By: Alvord, William,
Publication info:
Volume: William Alvord to Engelmann, 1881
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1833-1904 Alvord, William, Botanical specimens California Correspondence Engelmann, George, Golden Gate National Recreation Area Letters Liliaceae Plants Preharvest sprouting Yucca Yucca macrocarpa
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Anderson, Charles L. (Charles Lewis),
Publication info:
Volume: Charles Anderson to Engelmann, 1871-1873
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Lewis), (Henry Nicholas), 1809-1884 1810-1888 1827-1910 1831-1897 Anderson, Charles L Bolander, Henry N Botanical specimens California Canfield, Colbert A Correspondence Engelmann, George, Gray, Asa, Identification Juncaceae Juncus Letters Liliaceae Pinaceae Pinus insignis Pinus radiata Plants United States Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Baker, John Gilbert,
Publication info:
Volume: John Baker to Engelmann, 1870-1873
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Christopher), (Heinrich Gustav), (William Wilson), 1809-1879 1809-1884 1810-1888 1821-1916 1823-1890 1824-1889 1834-1920 Adair, John Agave Asparagaceae Baker, John Gilbert, Botanical specimens Correspondence Crassulaceae Echeveria Ellacombe, Henry Nicholson, Engelmann, George, Gray, Asa, Ledebouria Letters Liliaceae Nomenclature Parry, C. C Plants Reichenbach, H. G Saunders, W. Wilson Scilla Sedum Yucca Yucca treculeana
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Barroeta, Gregorio Corbalan,
Publication info:
Volume: Barroeta to Engelmann, 1878-1882
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Christopher), 1809-1884 1823-1890 1825-1896 1829-1911 1831-1906 Agave Barroeta, Gregorio Corbalan, Botanical specimens Cactaceae Climate Correspondence Ecology Engelmann, George, Identification Letters Liliaceae Mexico Mueller, Ferdinand von, Observations Opuntia Opuntia tunicata Palmer, Edward, Parry, C. C Plants Receipts (Acknowledgments) San Luis Potosí (Mexico) Seeds Tuna cardona Tuna cuija Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden | Ferdinand von Mueller Collection
By: Bary, A. de (Anton),
Publication info:
Volume: Bary to Engelmann, 1868-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Anton), 1805-1877 1809-1884 1831-1888 Bary, A. de Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Cholera Correspondence Engelmann, George, Friends and associates Letters Liliaceae Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Beccari, Odoardo,
Publication info:
Volume: Beccari to Engelmann, 1879-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1843-1920 Agave America Beccari, Odoardo, Correspondence Engelmann, George, Letters Liliaceae Orto botanico "Giardino dei Semplici" (Florence, I Vitaceae Vitis Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Bolander, Henry N. (Henry Nicholas),
Publication info:
Volume: Bolander to Engelmann, 1863-1866
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Charles Christopher), (Hans Herman), (Henry Nicholas), (Josiah Dwight), (Michael Schuck), 1796-1871 1796-1873 1805-1877 1806-1893 1808-1892 1809-1884 1810-1888 1813-1887 1816-1877 1817-1886 1818-1904 1819-1896 1821-1886 1822-1882 1823-1890 1828-1910 1831-1897 1831-1904 1833-1895 Araceae Bebb, M. S Behr, H. H Bolander, Henry N Botanical specimens Botanists Braun, Alexander, Brewer, William Henry, Bryophyta California Callitrichaceae Canby, William Marriott, Candolle, Alphonse de, Canfield, Colbert A Catalogs Chara Characeae Coniferae Correspondence Cupressaceae Cyperaceae Description and travel East (U.S.) Engelmann, George, Europe Gottsche, Karl Moritz, Gramineae Gray, Asa, Guatemala Hall, Elihu, Hillebrand, William, Isoetaceae Juncaceae Kellogg, A Lenormand, Sébastien René, Letters Liliaceae Maps Marsileaceae Nymphaeaceae Parlatore, Filippo, Parry, C. C Pinaceae Plants Ranunculaceae Selaginellaceae Torrey, John, Tuckerman, Edward, Umbelliferae Whitney, J. D Yosemite Valley Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Bolle, Carl,
Publication info:
Volume: Bolle to Engelmann, 1858-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1805-1877 1809-1884 1821-1890 1821-1909 1841-1927 Bolle, Carl August, Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Correspondence Engelmann, George, Gramineae Homeyer, Alexander von Identification Letters Liliaceae Picea Pinaceae Pinus Plants Sargent, Charles Sprague, Serbia Thurber, George, Ulmaceae Ulmus Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Bornet, Ed. (Edouard),
Publication info:
Volume: Bornet to Engelmann, 1875-1876
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1807-1882 1809-1884 1810-1888 1817-1875 1828-1911 Agave Antibes Bornet, Édouard, Botanical specimens Cactaceae Collection and preservation Correspondence Cupressaceae Cupressus Decaisne, Joseph, Engelmann, George, France Gray, Asa, Letters Liliaceae Nice Opuntia Planting Thuret, Gustave, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Brewer, William Henry,
Publication info:
Volume: Brewer to Engelmann, 1863-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Albert), (Charles Christopher), (Charles Lewis), (Henry Nicholas), (Josiah Dwight), 1805-1886 1809-1884 1810-1888 1813-1887 1819-1896 1821-1886 1821-1890 1823-1890 1827-1910 1828-1910 1831-1897 1834-1895 Abies Agave Anderson, Charles L Bolander, Henry N Boott, William, Botanical specimens Brewer, William Henry, Cactaceae California Callitrichaceae Callitriche Coniferae Convolvulaceae Correspondence Cupressaceae Cupressus macrocarpa Cuscuta Eaton, Daniel Cady, Engelmann, George, Ephedra Ephedraceae Fagaceae Fungi Gabb, William M Geological Survey of California Gray, Asa, Growth (Plants) Hillebrand, William, Isoetaceae Isoetes Juncaceae Juncus Juniperus Kellogg, A Letters Liliaceae Loranthaceae Nuphar Nymphaeaceae Oenothera Onagraceae Parry, C. C Picea Pinus Plant ecology Quercus Receipts (Acknowledgments) Sequoia (Genus) Thurber, George, Utilization Vitaceae Vitis Whitney, J. D Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Buchenau, Franz,
Publication info:
Volume: Buchenau to Engelmann, 1865-1881
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (August), 1796-1873 1805-1877 1809-1884 1810-1885 1810-1888 1819-1904 1831-1906 1834-1913 1834-1922 1839-1887 Alismaceae Alismataceae Amaranthaceae Ascherson, Paul, Boissier, Edmond, Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Buchenau, Franz, Butomaceae Collection and preservation Convovulaceae Correspondence Echinodrus Eichler, August Wilhelm, Engelmann, George, Flora der Ostfriesischen Inseln Flora von Bremen Focke, Wilhelm Olbers, Garcke, Aug Gray, Asa, Isoetaceae Isoetes Juncaceae Juncus Letters Liliaceae Luzula Najadaceae Pinaceae Pinus Rosaceae Rubus Sagittaria Salicornia Seeds Smithsonian Institution Torrey, John, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Butler, G. D. (George Dexter),
Publication info:
Volume: Butler to Engelmann, 1873-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Christopher), (Ferdinand Vandeveer), (George Dexter), 1805-1886 1809-1884 1823-1890 1829-1887 1841-1927 1843-1915 1850-1910 Aesculus Alismataceae Amaryllidaceae Amianthium Amorpha Anacardiaceae Arenaria Astragalus Baptisia Boott, William, Boraginaceae Botanical specimens Butler, G. D California Callitrichaceae Callitriche Caryphyllaceae Catalogs and collections Cercis Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium Collection and preservation Commelina Commelinaceae Compositae Coreopsis Correspondence Corydalis Crassulaceae Crataegus Engelmann, George, Gramineae Greene, Edward Lee, Hayden, F. V Hippocastanaceae Hymenopappus Iowa Iridaceae Isoetaceae Isoetes Junaceae Labiatae Lathyrus Leguminosae Letters Liliaceae Luzula Melanthiaceae Mirabilis Monarda Myosotis Nelumbonaceae Nemastylis Nyctaginaceae Parry, C. C Penstemon Physalis Plantaginaceae Plantago heterophylla Populus Prunus Rhus Rosaceae Sagittaria Salicaceae Salix Sargent, Charles Sprague, Scrophulariaceae Sedum Setaria Solanaceae Southwestern States Taxaceae Taxu
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Canfield, Colbert A.,
Publication info:
Volume: Canfield to Engelmann, 1866-1871
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1828-1872 Alisma Alismataceae Botanical specimens Canfield, Colbert A., Collection and preservation Coniferae Convovulaceae Correspondence Cuscuta Engelmann, George, Isoetaceae Isoetes Juncaceae Letters Liliaceae Nuphar Nymphaeaceae Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Chapman, A. W. (Alvan Wentworth),
Publication info:
Volume: Chapman to Engelmann, 1843-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Alvan Wentworth), 1809-1884 1809-1899 Acanthaceae Adiantaceae Agavaceae Agave Asparagaceae Botanical specimens Buxaceae Callitrichaceae Callitriche Chapman, A. W Classification Collection and preservation Correspondence Cyperaceae Engelmann, George, Eriocaulon Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Flora of the southern United States Isoetaceae Isoetes Isopyrum Juncaceae Juncus Justicia Leitneria Leitneriaceae Lemna Lemnaceae Letters Liliaceae Nolina Nuphar Nymphaea Nymphaeaceae Pachysandra Pinaceae Pinus Potamogetonaceae Pteris Quercus Ranunculaceae Vitaceae Vitis Xyridaceae Xyris Yucca Zostera
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Curtis, M. A. (Moses Ashley),
Publication info:
Volume: Curtis to Engelmann, 1840-1848
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Alvan Wentworth), (Moses Ashley), (Robert Wilson), 1770-1855 1779-1864 1785-1865 1794-1863 1796-1870 1796-1871 1802-1865 1805-1877 1807-1882 1808-1872 1809-1849 1809-1866 1809-1884 1809-1899 1810-1885 1810-1888 1811-1885 1813-1883 1814-1887 Alisma Alismataceae Aristolochia Aristolochiaceae Aster Boissier, Edmond, Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Cactaceae Chapman, A. W Chara Characeae Classification Collection and preservation Compositae Convovulaceae Corda, August Karl Joseph, Correspondence Curtis, M. A Cuscuta Decaisne, Joseph, Diseases and pests Engelmann, George, Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Fendler, Augustus, Fungi Gibbes, Robert W Gray, Asa, Hooker, William Jackson, Identification Lenormand, Sébastien René, Letters Léveillé, Joseph Henri, Liliaceae Medill, William, Michaux, François André, Opuntia Pinaceae Pinus Plantaginaceae Plantago Podostemaceae Psilotaceae Psilotum Ravenel, Henry William, Rosaceae Sagittaria Short, Charles Wilkins, Silliman, Benjamin, Sir, Solidago Urtica Urticaceae Vitacea
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Curtiss, Allen Hiram,
Publication info:
Volume: Curtiss to Engelmann, 1872-1882
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Alvan Wentworth), (Charles Christopher), (Coe Finch), (Garland Carr), (George Dexter), (Thomas Conrad), 1802-1879 1806-1889 1809-1884 1809-1899 1810-1888 1822-1901 1823-1890 1825-1903 1826-1892 1827-1912 1831-1880 1831-1904 1834-1895 1845-1907 1850-1910 Adiantaceae Agavaceae Agave Alismataceae Anemone Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Asparagaceae Austin, C. F Boltonia Boraginaceae Botanical specimens Broadhead, Garland C Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club Butler, G. D Canby, William Marriott, Catalogs Chapman, A. W Cheilanthes Chrysobalanaceae Chrysobalanus Commelina Commelinaceae Compositae Correspondence Cruciferae Curtiss, Allen Hiram, Eaton, Daniel Cady, Engelmann, George, Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Galium Gattinger, Augustin, Gramineae Gray, Asa, Heliotropium Juncaceae Juncus Lemna Lemnaceae Lesquereux, Leo, Letters Liliaceae Lindheimer, Ferdinand, Malvaceae Malvastrum Monanthochloe Parry, C. C Phlox Pinaceae Pinus Plants Polemoniaceae Porter, Thomas C Pteridophyta Pteris Quercus Ranunculaceae Rubiacea
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Decaisne, Joseph,
Publication info:
Volume: Decaisne to Engelmann, 1841-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1794-1873 1796-1870 1796-1871 1805-1877 1807-1882 1809-1884 1841-1927 Agave Braun, Alexander, Cactaceae California Climate Convovulaceae Correspondence Cryptogamae Cuscuta Decaisne, Joseph, Durand, Elias, Effect of freezes on Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Gramineae Lenormand, Sébastien René, Letters Léveillé, Joseph Henri, Liliaceae Paris (France) Plants Plants, Fossil Quercus Rocky Mountains Sargent, Charles Sprague, Seeds Vitaceae Vitis Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Dyer, T. F. Thiselton (Thomas Firminger Thiselton),
Publication info:
Volume: Dyer to Engelmann, 1876
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Thomas Firminger Thiselton), 1809-1884 1848- Catalogs and collections Correspondence Dyer, T. F. Thiselton Engelmann, George, Letters Liliaceae Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Ellacombe, Henry Nicholson, - Fürnrohr, August Emanuel,
Publication info:
Volume: Ellacombe to Engelmann, 1876
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1804-1861 1808-1852 1809-1884 1821-1916 1834-1920 Agave Baker, John Gilbert, Botanical specimens Catalogs and collections Correspondence Ellacombe, Henry Nicholson, Engelmann, George, Fürnrohr, August Emanuel Letters Liliaceae Receipts (Acknowledgments) Riehl, Nicholas, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Fendler, Augustus,
Publication info:
Volume: Fendler to Engelmann, 1846-1871
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1797-1878 1803-1873 1805-1877 1809-1884 1810-1888 1813-1883 1817-1886 1818-1887 1826-1901 1842-1923 Adventure travel Albertus-Universität zu Königsberg i. Pr Arkansas Army Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Cactaceae Caracas (Venezuela) Caspary, Robert, Cereus peruvianus Collection and preservation Colonia Tovar (Aragua, Venezuela) Compositae Correspondence Description and travel Economic aspects Engelmann, George, Equipment and supplies Europe Fagaceae Fendler, Augustus, Finance, Personal Gray, Asa, Growth Helianthus Henry, Joseph, Letters Liliaceae Matches Meehan, Thomas, Meteorology Observations Oenothera Onagraceae Philadelphia (Pa.) Plants Pollination Prestoe, Henry, Quercus Social life and customs Sullivant, William Starling, Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago Tuckerman, Edward, United States Venezuela Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Fenzl, Eduard,
Publication info:
Volume: Fenzl to Engelmann, 1846-1872
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Georg), (George Julius), 1808-1879 1809-1884 1823-1866 1836-1927 1837-1917 1847-1903 Cactaceae Cereus giganteus Convovulaceae Correspondence Cuscuta Engelmann, George J Engelmann, George, Fenzl, Eduard, Letters Liliaceae Mettenius, G Receipts (Acknowledgments) Seeds Tschermak, Gustav, Tschermak, Hermine Vienna (Austria) Weiss, Adelinda Weiss, Edmund, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Geyler, Hermann Theodor
Publication info:
Volume: Geyler to Engelmann, 1873-1876
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1831-1901 1835-1889 Agave Cactus Correspondence Cramer, Karl Eduard, Engelmann, George, Geyler, Hermann Theodor Letters Liliaceae Paleobotany Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Girard, J. B. (Joseph Basil),
Publication info:
Volume: Girard to Engelmann, 1873-1874
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Joseph Basil), 1809-1884 1843-1918 1846-1918 Agave Arceuthobium Botanical specimens Collection and preservation Correspondence Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Gilbert, Grove Karl, Girard, J. B Juniperus Letters Liliaceae Loranthaceae Pinaceae Pinus Quercus Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Greene, Edward Lee,
Publication info:
Volume: Greene to Engelmann, 1870-1876
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Christopher), (Cyrus Guernsey), (Eugene Woldemar), (Stephen Thayer), 1809-1884 1810-1888 1812-1878 1822-1882 1823-1890 1826-1892 1833-1916 1838-1911 1841-1927 1843-1915 1843-1925 Abies Agave Alismataceae Alnus Amaranthaceae Amaranthus Anemone Apache Tribe of Oklahoma Betulaceae Botanical specimens Brandegee, Townshend Stith, Cactaceae Callitrichaceae Callitriche Carex Collection and preservation Commelinaceae Convovulaceae Correspondence Cucurbitaceae Cupressaceae Cupressus Cuscuta Cyperaceae Echinocactus Engelmann, George, Ericaceae Eriogonum Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Galium Gentiana Gentianaceae Gray, Asa, Greene, Edward Lee, Grossulariaceae Hall, Elihu, Hilgard, Eugene W Identification Juncaceae Juncus Letters Liliaceae Linaceae Linum Lythraceae Lythrum Mamillaria Olney, Stephen T Opuntia Parry, C. C Penstemon Phoradendron Pinaceae Pinus Polemoniaceae Polemonium Polygonaceae Pringle, Cyrus G Quercus Ranunculaceae Ribes Rubiaceae Sagittaria Santalaceae Sargent, Charles Sprague, Scirpus Scrop
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Haage & Schmidt.
Publication info:
Volume: Haage & Schmidt to Engelmann, 1865-1881
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 Agave America Cactaceae Chamaerops Correspondence Engelmann, George, Growth (Plants) Haage & Schmidt Leguminosae Letters Liliaceae Linaceae Linum Palmae Pinaceae Pinus Plants Receipts (Acknowledgments) Robinia Sarracenia Sarraceniaceae Vitaceae Vitis Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Hays, W. W. (William Williams),
Publication info:
Volume: Hays to Engelmann, 1873-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Lewis), (William Williams), 1809-1884 1827-1910 Anderson, Charles L Botanical specimens ca. 1838-1901 Cactaceae Cedrus Correspondence Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Hays, W. W Letters Liliaceae Pinaceae Quercus Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Hooker, Joseph Dalton,
Publication info:
Volume: Hooker to Engelmann, 1867-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Christopher), (Henry Nicholas), (William Marbury), 1785-1865 1796-1873 1800-1884 1809-1884 1810-1888 1811-1848 1817-1911 1823-1890 1830-1916 1831-1897 1834-1920 1836-1909 1843-1925 Abies Agave Baker, John Gilbert, Bentham, George, Bolander, Henry N Booth, John Cornelius, Brandegee, Townshend Stith, Cactaceae California Carpenter, W. M Cereus Colorado Coniferae Correspondence Engelmann, George, Gray, Asa, Hooker, Joseph Dalton, Hooker, William Jackson, Juniperus Letters Liliaceae Oliver, Daniel, Parry, C. C Pinaceae Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Sir, Torrey, John, Vitaceae Vitis Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden | Joseph Dalton Hooker Collection
By: Van Houtte, Louis,
Publication info:
Volume: Houtte to Engelmann, 1867-1868
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1810-1876 Cactaceae Correspondence Engelmann, George, Houtte, Louis van, Identification Letters Liliaceae Opuntia rafinesquei Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Hunter, C. L.
Publication info:
Volume: Hunter to Engelmann, 1871-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Moses Ashley), 1808-1872 1809-1884 Chara Characeae Correspondence Curtis, M. A Ecology Engelmann, George, Hunter, C. L Letters Liliaceae Magnolia Magnoliaceae Planting Seeds Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Jacobi, Georg Albano von
Publication info:
Volume: Jacobi to Engelmann, 1855-1871
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1773-1861 1805-1874 1809-1884 1825-1871 1828-1898 19th century Agave Botanical specimens Cactaceae Civil War, 1861-1865 Cohn, Ferdinand, Collectors and collecting Correspondence Engelmann, George, Germany Graf zu, History Hybridization Identification Illustrations Jacobi, Georg Albano von Labouret, J Letters Liliaceae Politics and government Prussia (Germany) Salm-Reifferscheidt, Joseph, Seeds Seemann, Berthold, Social conditions United States Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Johnson, Joseph Ellis,
Publication info:
Volume: Johnson to Engelmann, 1870-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1817-1882 1829-1911 Cactaceae Correspondence Ecology Engelmann, George, Fruit Johnson, Joseph Ellis, Letters Liliaceae Palmer, Edward, Utah Vitis Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Jones, Marcus E. (Marcus Eugene),
Publication info:
Volume: Jones to Engelmann, 1877-1882
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Christopher), (Cyrus Guernsey), (James Watson) (Marcus Eugene), (Thomas Conrad), 1801-1879 1809-1884 1822-1893 1822-1901 1823-1890 1838-1911 1852-1934 Abies Cactaceae Cereus Classification Colorado Coniferae Correspondence Cupressaceae Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Gentiana Gentianaceae Gramineae Heuchera Iowa Jones, Marcus E Letters Liliaceae Opuntia Parry, C. C Pinaceae Plants Porter, Thomas C Pringle, Cyrus G Pseudotsuga Quercus Robbins, J. W Rosa Rosaceae Saxifregaceae Vasey, George, Vitaceae Vitis Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Leggett, William Henry,
Publication info:
Volume: Leggett to Engelmann, 1870-1878
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Horton), (Coe Finch), (Heinrich Karl Daniel), 1770-1855 1794-1863 1796-1873 1806-1893 1807-1882 1809-1884 1810-1881 1810-1888 1811-1885 1814-1887 1816-1882 1820-1863 1821-1890 1822-1893 1825-1900 1831-1880 1832-1904 1833-1906 1833-1917 1837-1902 1841-1904 1881-1889 Abies Agave Allen, Timothy Field, Araceae Asperula Austin, C. F Authorship Cactaceae Candolle, Alphonse de, Cistaceae Compositae Convovulaceae Correspondence Cuscuta Decaisne, Joseph, Eggert, Henry Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Flanner, Henry Beeson, Galium Gray, Asa, Hegelmaier, Christoph Friedrich, Hoopes, Josiah, Identification Isoetaceae Isoetes Juniperus Lechea Leggett, William Henry, Lemna Lemnaceae LeRoy, Peter Vincent, Letters Liliaceae Marsilea Marsileaceae Michaux, François André, Millington, Lucy Bishop, Opuntia Peck, Charles H Peltandra Periodicals Pinaceae Plants Quercus Ravenel, Henry William, Rubiaceae Short, Charles Wilkins, Solidago Thurber, George, Torrey, John, Vasey, George, Wood, Alphonso, Wright, Charles, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Lindheimer, Ferdinand,
Publication info:
Volume: Lindheimer to Engelmann
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1775-1851 1776-1842 1802-1879 1807-1837 1807-1867 1809-1884 1818-1899 Botanical specimens Catalogs and collections Convovulaceae Correspondence Cuscuta Derby, Edward Smith Stanley, Drummond, Thomas, Earl of, Eaton, Amos, Engelking, Ferdinand Engelmann, George, Kolligs, Gustav Letters Liliaceae Lindheimer, Ferdinand, Müller, Karl, Riddell, John Leonard, Texan Santa Fé Expedition, 1841 Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Mellichamp, Joseph Hinson,
Publication info:
Volume: Mellichamp to Engelmann, 1872
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Joseph Hinson), 1809-1884 1829-1903 Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Bignoniaceae Botanical illustration Botanical specimens Cactaceae Catalpa Compositae Correspondence Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Hibiscus Iva Letters Liliaceae Malvaceae Mellichamp, J. H Pinaceae Pinus Psilotaceae Psilotum Quercus Vitaceae Vitis Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Meusebach, John O.,
Publication info:
Volume: Meusebach to Engelmann, 1878-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (William Hemsley), 1802-1879 1808-1864 1809-1884 1811-1887 1812-1897 1822-1898 1826-1892 -1851 Agave Berlandier, Jean Louis, Bignoniaceae Boundaries Bush, Isidor, Cactaceae Catalpa Cereus Comanche Indians Correspondence Dasylirion Discovery and exploration Emory, William H Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Leguminosae Letters Liliaceae Lindheimer, Ferdinand, Lipan Indians Meusebach, John O., Mexico Mimosa Opuntia Quercus Scheele, Adolf, Sophora United States Vitaceae Viticulture Vitis Watson, Sereno, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Mohr, Charles (Charles Theodore),
Publication info:
Volume: Mohr to Engelmann, 1878-1882
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Alvan Wentworth), (Charles Theodore), (George Clark) 1809-1884 1809-1899 1824-1901 1841-1927 1848-1924 1856-1937 Anacardiaceae Cassino, Samuel Edson, Chapman, A. W Correspondence Croton alabamensis Darbya Engelmann, George, Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Letters Liliaceae Mohr, Charles Pinaceae Pinus Quercus Quercus durandii Rhus Santalaceae Sargent, Charles Sprague, Woolson, Geo. C Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Norway, Wm. H. (William Henry),
Publication info:
Volume: Norway to Engelmann, 1878
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (William Henry), 1809-1884 1834-1900 Botanical specimens Cactaceae Correspondence Engelmann, George, Letters Liliaceae Norway, Wm. H Pinaceae Pinus Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Parish, S. B. (Samuel Bonsall),
Publication info:
Volume: Parish to Engelmann, 1880-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Christopher), (Cyrus Guernsey), (Samuel Bonsall), 1809-1884 1822-1893 1823-1890 1826-1892 1826-1901 1838-1911 1838-1928 1841-1927 1843-1915 Agave Botanical specimens Cactaceae Cereus Collection and preservation Correspondence Dicentra Engelmann, George, Ephedra Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Fumariaceae Gnetaceae Greene, Edward Lee, Juncaceae Juncus Letters Liliaceae Loasaceae Mamillaria Meehan, Thomas, Mentzelia Opuntia Papaveraceae Parish Brothers (Nursery) Parish, S. B Parry, C. C Pinaceae Pinus Plant ecology Pringle, Cyrus G Quercus Sargent, Charles Sprague, Vasey, George, Watson, Sereno, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Parker, J. C. (Joseph Chamberland)
Publication info:
Volume: Parker (Joseph) to Engelmann, 1876
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Joseph Chamberland) 1809-1884 1834-1910 Academy of Science of St. Louis Agave Correspondence Engelmann, George, Letters Liliaceae Parker, J. C Photographs Plants Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Ravenel, Henry William,
Publication info:
Volume: Ravenel to Engelmann, 1866-1870
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Alvan Wentworth), (Charles Edwin), (John Lawrence), (Moses Ashley), (Willaim St. Julian), 1770-1855 1796-1873 1805-1877 1808-1872 1809-1884 1809-1899 1810-1888 1814-1887 1817-1886 1825-1883 1826-1901 1827-1901 1837-1902 1845-1915 1865-1877 Alismataceae Allen, Timothy Field, Azolla Azollaceae Baptisia Bessey, Charles E Braun, Alexander, Chapman, A. W Collectors and collecting Correspondence Curtis, M. A Economic conditions Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Fossils Fungi Gray, Asa, Isoetaceae Isoetes Juncaceae Juncus LeConte, John L Leguminosae Lemna Lemnaceae Letters Liliaceae Lycopodiaceae Lycopodium Mazyck, W. St. J Meehan, Thomas, Michaux, François André, Minerals Nuphar Nymphaeaceae Pinaceae Pinus Plants poverty Quercus Ravenel, Henry William, Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) Sagittaria Social conditions Southern States Torrey, John, Tuckerman, Edward, Vitaceae Vitis Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Reverchon, Julien,
Publication info:
Volume: Reverchon to Engelmann, 1878-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (George Washington), (Julien), 1809-1884 1810-1888 1826-1892 1836-1905 1840-1913 Botanical specimens Carya Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium Convovulaceae Correspondence Cuscuta Engelmann, George, Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Gray, Asa, Identification Juglandaceae Juglans Juniperus Letterman, George W Letters Liliaceae Pinaceae Quercus Reverchon, J Umbelliferae Vitaceae Vitis Watson, Sereno, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Reynolds, Mary C.
Publication info:
Volume: Reynolds, (Mary) to Engelmann, 1873
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Mary Louisa Duncan), 1809-1884 1816-1882 1823-1903 1852-1936 Botanical specimens Collection and preservation Correspondence Engelmann, George, Leggett, William Henry, Letters Liliaceae Putnam, M. L. D Reynolds, Mary C Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Riley, Charles V. (Charles Valentine),
Publication info:
Volume: Riley to Engelmann, 1878-1881
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Valentine), 1809-1884 1843-1895 Agave Botanical illustration Correspondence Engelmann, George, flowering Letters Liliaceae Riley, Charles V Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Sachs, Julius,
Publication info:
Volume: Sachs to Engelmann, 1877-1879
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1832-1897 comparative method Correspondence Cytology Engelmann, George, Letters Liliaceae Notes on Agave Plant cells and tissues Plants Sachs, Julius, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Sargent, Charles Sprague,
Publication info:
Volume: Sargent to Engelmann, 1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Alvan Wentworth), (Charles Christopher), (Cyrus Guernsey), (George Brown), (George Washington), (Heinrich Karl Daniel), (John Gill), (Marcus Eugene), (Maxwell Tylden), (Samuel Botsford), (Thomas Conrad), 1809-1884 1809-1899 1817-1911 1818-1887 1819-1906 1821-1909 1822-1893 1822-1901 1823-1890 1826-1892 1831-1904 1832-1908 1833-1907 1837-1923 1838-1911 1840-1913 1841-1904 1841-1927 1843-1915 1843-1925 1845-1907 1851-1896 1852-1934 1880 Abies Agave Alismataceae Bignoniaceae Bolle, Carl August, Botanical illustration Botanical specimens Brandegee, Townshend Stith, Buckley, S. B California Canby, William Marriott, Carya Caspary, Robert, Catalpa Census, 1880 Chapman, A. W Correspondence Crataegus Cupressaceae Cupressus Curtiss, Allen Hiram, Description and travel Eggert, Henry Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Goode, G. Brown Greene, Edward Lee, Hooker, Joseph Dalton, Isoetaceae Isoetes Jones, Marcus E Juglandaceae Juniperus Lemmon, J. G Letterman, George W Letters Liliaceae Masters, Maxwell T Morphology Parry, C. C Pa
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Shaw, Henry,
Publication info:
Volume: Shaw to Engelmann, 1856-1879
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Adolphus), (Charles Christopher), (Frederick Adolph), 1785-1865 1800-1889 1804-1878 1805-1877 1807-1873 1808-1852 1809-1884 1810-1888 1810-1889 1822-1892 1823-1890 1843-1899 Acer Aceraceae Agassiz, Louis, Appropriations and expenditures Asparagaceae Botanical gardens Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Correspondence Curatorship Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Gray, Asa, Haage & Schmidt Hooker, William Jackson, Letters Missouri Botanical Garden Parry, C. C Pope, John, Quercus Reuss, A Riehl, Nicholas, Saint Louis (Mo.) Shaw, Henry, Sir, Vilmorin, Henry Lévêque de, Wislizenus, F. A Yucca
BHL Collections:
By: Siler, A. L. (Andrew Lafayette),
Publication info:
Volume: Siler to Engelmann, 1874-1883
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Andrew Lafayette), (Charles Christopher), 1809-1884 1823-1890 1824-1898 1826-1901 Abies Agave Botanical specimens Cactaceae Cereus Correspondence Diseases Echinocactus Engelmann, George, Foot Haage & Schmidt Identification Juniperus Letters Liliaceae Mammillaria (Cactus) Meehan, Thomas, Opuntia Parry, C. C Pinaceae Pinus Siler, A. L Treatment Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Stevens, H. H. (Henry Hale),
Publication info:
Volume: Stevens, (Henry) to Engelmann, 1878
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Christopher), (Henry Hale), 1809-1884 1818-1901 1823-1890 Agave Cactaceae Correspondence Engelmann, George, Florida Letters Liliaceae Palmae Parry, C. C Saint Augustine Stevens, H. H Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Thuret, Gustave,
Publication info:
Volume: Thuret to Engelmann, 1873
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1817-1875 Correspondence Engelmann, George, Letters Liliaceae Pollination Seeds Thuret, Gustave, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Tischler, Otto
Publication info:
Volume: Tischler to Engelmann, 1875
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1843-1891 Correspondence Engelmann, George, Letters Liliaceae Seeds Tischler, Otto Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Tittmann, O. H. (Otto Hilgard),
Publication info:
Volume: Tittmann to Engelmann, 1876
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Eugene Woldemar), (Otto Hilgard), 1809-1884 1833-1916 1850-1938 Correspondence Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Hilgard, Eugene W Kelps Letters Liliaceae Malva Malvaceae Quercus Receipts (Acknowledgments) Report writing Tittmann, O. H Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Todaro, Agostino,
Publication info:
Volume: Todaro to Engelmann, 1876-1877
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1809-1884 1818-1892 Agave Aloe Cactaceae Correspondence Engelmann, George, Letters Liliaceae Orto botanico di Palermo Todaro, Agostino, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Verschaffelt, Jean N. (Jean Nuytens)
Publication info:
Volume: Verschaffelt to Engelmann, 1879
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Jean Nuytens) 1809-1884 1811-1884 Agave Cactaceae Correspondence Engelmann, George, Letters Liliaceae Verschaffelt, Jean N Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Watson, Sereno,
Publication info:
Volume: Watson, (Sereno) to Engelmann, 1869-1873
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: Abies Agassiz, Louis, Agave Allium Andersson, N. J Arceuthobium Ascherson, Paul, Bebb, M. S Berlandier, Jean Louis, Bigelow, John M Bolander, Henry N Brewer, William Henry, Brown, Benjamin Boyer, Bruhin, Thomas A Buckley, S. B Cactaceae Carey, John Caryphyllaceae Cereus Chapman, A. W Chara Characeae Cinquefoils Cleveland, D Convolvulaceae Correspondence Crépin, François, Cupressaceae Cupressus Cuscuta Douglas, Robert, Eaton, Daniel Cady, Eichler, August Wilhelm, Engelmann, George, Ephedra Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Gnetaceae Goodale, George L Gray, Asa, Green, James, Grisebach, A Havard, Valery, Isoetaceae Isoetes Juncaceae Juncus Juniperus Kellogg, A King, H Lemna Lemnaceae Letters Liliaceae Lindheimer, Ferdinand, Loranthaceae Najadaceae Newberry, J. S Oenothera Olney, Stephen T Onagraceae Opuntia Palmer, Edward, Parlatore, Filippo, Pinaceae Pinus Populus Potentilla Prunus Quercus Ranunculaceae Ranunculus Rosa Rosaceae Rothrock, Joseph T., Salicaceae Sargent, Charles Sprague, Silene Torrey, John, Tsu
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Weber, Frédéric-Albert-Constantin
Publication info:
Volume: from Weber, (Frédéric), untranslated/undated
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Botanist) (Charles Christopher), (Frédéric Albert Constantin), (Frederick A.), (Frederick Adolph), (Georg), (Heinrich), 1773-1861 1786-1864 1796-1866 1803-1888 1805-1874 1805-1877 1806-1850 1806-1893 1807-1873 1807-1879 1807-1882 1809-1884 1810-1889 1818-1883 1818-1892 1823-1866 1823-1890 1829-1911 1830-1903 1834-1884 1834-1920 1836- 1867-1910 -1876 Agassiz, Louis, Agave Baker, John Gilbert, Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Buchinger, Jean Daniel Cactaceae Candolle, Alphonse de, Correspondence Decaisne, Joseph, Engelmann, George, Fournier, Eugène, Gabb, William M Gay, Jacques Etienne, Graf zu, Gregg, Josiah, Haage, Friedrich Adolph Identification Jacobi, Georg Albano von Leguminosae Letters Liliaceae Mettenius, G Mexico Miller, F. A Palmer, Edward, Parry, C. C Pfersdorff, Charles, Plants Politics and government Poselger, H Salm-Reifferscheidt, Joseph, Sauvalle, Francisco Adolfo, Seeds Seitz, Franz Todaro, Agostino, Weber, F. A. C Wislizenus, F. A Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Woolson, Geo. C. (George Clark),
Publication info:
Volume: Woolson to Engelmann, 1878-1879
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (George Clark), 1809-1884 1848-1924 Correspondence Engelmann, George, Letters Liliaceae Woolson, Geo. C Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Wright, Charles,
Publication info:
Volume: Wright, (Charles) to Engelmann, 1851-1880
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (1852-1854) (Frederick Adolph), (James Duncan), (John Milton), (William Hemsley), 1796-1873 1799-1865 1802-1879 1803-1873 1804-1878 1809-1884 1810-1888 1810-1889 1811-1885 1811-1887 1813-1883 1817-1886 1840-1918 Agave Bering Strait Bigelow, John M Botanical specimens Boundaries Cactaceae Callitrichaceae Callitriche Cereus Collectors and collecting Commission on Boundary between the Indian Territor Coniferae Correspondence Cruciferae Cuba Description and travel Echinocactus Emory, William H Engelmann, George, Euphorbiaceae Fendler, Augustus, Graham, J. D Gramineae Gray, Asa, Lemna Lemnaceae Letters Liliaceae Lindheimer, Ferdinand, Mammillaria (Cactus) Melocactus Mexico Northwest, Pacific Nymphaea Nymphaeaceae Onagraceae Opuntia Pereskia Political and social views Scientific Expeditions Sullivant, William Starling, Thomas, Friedrich August Wilhelm, Torrey, John, Tuckerman, Edward, United States United States Naval Expedition to Japan University of Cambridge Wislizenus, F. A Wolffia Wright, Charles, Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Young, M. J. (Maude Jeannie),
Publication info:
Volume: Young to Engelmann, 18??
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Maude Jeannie), (Samuel Botsford), 1809-1884 1826-1882 1826-1892 Botanists Buckley, S. B Correspondence Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Letters Liliaceae Quercus Texas Watson, Sereno, Young, M. J Yucca
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Cardiff, Steven W. - LaPré, Lawrence F. - Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Museum of Zoology. - United States. Bureau of Land Management. Desert Planning Staff. - United States. Bureau of Land Management. Desert Planning Staff. - University of California, Riverside. Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences.
Publication info: [S.l, s.n.], 1980
Holding Institution: Bureau of Land Management
Subjects: Bird populations California Yucca
BHL Collections:
By: Engelmann, George,
Publication info:
Volume: Box 17: Folder 2: Yucca (Agavaceae): 1873-1882
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Valentine), (Joseph Hinson), 1802-1879 1809-1884 1814-1875 1826-1892 1826-1901 1829-1903 1831-1906 1843-1895 Agavaceae Asparagaceae Barroeta, Gregorio Corbalan, Botanical illustration Correspondence Engelmann, George, Lindheimer, Ferdinand, Meehan, Thomas, Mellichamp, J. H North America Plant collecting Plants Riley, Charles V Schott, Arthur, Watson, Sereno, Yucca
BHL Collections: BHL Field Notes Project
By: Engelmann, George,
Publication info:
Volume: Box 17: Folder 27: Yucca (Agavaceae): 1870-1876
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Charles Christopher), (Joseph Hinson), 1809-1884 1814-1875 1823-1890 1828-1910 1829-1903 Agavaceae Asparagaceae Botanical illustration Brewer, William Henry, Engelmann, George, Mellichamp, J. H North America Parry, C. C Plant collecting Plants Schott, Arthur, Yucca
BHL Collections: BHL Field Notes Project
By: Bolander, Henry N. (Henry Nicholas),
Publication info:
Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
Subjects: Abies grandis Algae Bloomer, Hiram G., 1821-1874 Bolander, Henry N. (Henry Nicholas), 1831-1897 Botanical specimens California Calocedrus decurrens Carex Chrysolepis chrysophylla Cooper, J. G. (James Graham), 1830-1902 Correspondence Darlingtonia californica Dicentra Engelmann, George, 1809-1884 Ericaceae Gramineae Gray, Asa, 1810-1888 Hydrophyllum Kellogg, A. (Albert), 1813-1887 Lichenes Liliaceae Musci Parry, C. C. (Charles Christopher), 1823-1890 Pinus muricata Pinus radiata Plant collecting Plants Polemoniaceae Pseudotsuga menziesii Quercus agrifolia Quercus x morehus Torrey, John, 1796-1873 Torreya californica Whitney, J. D. (Josiah Dwight), 1819-1896 Yosemite Valley (Calif.) Yucca
BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By: Sartwell, Henry Parker,
Publication info:
Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
Subjects: Abelmoschus manihot Agardh, C. A. (Carl Adolf), 1785-1859 Aiken, William E.A. (William Edward Augustin), 180 Aplectrum Aster Baptisia Barratt, Joseph, 1796-1882 Beck, Lewis C. (Lewis Caleb), 1798-1853 Bidens connata Bigelow, Jacob, 1786-1879 Bigelow, John M. (John Milton), 1804-1878 Botanical specimens Buckley, S. B. (Samuel Botsford), 1809-1884 Carex Carex digitalis Carex hitchcockiana Carex oligocarpa Carex vulpinoidea Carey, John, 1797-1880 Chapman, A. W. (Alvan Wentworth), 1809-1899 Chenopodium Compositae Coreopsis tripteris Correspondence Cyperaceae Dalea Delessert, Benjamin, baron, 1773-1847 Dewey, Chester, 1784-1867 Eaton, Amos, 1776-1842 Fagus Frémont, John Charles, 1813-1890 Geranium dissectum Glottidium Gnaphalium Gray, Asa, 1810-1888 Helianthus Hibiscus Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, 1785-1865 Hydrocharis Knieskern, Peter D., 1798-1871 Lathyrus Liatris Lindley, John, 1799-1865 Magnolia acuminata Malva Nelumbo Pinguicula Polygala ambigua Primula Primula mistassinica Sagittaria sagittifolia Salix Sar
BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By: Bigelow, John M.
Publication info:
Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
Subjects: Alnus Aristolochiaceae Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887 Bartlett, John Russell, 1805-1886 Bigelow, John M. (John Milton), 1804-1878 Botanical specimens Cactaceae Callitriche Carnegiea gigantea Carphochaete Compositae Cornus Correspondence Dalea Dasylirion Debey, Matthias Hubert, 1817- Delphinium scopulorum Description of forest trees Description of the cactaceae Description of the mosses and liverworts Echinocactus Emory, William H. (William Hemsley), 1811-1887 Engelmann, George, 1809-1884 Ericaceae Eriogonum Flora of North America General description of the botanical character of Glossopetalon Graham, J. D. (James Duncan), 1799-1865 Gray, Asa, 1810-1888 Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 Heuchera rubescens Isoetes Juglans Liatris Mammillaria Nymphaea Opuntia Ottleya wrightii Parry, Charles Christopher, 1823-1890 Peniocereus greggii Perezia Pinus ponderosa Plants Populus Rubus neomexicanus Rutaceae Salazar Ylarregui, José Schott, Arthur, 1814-1875 Sequoia Silene laciniata Smithsonian Institution Streptanthus Sulliv
BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By: Mckelvey, Susan Delano - Arnold Arboretum.
Publication info: Jamaica Plain, Mass, The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, 1938-1947
Volume: Part 1
Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
Subjects: Yucca
BHL Collections:
By: Trelease, William,
Publication info: [St. Louis], 1902
Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
Subjects: Yucca
BHL Collections:
By: Molon, Girolamo.
Publication info: Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 1914
Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
Subjects: Yucca
BHL Collections: