray B. - Alberta. Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development. - Alberta. Field Crop Development Centre.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Field Crop Development Centre, [1992?]
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Barley  Economic aspects  
  41. By: Burlew, John Swaim,
    Publication info: Washington, 1953
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Algae  Economic aspects
  42. By: Hershey, John W. - Nut Tree Nurseries. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: Downingtown, Pa, John W. Hershey, [1928?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Downingtown  Economic aspects  Nursery stock  Nut trees  Pennsylvania  Prices  Propagation  Seedlings  United States  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  43. By: Allen, J. A. (Joel Asaph), - Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate,
    Publication info: Cambridge, University Press, 1876
    Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library
    Subjects: American bison  Economic aspects  Geographical distribution  
  44. By: Mexico. Ministerio de Fomento. - Mexico. Ministerio de Fomento.
    Publication info: México, Imprenta de Francisco Díaz de León, 1877-1898
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: 1800-1899  19th century  Agriculture  Description and travel  Economic aspects  Economic conditions  Economic history  Jalisco  Jalisco (Mexico)  Mexico  Mines and mineral resources  Periodicals  Travel
    BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
  45. By: Ralph Andersen And Associates.
    Publication info: [Sacramento, CA], [Ralph Andersen and Associates], 1978
    Holding Institution: Institute of Governmental Studies Library, University of California Berkeley
    Subjects: Alameda County  Alameda County (Calif.)  Appropriations and expenditures  California  Contra Costa County  Contra Costa County (Calif.)  East Bay  East Bay (Calif.)  East Bay Regional Park District (Calif.)  Economic aspects  Economic conditions  Finance  Interpretation and construction  Park districts  Proposition 13 (1978)
  46. By: Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Fort Collins, Colo.)
    Publication info: Fort Collins, Colo, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1989
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Mineral resources conservation  Mines and mineral resources  United States  
  47. By: United States. Forest Service. - United States. Forest service. Resources Program and Assessment Staff.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.?], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, [1989?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Mineral resources conservation  Mines and mineral resources  United States  
  48. By: Shanahan, Edward William,
    Publication info: London, Routledge, 1920
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Food of animal origin  Food supply  
  49. By: Bouchette, François-Joseph, - Delaville-Le Roulx, Joseph, - Imprimerie nationale (France)
    Publication info: A Paris, De l'Imprimerie nationale, 1791
    Holding Institution: The Newberry Library
    Subjects: 1791  Commercial law  Early works to 1800  Economic aspects  France  History  Pamphlets  Paris  Revolution, 1789-1799  Sources  Taxation  Tobacco  Tobacco farms  
  50. By: Sternberg, Sam.
    Publication info: [Place of publication not identified], [publisher not identified], October 1978
    Holding Institution: Institute of Governmental Studies Library, University of California Berkeley
    Subjects: Alameda County  Alameda County (Calif.)  Appropriations and expenditures  California  Contra Costa County  Contra Costa County (Calif.)  East Bay  East Bay (Calif.)  East Bay Regional Park District (Calif.)  Economic aspects  Economic conditions  Finance  Legislature  Management  Park districts  Parks  Planning  Proposition 13 (1978)  Regional planning districts  Revenue
  51. By: Thiollaz, E. de
    Publication info: Paris, Bonvalot-Jouve, 1906
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agricultural colonies  Agriculture  Algeria  Economic aspects  Societies, etc  
  52. By: Stonebrook, H. B. - Avocado Acres. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: San Diego County, Calif, Avocado Acres, [1924]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Avocado  Breeding  California  Economic aspects  Nurseries (Horticulture)  San Diego County  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  53. By: Green, Frederick Ernest,
    Publication info: London, T. Nelson, [1912]
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  England  
  54. By: Baughman, Roger N. - Patric, James H., - Northeastern Forest Experiment Station (Radnor, Pa.)
    Publication info: Upper Darby, Pa, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Forest Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1969
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry
  55. By: Alberta. Beef and Sheep Branch. - Alberta. Alberta Agriculture.
    Edition: [Rev. ed.].
    Publication info: [Edmonton], Alberta Agriculture, 1989
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Beef cattle  Calves  Cow-calf system  Economic aspects  
  56. By: Marx, Tennis. - Alberta. Alberta Agriculture and Food.
    Edition: [Updated 4th ed.]
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta Agriculture and Food, Information Packaging Centre, 2008
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Beef cattle  Calves  Cow-calf system  Economic aspects  
  57. By: Koppe, Johann Gottlieb,
    Publication info: Berlin, Im Verlage bei L. Hold, 1847
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Germany  Land tenure  
  58. By: Davis, Robert K. - United States. Bureau of Land Management. - TGS Technology, Inc.
    Publication info: Boulder, Colo, TGS Technology, Inc, 1989
    Holding Institution: Bureau of Land Management
    Subjects: Bureau of Land Management  Economic aspects  Management  Riparian areas  Riparian ecology  Stream conservation  United States  West (U.S.)  West United States  Wetland conservation  
  59. By: United States. Department of Agriculture. - United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
    Publication info: [United States], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1986?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Control  Cotton  Diseases and pests  Economic aspects  Insect pests  Insecticides  United States  
  60. By: United States. Department of Agriculture. - United States. Environmental Protection Agency. - National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment Program (U.S.)
    Publication info: Washington, D.C.?, The Dept, 1989?
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agricultural pests  Control  Economic aspects  Environmental aspects  Insecticides  United States  
  61. By: Kang, Ho,
    Publication info: 1987
    Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
    Subjects: Algae  Animal waste  Dissertations, Academic  Economic aspects  Environmental Engineering Sciences  Environmental Engineering Sciences thesis Ph. D  flocculation  Recycling  UF  
  62. By: Joseph J. Kelsey (Firm) - Kelsey, Joseph J. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: Clinton, Conn, Joseph J. Kelsey, [1920]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Catalogs  Clinton  Connecticut  Economic aspects  Hardwoods  Nurseries (Horticulture)  Nursery stock  Walnut  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  63. By: Tongass National Forest (Alaska) - United States. Forest Service. - United States. Forest Service. Alaska Region. Stikine Area.
    Publication info: Petersburg, AK, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service, Alaska Region, Tongass National Forest, [1995]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Alaska  Economic aspects  Environmental aspects  Forests and forestry  Lumber trade  Timber  Tongass National Forest  Tongass National Forest (Alaska)  
  64. By: Phelan, John,
    Edition: Revised ed.
    Publication info: Eau Claire, Wis, Eau Claire Book and Stationery Co, [1915]
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Country life  Economic aspects  
  65. By: Boase, Henry S. (Henry Samuel),
    Publication info: London, Sold by G. & W. Nicol, 1823
    Holding Institution: University of Southampton
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  
    BHL Collections: Perkins Agricultural Library
  66. By: Great Britain. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Committee on land settlement for sailors and soldiers. - Hall, A. Daniel (Alfred Daniel), Sir, - Roberts, George Henry, - Scott, Leslie Frederic, - Strutt, Edward Gerald,
    Publication info: London, J. Murray, 1917
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Civil employment  Economic aspects  Employment  Great Britain  Sailors  Veterans  World War, 1914-1918  
  67. By: Stebbing, Edward Percy,
    Publication info: London, J. Murray, 1916
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Great Britain  World War, 1914-1918  
  68. By: Stebbing, Edward Percy,
    Publication info: London, J. Murray, 1916
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Great Britain  World War, 1914-1918  
  69. By: Stebbing, Edward Percy,
    Publication info: London, J. Murray, 1916
    Holding Institution: Internet Archive
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Great Britain  World War, 1914-1918  
  70. By: Heath, Francis George,
    Publication info: London, P.S. King & son, 1911
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agricultural laborers  Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  
  71. By: Scanlan, John J. (John Jeremiah), - Tinley, J. M. (James Maddison),
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1929
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Cooperative marketing of farm produce  Economic aspects  Tobacco
  72. By: John G. Griffith Seed Co. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: New York, N.Y, John G. Griffith Seed Co, [1920?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Catalogs  Design  Economic aspects  Golf course architects  Golf courses  Handbooks, manuals, etc  New York (State)  Nursery stock  Seeds  Turfgrasses  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  73. By: Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Natural Resources. - Benoit, Leon.
    Publication info: [Ottawa], Standing Committee on Natural Resources, 2008
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Canada  Economic aspects  Forest management  Forest policy  Forest products industry  Forests and forestry  Sustainable forestry  
  74. By: Canadian Fisheries Association
    Publication info: Gardenvale, Que. [etc.], National Business Publications [etc.],
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: Canada  Economic aspects  Fisheries  Periodicals  
  75. By: Cottam Bird Seed (Firm)
    Publication info: London, Ont, Cottam Bird Seed, c1906
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Birds  Breeding  Canaries  Chickens  Economic aspects  
  76. By: Winslow, Francis. - United States National Museum - International Fisheries Exhibition ( London, England)
    Publication info: Washington, G.P.O, 1883
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Catalogs  Economic aspects  Equipment and supplies  Mollusks  Shellfish fisheries  Shellfish trade  United States  
  77. By: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Resources. - United States. Congress. House. Committee on Resources. Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources.
    Publication info: Washington, U.S. G.P.O, 1995
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: California  Central Valley (Valley)  Central Valley Project (Calif.)  Conservation  Economic aspects  Fish habitat improvement  Fishes  Irrigation water  Law and legislation  Water resources development  Water-supply  
  78. By: Wiman, Erastus,
    Edition: [Canadian ed.].
    Publication info: Toronto, F.R. James, 1893
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Rural-urban migration  United States  
  79. By: Fahey, Thomas D. (Thomas Daniel), - Plank, Marlin E. - Snellgrove, Thomas A. - Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.)
    Publication info: [Portland, Or.], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1986
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Lodgepole pine  United States  Wood waste
  80. By: Brown, Thomas C. - O'Connell, Paul F., - Hibbert, Alden R. - Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Fort Collins, Colo.)
    Publication info: Fort Collins, Colo, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1974
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Arizona  Chaparral ecology  Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Multiple use
  81. By: Ahmad Mahdzan Ayob.
    Publication info: 1980
    Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
    Subjects: Agricultural machinery  Agriculture  Dissertations, Academic  Economic aspects  Food and Resource Economics  Food and Resource Economics thesis Ph. D  Harvesting  Machinery  Malaysia  Rice  UF  
  82. By: Chapais, J.-C. (Jean Charles),
    Publication info: Montreal, Herald Pub. Co, 1898
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Dairy farming  Economic aspects  Milk trade  Québec (Province)  
  83. Publication info: [Anchorage, Alaska], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Alaska Region, [1994]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Alaska  Chugach National Forest  Economic aspects  Forest conservation  Forest reserves  Recreational use  
  84. By: Prestage, J. G. - Allegan Nursery. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: Allegan, Mich, Allegan Nursery, [1922]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Allegan  Economic aspects  Marketing  Michigan  Nurseries (Horticulture)  Seed industry and trade  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  85. By: United States. Department of the Treasury. - Force, Peter, - Rush, Richard, - Southard, Samuel L. (Samuel Lewis),
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], Peter Force, printer, [1827]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Handling  Plant introduction  Plants, Useful  Seeds  United States  
  86. By: Smith, Harold Hamel,
    Publication info: London, J. Bale, Sons & Daniels Son, Ltd, 1922
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Colonies  Commercial policy  Economic aspects  Economic conditions  Great Britain  Tropics  World War, 1914-1918  
  87. By: Joseph J. White, Inc. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: Whitesbog, N.J, Joseph J. White, Inc, 1924
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Blueberries  Breeding  Catalogs  Economic aspects  New Jersey  Nursery stock  Seedlings  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  88. By: Stebbing, Edward Percy,
    Publication info: London, J. Murray, 1919
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Earth Sciences Library (Noranda)
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Great Britain
  89. By: Wilson, Alvin K. - United States. Forest Service. - Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Ogden, Utah)
    Publication info: Ogden, Utah, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, 1963
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry
  90. By: Logan, Samuel H. - Shigekawa, Katherine. - Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. - California Agricultural Experiment Station. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
    Publication info: Oakland, CA, Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, University of California, 1986
    Holding Institution: University of California, Davis Libraries
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Fish trade  Fisheries  Sturgeon fisheries  
  91. By: Horn, Arthur G. - Lake States Forest Experiment Station (Saint Paul, Minn.)
    Publication info: St. Paul, Minnesota, Lake States Forest Experiment Station, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1950
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest products  Forests and forestry  Lake states  Statistics  Timber
  92. By: Miller, Marvin Neal,
    Publication info: 1983
    Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
    Subjects: Cut flower industry  Dissertations, Academic  Economic aspects  Floriculture  Food and Resource Economics  Food and Resource Economics thesis Ph. D  UF  United States  
  93. By: Loomis, John B. - Hof, John G. - Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Fort Collins, Colo.)
    Publication info: Fort Collins, CO, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, [1985]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  United States  
  94. By: Mead, Walter J. - Hamilton, Thomas E.
    Publication info: Portland, Or, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1968
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Lumber trade  Northwest, Pacific  Timber
  95. By: Maw, Percival Trentham.
    Publication info: London, C. Lockwood, 1912
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Great Britain  Measurement  
  96. By: Chappelle, Daniel E.
    Publication info: Portland, Or, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1969
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Computer programs  Economic aspects  Forest management  Forests and forestry
  97. By: Wyatt, Harvey
    Publication info: London, J. Ridgway, 1834
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Corn-laws (Great Britain)  Economic aspects  Great Britain  
  98. By: Duffield, John. - Neher, Christopher J. - Montana. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
    Publication info: [Helena?], Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, [1990]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Deer hunting  Economic aspects  Montana  
  99. By: Duffield, John. - Neher, Christopher J. - Montana. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
    Publication info: [Helena?], Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, [1991]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Hunting  Montana  Waterfowl shooting  
  100. By: Montana. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
    Publication info: [Helena, Mont.], Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, 1995
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Hunting  Montana  Puma hunting  
  101. By: Brooks, Robert, - Montana. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
    Publication info: [Helena?], Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, [1992]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Hunting  Montana  Upland game bird shooting  
  102. By: Philippar, Edmond V. - Danguy, Jacques
    Publication info: Paris, L. Larose, 1903
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agricultural credit  Agriculture  Algeria  Economic aspects  
  103. By: Molinari, G. de (Gustave),
    Publication info: Bruxelles, Auguste Decq, 1855
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Belgium  Economic aspects  Grain trade  
  104. By: Powell, George Harold,
    Publication info: New York, MacMillan, 1914
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: Agriculture  Agriculture, Cooperative  Economic aspects  Societies, etc  United States  
  105. By: Powell, George Harold,
    Publication info: New York, Macmillan, 1913
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Agriculture, Cooperative  Economic aspects  Societies, etc  United States  
  106. By: Fendler, Augustus,
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    Subjects: 1797-1878  1803-1873  1805-1877  1809-1884  1810-1888  1813-1883  1817-1886  1818-1887  1826-1901  1842-1923  Adventure travel  Albertus-Universität zu Königsberg i. Pr  Arkansas  Army  Botanical specimens  Braun, Alexander,  Cactaceae  Caracas (Venezuela)  Caspary, Robert,  Cereus peruvianus  Collection and preservation  Colonia Tovar (Aragua, Venezuela)  Compositae  Correspondence  Description and travel  Economic aspects  Engelmann, George,  Equipment and supplies  Europe  Fagaceae  Fendler, Augustus,  Finance, Personal  Gray, Asa,  Growth  Helianthus  Henry, Joseph,  Letters  Liliaceae  Matches  Meehan, Thomas,  Meteorology  Observations  Oenothera  Onagraceae  Philadelphia (Pa.)  Plants  Pollination  Prestoe, Henry,  Quercus  Social life and customs  Sullivant, William Starling,  Trinidad  Trinidad and Tobago  Tuckerman, Edward,  United States  Venezuela  Yucca  
    BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
  107. By: Geyer, Karl Andreas,
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    Subjects: (Albert Henry),  (Frédéric Albert Constantin)  (Frederick Adolph),  (Joseph Nicolas),  1794-1844  1795 or 1796-1871  1796-1843  1796-1873  1799-1845  1804-1845  1808-1852  1809-1853  1809-1884  1810-1888  1810-1889  1813-1887  1826-1899  1830-1903  Anemone  Arabis  Araceae  Arum  Bennett, James L  Berberidaceae  Berberis  Botanical specimens  Botanists  Cactaceae  Campbell, Albert H  Carex  Cereus  Claytonia  Cocos  Collection and preservation  Compositae  Correspondence  Cruciferae  Cyperaceae  Cypripedium apetabile  De Smet, Louis,  Digitaria  Discovery and exploration  Dodecatheon  Dracaena  Duncan, Joseph,  Ecology  Economic aspects  Engelbach, George  Engelmann, George,  Geyer, Karl Andreas,  Gray, Asa,  Identification  Juniperus andina  Leavenworthia  Leguminosae  Letters  Lewisia  Liliaceae  Melocactus  Nicollet, J. N  Oceania  Opuntia  Orchidaceae  Oregon  Palmae  Pandanaceae  Pandanus  Penstemon  Pinaceae  Pinus  Plants  Portulacaceae  Primulaceae  Ranunculaceae  Riehl, Nicholas,  Saxifraga granulata  Saxifragaceae  Scrophulariaceae  Sir,  Stewart, William Drummond,  Sublette,
    BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
  108. By: Peterson, W. W. - United States. Bureau of Plant Industry. - Crest Nursery Company. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: Piqua, Miami Co., Ohio, Crest Nursery Company, [1921]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Economic conditions  Miami County  Nurseries (Horticulture)  Nursery stock  Ohio  Seed industry and trade  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  109. By: Boles, Patrick Parker,
    Publication info: Washington, Economic Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1977
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Fruit  Refrigerated trucks  Transportation  Vegetables  
  110. By: Emerson, G. (Gouverneur),
    Publication info: Philadelphia, H.L. Butler, printer, 1862
    Holding Institution: Library of Congress
    Subjects: Civil War, 1861-1865  Cotton growing  Economic aspects  History  Middle Atlantic States  United States  
  111. By: Zolla, Daniel,
    Publication info: Paris, Masson, 1903
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  France  
  112. By: Martinez Maroto, Santiago
    Publication info: Valladolid, J. Manuel de La Cuesta, 1896
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Commerce  Economic aspects  Economic conditions  Spain  
    BHL Collections: Publicaciones en Español
  113. By: Johnson, Peggy. - Alberta. Farm Business Management Branch.
    Publication info: Olds, Alta, Alberta Agriculture, Farm Business Management Branch, 1984
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Beef cattle  Economic aspects  Feeding and feeds  Feedlots  
  114. By: Rohwer, S. A. (Sievert Allen), - United States. Bureau of Entomology.
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, 1933
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Control  Economic aspects  Insect pests  Radio addresses, debates, etc  United States  
  115. By: Popenoe, Paul, - Bennett, Charles L.
    Publication info: Altadena, Calif, West India Gardens, 1913
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Culture  Date palm  Dates (Fruit)  Economic aspects  Phoenix dactylifera  
  116. By: Mounier, L - Rubichon, Maurice,
    Publication info: Paris Guillaumin 1846
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  France  
  117. By: Brame, Jules,
    Edition: 2me ed. --
    Publication info: Lille, Béghin, 1859
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: 19th century  Agriculture  Economic aspects  France  History  Migration, Internal  Rural-urban migration  Social conditions  
  118. By: France. Convention nationale. - Deforgues, François-Louis-Michel Chemin, - Gohier, Louis-Jérôme, - Imprimerie nationale (France)
    Publication info: A Paris, De l'Imprimerie nationale exécutive du Louvre, an IIe. de la République [1793]
    Holding Institution: The Newberry Library
    Subjects: 1793  Early works to 1800  Economic aspects  Fisheries  Fishery law and legislation  France  History  Licenses  Pamphlets  Paris  Revolution, 1789-1799  Sources  
  119. By: Rossi, Vincenzo
    Publication info: Milano, Stabilimento G. Civelli, 1861
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Economic conditions  France  Great Britain  Italy  
  120. By: Reichelderfer, K. H. - Delphi Team.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], U.S. Dept. of Agriculure, Economic Research Service, [1981]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Boll weevil  Control  Cotton  Diseases  Economic aspects  Insect pests  Insecticides  Southern States  Yield
  121. By: Brooks, George.
    Publication info: London, Woodford, Fawcett, 1885
    Holding Institution: University of Southampton
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Land tenure  Landlord and tenant  Scotland  
    BHL Collections: Perkins Agricultural Library
  122. By: Johnson, A. H. (Arthur Henry),
    Publication info: Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1909
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  England  Great Britain  Inclosures  Land tenure  
  123. By: Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel de Riquetti, comte de, - France. Assemblée nationale constituante (1789-1791) - Imprimerie nationale (France)
    Publication info: [Paris], De l'Imprimerie nationale, [1791?]
    Holding Institution: The Newberry Library
    Subjects: 1791  Commercial policy  Early works to 1800  Economic aspects  Foreign economic relations  France  History  Pamphlets  Paris  Revolution, 1789-1799  Sources  Taxation  Tobacco  Tobacco industry  United States  
  124. By: Robertson, James W. (James Wilson),
    Publication info: Québec?, s.n, 1896?
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Canada  Economic aspects  Livestock  
  125. By: Roederer, P.-L. (Pierre-Louis), - France. Assemblée nationale constituante (1789-1791) - Imprimerie nationale (France)
    Publication info: Paris, De l'Imprimerie nationale, 1791
    Holding Institution: The Newberry Library
    Subjects: 1791  Early works to 1800  Economic aspects  Fiscal policy  France  History  Law and legislation  Pamphlets  Paris  Revolution, 1789-1799  Sources  Taxation  Tobacco  Tobacco industry  
  126. By: Cooper, Carl Herbert
    Publication info: Ann Arbor? 1901?
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Distilling industries  Economic aspects  Germany  
  127. By: Bieber, John Lewis,
    Publication info: 1970
    Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
    Subjects: Agricultural Economics  Agricultural Economics thesis Ph. D  Agriculture  Coffee  Costa Rica  Dissertations, Academic  Economic aspects  UF  
  128. By: Baltic, Tony. - Hof, John G. - Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Fort Collins, Colo.)
    Publication info: Fort Collins, Colo, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, [1988]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Mathematical models  Planning  Renewable natural resources  United States  
  129. By: Williams, W. K. - Bryan, M. M.
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1950?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Farm buildings  Southern States  Timber  Woodlots  
  130. By: Texas Nursery Company (Sherman, Tex.) - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: Sherman, Tex, Texas Nursery Company, [1913]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Breeding  Catalogs  Congresses  Economic aspects  Nursery stock  Nut trees  Nuts  Prices  Sherman  Southwest, New  Texas
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  131. By: Darr, David R. - Fight, Roger D.
    Publication info: Portland, Or, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Sevice, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1974
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Douglas County  Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Oregon  Timber
  132. By: Randall, Robert M. - Darr, David R. - Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.)
    Publication info: Portland, Or, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1974]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Douglas fir  Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Logging  Mathematical models  Measurement  Thinning
  133. By: Maki, Wilbur R. - Olson, Douglas, - Schallau, Con H.
    Publication info: [Portland, Or.?], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, [1985]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Alaska  Economic aspects  Forest management  Forest policy  Forests and forestry
  134. By: Clavé, Jules,
    Publication info: Paris, Guillaumin, 1862
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest management  Forestry  Forests and forestry
  135. By: Hummel, Susan Stevens. - Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.)
    Publication info: Portland, OR, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, [2001]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest management  Forest reserves  Internet resource  Management  Washington (State)
  136. By: Centaur Management Consultants. - United States. National Marine Fisheries Service.
    Publication info: Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1977
    Holding Institution: Penn State University
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Fishing  Saltwater fishing  Statistics  United States  
  137. By: Schallau, Con H.
    Publication info: Portland, Or, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1970
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Roads  United States
  138. By: Hayden, Dana L. (Dana Louise), - Alberta Cattle Commission.
    Publication info: [Edmonton], Dept. of Rural Economy, Uiversity of Alberta, [1984]
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Cattle trade  Economic aspects  
  139. By: Nicol, Kenneth J. - University of Alberta. Department of Agricultural Economics.
    Publication info: [1969]
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Dairy cattle  Economic aspects  Feeding and feeds  
  140. By: King, Robert P. - Lybecker, Donald W. - United States. Agricultural Research Service. Western Region.
    Publication info: Fort Collins, Colo, The Region, [1981?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Control  Economic aspects  Weeds  
  141. By: Water Resources Council (U.S.)
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.?], [Water Resources Council?], [1983?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Government Printing Office
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Economics  Environmental aspects  Environmental impact  United States  water resources  Water resources development  
  142. By: Swinson, Carl R. (Carl Robert), - Funk, W. C. (Warren Clemmer),
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1926
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Citrus fruits  Economic aspects  Florida  Polk County  
  143. By: Voorhies, Edwin C. (Edwin Coblentz), - Galbraith, John Kenneth, - Todd, Frank E. (Frank Edward),
    Publication info: Berkeley, Calif, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1933
    Holding Institution: University of California, Davis Libraries
    Subjects: Bee culture  Bees  California  Economic aspects  
  144. By: Moore, Henry Ludwell,
    Publication info: New York, Macmillan, 1914
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Business cycles  Economic aspects  Secular trends  Supply and demand  
  145. By: Moore, Henry Ludwell,
    Publication info: New York, The Macmillan company, 1914
    Holding Institution: Library of Congress
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Panics  Supply and demand  
  146. By: Moore, Henry Ludwell,
    Publication info: New York, The Macmillan Company, 1914
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Depressions  Economic aspects  Supply and demand  
  147. By: Swanson, E. R. (Earl Raymond), - Taylor, C. R. - Van Blokland, P. J.
    Publication info: Urbana, Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1978
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Control  Economic aspects  Environmental aspects  Illinois  Nitrogen fertilizers  
  148. By: USDA Interagency Working Group on Boll Weevil Programs. Economic Evaluation Team.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, [1981]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Boll weevil  Control  Cotton  Diseases and pests  Economic aspects  Insect pests  Sunbelt States  
  149. By: Ross, Carlyle. - Boyda, Ann. - Alberta. Alberta Agriculture. Production and Resource Economics Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, Production and Resource Economics Branch, Economic Services Division, Alberta Agriculture, 1985
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Economic aspects  Management  Swine  
  150. By: Susko, R. J. - Fullen, Len. - Alberta. Alberta Agriculture. Production and Resource Economics Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, Alberta Agriculture, Production and Resource Economics Branch, Economic Services, 1985
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Costs  Dairy engineering  Dairying  Economic aspects  Equipment and supplies  Management  Milking  
  151. By: Sarhan, M. E.
    Publication info: [Berkeley], Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California, [l981]
    Holding Institution: University of California, Davis Libraries
    Subjects: California  Control  Economic aspects  Mathematical models  Mosquitoes  Pesticides industry  
  152. By: Flora, Donald F. - Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.)
    Publication info: Portland, Or, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1965]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Diseases and pests  Economic aspects  Ponderosa pine  Rhyacionia
  153. By: Droge, John Henry,
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Marketing Economics Division, [1963]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Fruit  Preservation  Radiation preservation of food  
  154. By: Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. - Alberta Forest Products Association.
    Publication info: [Edmonton, Alberta Forest Products Association, 2005
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Economic aspects  Forest products industry  Forests and forestry  
  155. By: Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. - Alberta Forest Products Association.
    Publication info: [Edmonton, Alberta Forest Products Association, 2008
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Economic aspects  Forest products industry  Forests and forestry  
  156. By: Florkowski, Wojciech J. - Hill, Lowell D. - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Agricultural Experiment Station.
    Publication info: [Urbana, Ill.], University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, [1990]
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Agricultural biotechnology  Agriculture  Economic aspects  
  157. By: Schallau, Con H. - Maki, Wilbur R. - Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.)
    Publication info: Portland, Or, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, [1986]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Northwest, Pacific  Regional economic disparities  Southern States
  158. By: Weigand, James F. - Burditt, A. Lynn. - Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.)
    Publication info: Portland, Or, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Pacific Northwest Research Station, [1992]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest management  Forest productivity  Forest products  Forests and forestry  Oregon  Timber  Willamette National Forest
  159. By: United States. Office of Experiment Stations.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Library, 1939-1941
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Agriculture  Bibliography  Economic aspects  Periodicals  United States  
    BHL Collections: Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature
  160. By: Ross, R. C. (Robert Cooke), - Capener, William N. (William Norman),
    Publication info: Urbana, Ill, University of Illinois, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1959
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Eggs  Illinois  Production  
  161. By: Montana. Joint Interim Subcommittee on Agricultural Problems. - Montana. Legislature. Joint Interim Subcommittee on Agricultural Problems. - Montana. Legislative Council. - Montana. Legislature. Legislative Council.
    Publication info: Helena, Mont. (Rm. 138, State Capitol, Helena 59620), Montana Legislative Council, [1987]
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Farm income  Montana  
  162. By: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture. - United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture.
    Publication info: Washington, U.S. G.P.O, 1993
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Farms, Size of  Rural conditions  United States  
  163. By: Hibbard, Edmund Arthur. - North Dakota. Pittman-Robertson Division.
    Publication info: [Bismarck, N.D.], State Game and Fish Department, Pittman-Robertson Division, [1952?]
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Beaver trapping  Beavers  Economic aspects  North Dakota  
  164. By: Myers, William Irving,
    Publication info: Ithaca, 1920
    Holding Institution: Library of Congress
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Farm buildings  
  165. By: Hunter, Byron, - Nuckols, S. B. (Samuel Benton),
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1926
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Idaho  Irrigation farming  Twin Falls County  
  166. By: Funk, W. C. (Warren Clemmer),
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1920
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Farms  Farms, Small  Washington Region  
  167. By: Pennybacker, J. E. (James Edmund), - Eldridge, Maurice O. (Maurice Owen)
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1916
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Roads  United States  
  168. By: Lantz, David E. (David Ernest)
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1914
    Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Skunks
  169. By: Kalmbach, E. R. (Edwin Richard), - Gabrielson, Ira Noel,
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1921
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Birds  Economic aspects  Food  Starlings  United States  
  170. By: Osteen, Craig D. - Bradley, Edward B. - Moffitt, L. Joe. - United States. Department of Agriculture. Economics and Statistics Service.
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economics and Statistics Service, 1981
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agricultural pests  Bibliography  Control  Economic aspects  Pests  
  171. By: Colby, Marilyn K. - Lewis, Gordon D. - Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Fort Collins, Colo.)
    Publication info: Fort Collins, Colo, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1973
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Conifers  Economic aspects  Forest nurseries  Seedlings  
  172. By: Yoho, James Gibson, - Chappelle, Daniel E. - Schweitzer, Dennis L.
    Publication info: Portland, Or, U.S. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1969
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Douglas fir  Economic aspects  Forest management  Forests and forestry  Northwest, Pacific  Red alder
  173. By: Hunter, Elmer C. (Elmer Carroll), - United States. Agricultural Research Service. - Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station.
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1959
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Cattle  Colorado  Economic aspects  Feeding and feeds  Forage plants  Meadows  Ranches  
  174. By: Flick, Frances J. (Frances Josephine), - Brown, Elisabeth P. (Elisabeth Patterson)
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Library, 1950
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Bibliography  Canada  Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  United States  
    BHL Collections: Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature
  175. By: Flick, Frances J. (Frances Josephine),
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Library, 1955
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Bibliography  Canada  Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  United States  
    BHL Collections: Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature
  176. By: Jackman, Mary. - Berry, Margaret W. - McMahon, Robert O.
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1959
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Bibliography  Canada  Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  United States  
    BHL Collections: Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature
  177. By: Rumsey, Fay.
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1965
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Canada  Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  United States  
  178. By: Fernow, B. E. (Bernhard Eduard),
    Publication info: New York, T.Y. Crowell & co, [1902]
    Holding Institution: Library of Congress
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest policy  Forests and forestry  United States  
  179. By: Banks, Enoch Marvin,
    Publication info: New York, The Columbia University Press, The Macmillan Company, agents; [etc., etc.], 1905
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Georgia  Land tenure  
  180. By: Scott, John Thackery, - Cagley, Charles E.
    Publication info: Urbana, Ill, University of Illinois, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1968
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Corn  Economic aspects  Machinery  
  181. By: Demmon, E. L. (Elwood Leonard), - Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.)
    Publication info: New Orleans, La, USDA, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, 1937
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Southern States  
  182. By: Chaudhary, G. Nabi (Ghulam Nabi) - Alberta. Alberta Agriculture. - Alberta. Alberta Agriculture. Economic Services Division. - Alberta. Alberta Agriculture. Production Economics Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, Alberta Agriculture, Economic Services Division, Production Economics Branch, 1990
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Economic aspects  Horticultural crops  Vegetables  
  183. By: Sassaman, Robert W. - Barrett, James W. (James Willis), - Smith, Justin G. (Justin Gardner), - Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.)
    Edition: Rev.
    Publication info: Portland, Or, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1973
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest management  Forest thinning  Ponderosa pine  Thinning  Washington (State)
  184. By: Huffel, Gustav,
    Publication info: Paris, L. Laveur, 1904-1907
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  France  
  185. By: Van Arsdall, Roy Neuman, - Elder, William A.
    Publication info: Urbana, Ill, University of Illinois, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1969
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Grain  Illinois  Swine  
  186. By: French, Ben C. (Ben Carver), - Bressler, Raymond G. (Raymond George), - University of California (1868-1952). College of Agriculture. - California Agricultural Experiment Station. - Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.
    Publication info: [Berkeley], a publication of the College of Agriculture, University of California, 1953
    Holding Institution: University of California, Davis Libraries
    Subjects: Costs  Economic aspects  Fruit  Fruit growers  Packing  
  187. By: United States. Bureau of Land Management.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 1993
    Holding Institution: Bureau of Land Management
    Subjects: Biodiversity conservation  Bureau of Land Management  Economic aspects  Ecosystem management  Land use  Management  Public lands  United States  
  188. By: United States. Bureau of Land Management.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 1993
    Holding Institution: Bureau of Land Management
    Subjects: Biodiversity conservation  Economic aspects  Ecosystem management  Land use  Management  Public lands  United States  
  189. By: Hedrick, James L. - Tolley, George S., - Back, W. B. (William Burl),
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, Economic Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in cooperation with North Carolina Agriculture Experiment Station, 1968
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Tobacco  
  190. By: Dieterich, Viktor,
    Publication info: Tübingen, H. Laupp, 1911
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Valuation  
  191. By: Lanktree, John
    Publication info: Dublin, McGlashan, [etc.], 1852
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  Real estate business  
  192. By: Tongass National Forest (Alaska)
    Publication info: Ketchikan, Alaska, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Tongass National Forest, [2000]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Alaska  Economic aspects  Forest reserves  Timber  Tongass National Forest  
  193. By: Bradley, Harriett,
    Publication info: New York, Columbia university; [etc., etc.], 1918
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  England  History  Inclosures  
  194. By: Ernle, Rowland Edmund Prothero, Baron,
    Edition: 2d ed.
    Publication info: London, Longmans, Green and co, 1917
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  England  History  
  195. By: Ernle, Rowland Edmund Prothero, Baron,
    Publication info: London, Longmans, Green, 1912
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  England  Great Britain  History  
  196. By: Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans. - Keddy, Gerald.
    Publication info: [Ottawa], Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, [2007]
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Canada  Economic aspects  Government policy  Sealing  Sealing industry  Seals (Animals)  Wildlife management  
  197. By: Donovan, E. (Edward), - Bensley, Thomas, - White, John, - Faulder, Robert, - Bell, Joseph,
    Publication info: London, Printed for the author, by T. Bensley, and sold by White, Fleet-Street, Faulder, Bond-Street, Bell, Oxford-Street, &c, 1798
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: 18th century  China  Color  Early works to 1800  Economic aspects  England  Engravings  Illustrated works  Insects  Pictorial works  Speciation  Therapeutic use  
  198. By: Colenso, W. (William), - Fergusson & Mitchell, - New Zealand Exhibition Dunedin, N.Z.)
    Publication info: [Dunedin, N.Z.], Printed for the Commissioners by Fergusson and Mitchell, Dunedin, Otago, N.Z, 1765 [i.e. 1865]
    Holding Institution: Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
    Subjects: Botany  Economic aspects  New Zealand  North Island  Rare books  Timber  
  199. By: Burness, W. (William)
    Publication info: London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1848
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Economic conditions  Emigration and immigration  Great Britain  Labor and laboring classes  
  200. By: United States. Bureau of Land Management. Portland Service Center.
    Publication info: Portland, Or, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Portland Service Center, 1970
    Holding Institution: Bureau of Land Management
    Subjects: Bureau of Land Management  Discounted cash flow  Economic aspects  Mines and mineral resources  Records and correspondence  Taxation  United States  
  201. By: Augé-Laribé, Michel,
    Publication info: Paris, Colin, 1912
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Economic conditions  France  
  202. By: Alberta. Alberta Environment.
    Publication info: Calgary, Alberta Environment, c2007
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Alberta, Southern  Economic aspects  Economic development  Ecosystem management  Environmental management  Landscape ecology  Natural areas  
  203. By: Hind, Henry Youle,
    Publication info: Windsor, N.S, [s.n.], 1883
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Canada  Economic aspects  Fish trade  Fisheries  United States  
  204. By: Josephson, H. R. (Horace Richard),
    Publication info: Berkeley, Cal, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1941
    Holding Institution: University of California, Davis Libraries
    Subjects: California  Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  
  205. By: Porter, John,
    Publication info: Hereford [Eng.], Jakeman and Carver, printers, 1918
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  World War, 1914-1918  
  206. By: Hole, Erling. - Bondurant, John H. - United States. Agricultural Research Service. Production Economics Research Branch. - University of Kentucky. Department of Agricultural Economics.
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Production Economics Research Branch, [1954]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Kentucky  Livestock  Tobacco  
  207. By: Young, Arthur,
    Edition: The 3d ed., cor. and enl....
    Publication info: London, Printed for W. Strahan, 1771
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  England  
  208. By: Hinckes, Ralph Tichborne.
    Publication info: London, Jarrold & sons, [1913]
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Great Britain  
  209. By: Kerr, William Henry,
    Publication info: Topeka, Kan, Crane & company, printers, 1919
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Agriculture, Cooperative  Economic aspects  United States  
  210. By: United States. Agricultural Research Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1958]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agricultural experiment stations  Agriculture  Bibliography  Economic aspects  Fruit  Research  United States  Vegetables
  211. By: United States. Agricultural Research Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1958]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agricultural experiment stations  Agriculture  Bibliography  Diseases and pests  Economic aspects  Plant diseases  Research  United States  Vegetables
  212. By: United States. Agricultural Research Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1958]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agricultural experiment stations  Agriculture  Bibliography  Economic aspects  Forest product  Medicinal plants  Plants, Ornamental  Research  United States
  213. By: United States. Agricultural Research Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1958]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agricultural experiment stations  Agriculture  Bibliography  Diseases and pests  Economic aspects  Field crops  Plant diseases  Research  United States
  214. By: United States. Agricultural Research Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1958]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agricultural experiment stations  Agriculture  Bibliography  Botany  Economic aspects  Field crops  Plant diseases  Research  United States
  215. By: United States. Agricultural Research Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1958]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agricultural experiment stations  Agriculture  Bibliography  Economic aspects  Medicinal plants  Plants, Ornamental  Research  United States
  216. By: United States. Agricultural Research Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1958]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Agricultural experiment stations  Agriculture  Bibliography  Diseases and pests  Economic aspects  Fruit  Plant diseases  Research  United States
  217. By: Regina Board of Trade.
    Publication info: Regina, The Board, 1889
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Regina (Region)  Regina Region (Sask.)  Rural conditions  Saskatchewan  
  218. By: McGogy & Martin. - McGogy & Martin. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: McMinnville, Oregon, McGogy & Martin, [1928?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Hazel  Hazelnuts  McMinnville  Nurseries (Horticulture)  Nursery stock  Oregon  Propagation  Seedlings  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  219. By: McGogy & Martin Nursery. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: McMinnville, Oregon, McGogy & Martin Nursery, [1928?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Hazel  Hazelnuts  McMinnville  Nursery stock  Oregon  Prices  Propagation  Seedlings  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  220. By: Wilcox, R. H. - Hinton, Royce A.
    Publication info: Urbana, Ill, University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, 1957
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Illinois  
  221. By: Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich, kni︠a︡zʹ,
    Edition: New, rev., and enl. ed.
    Publication info: New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1913
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Economics  Industries  Technical education  
  222. By: Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich, kni︠a︡zʹ,
    Publication info: New York, Putnam, 1907
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Economics  Industries  Technical education  
  223. By: Matthews, Alfred Herbert Henry, - Read, Clare Sewell,
    Publication info: London, P. S. King & Son, ltd, 1915
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Central chamber of agriculture (London)  Economic aspects  England  Great Britain  History  
  224. By: Haskell, Royal J. (Royal Joyslin), - United States. Department of Agriculture. - National Broadcasting Company.
    Publication info: [Place of publication not identified], [U.S. Department of Agriculture], February 8, 1933
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  National farm and home hour (Radio program)  Plant diseases  Radio scripts  United States  
  225. By: Turk, Richard H. - Richard H. Turk (Firm) - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
    Publication info: Washougal, Washington, Richard H. Turk, [1929?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Catalogs  Economic aspects  Handbooks, manuals, etc  Nurseries (Horticulture)  Nut trees  Nuts  Prices  Propagation  Seedlings  Washington (State)  Washougal  
    BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
  226. By: Fight, Roger D. - Barbour, R. James. - Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.)
    Publication info: Portland, OR, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, [2006]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Fire management  Forest fires  Forest reserves  Forest thinning  Forests and forestry  Internet resource  Prescribed burning  Prevention and control  West (U.S.)
  227. By: Parrish, Barnard D. - Norton, L. J. (Laurence Joseph),
    Publication info: Urbana, Ill, University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, 1945
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Illinois  McHenry County
  228. By: Marty, Robert Jay, - Barney, Richard J. - Forestry Sciences Laboratory (Missoula, Mont.)
    Publication info: Ogden, Utah, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1981
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Cost effectiveness  Economic aspects  Fire prevention  Forests and forestry  
  229. By: Ritter, Kurt,
    Publication info: Berlin, P. Parey, 1926
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Commercial policy  Economic aspects  Fisheries  Germany  
  230. By: Walpole, Spencer, Sir, - International Fisheries Exhibition ( London, England)
    Publication info: London, W. Clowes and Sons, 1883
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Fish trade  Fisheries  Fishes  Great Britain  Transportation  
  231. By: Jaworski, Eugene. - Raphael, C. Nicholas, - Michigan. Great Lakes Shorelands Section.
    Publication info: Twin Cities, Minn, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region III, 1978
    Holding Institution: Penn State University
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Michigan  Wetland conservation  
  232. By: Borsodi, Ralph,
    Publication info: New York, Harper & brothers, 1933
    Holding Institution: Prelinger Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Country life  Dayton  Economic aspects  Farm life  Ohio  
  233. By: Kelly, R. A. (Ross Anthony),
    Publication info: [Urbana, Ill.], University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, [1961]
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Cut flowers  Economic aspects  Plants, Ornamental  
  234. By: Martin, Heinrich
    Publication info: Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1894-99
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Valuation  
  235. By: Pearson, Frank A. (Frank Ashmore), - Pearlberg, Don,
    Publication info: New York, A.A. Knopf, 1944
    Holding Institution: Prelinger Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Food supply  United States  World War, 1939-1945  
  236. By: Stull, William.
    Publication info: New York, The Macmillan company, 1919
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Agriculture  Economic aspects  Food supply  United States  
  237. By: Western Governors' Conference.
    Publication info: S.l, s.n, 1982?
    Holding Institution: Montana State Library
    Subjects: Agriculture  Agriculture and state  Congresses  Economic aspects  West (U.S.)  
  238. By: Fellows, I. F. (Irving F.) - Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. - California Agricultural Experiment Station. - University of California (System). Division of Agricultural Sciences.
    Publication info: [Berkley, CA], The Foundation, 1963
    Holding Institution: University of California, Davis Libraries
    Subjects: California  Dairy cattle  Dairy farms  Dairying  Economic aspects  Feeding and feeds  Forage plants  Statistics  
  239. By: Hof, John G. - Baltic, Tony. - Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Fort Collins, Colo.)
    Publication info: Fort Collins, CO, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1988
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Mathematical models  Planning  Rangelands  Renewable natural resources  United States  
  240. By: United States. Forest Service. - United States. Forest Service. Northern Region.
    Publication info: [Missoula, Mont, Forest Service], Region One, 1940
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Idaho  Montana  Washington (State)  
  241. By: Schenck, Carl Alwin,
    Publication info: Asheville, N.C, The Inland Press, 1909
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Inscriptions (Provenance)  
  242. By: Macdonald Associates. - United States. Area Redevelopment Administration.
    Publication info: Washington, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Area Redevelopment Administration, 1963
    Holding Institution: Penn State University
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  
  243. By: Sentar Consultants. - Alberta. Alberta Economic Development and Tourism. - Forest Industry Suppliers Association of Alberta.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta Economic Development and Tourism, 1995
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Alberta  Economic aspects  Equipment and supplies  Forest products industry  Forests and forestry  
  244. By: Brown, Nelson Courtlandt,
    Edition: 1st ed.
    Publication info: New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1919
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest products  United States  
  245. Publication info: New York, [s.n.], 1883
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest conservation  Forests and forestry  Lumber trade  United States  
  246. By: Thomas, Margaret G. - United States. State and Private Forestry. Cooperative Forestry.
    Publication info: Washington, DC, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Cooperative Forestry, [1990?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Natural resources  Rural development  United States  
  247. By: Driver, B. L. (Beverly L.) - Peterson, George L.
    Publication info: Fort Collins, Colo, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, [1990]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest management  Forest reserves  Forests and forestry  Recreational use  
  248. By: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Resources. - United States. Congress. House. Committee on Resources. Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Lands.
    Publication info: Washington, U.S. G.P.O, 1996
    Holding Institution: Boston Public Library
    Subjects: Administrative procedure  Appellate procedure  Economic aspects  Forest reserves  Management  United States  
  249. By: O'Brien, Renee. - Conner, Roger C. - Intermountain Research Station (Ogden, Utah)
    Publication info: Ogden, UT, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, [1991]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forest surveys  Forests and forestry  Montana
  250. By: Bryan, Mackay B. - Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.) - Virginia. Division of Forestry.
    Publication info: [Asheville, N.C.], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, in cooperation with the Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Development, Division of Forestry, 1957
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Economic aspects  Forests and forestry  Statistics  Timber  Virginia  
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  1. By: Sipaúba-Tavares L. H. - Berchielli-Morais, F. A. - Scardoeli-Truzzi, Bruno
    Type: Article
    In: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
    Date: 2015-01-01
    Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
    Subjects: Biochemical composition  Economic aspects  Eichhornia crassipes  microalgae  NPK (20-5-20)  
  2. By: Sipaúba-Tavares L. H. - Berchielli-Morais, F. A. - Scardoeli-Truzzi, Bruno
    Type: Article
    In: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
    Date: 2015-11-01
    Publication Info: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
    Subjects: Biochemical composition  Economic aspects  Eichhornia crassipes  microalgae  NPK (20-5-20)